View Full Version : Traveller Weddings

20th February 2010, 02:13

Comments ?

20th February 2010, 17:23
The weddings are a bit OTT, but I admire the way they take care of their own, its true what one said, they could survive in any country. Once ended up in the back of a van with 12 gypsys, one wanted to fight me for £50 :xxangry-smiley-038: didn't fancy my chances, not while he was holding an axe handle :icon_lol:

20th February 2010, 17:35
they make out they have high morals, don't sleep around, no divorce, many marry their first b/f and they don't cause trouble..

:D what were the young gals wearing - no sex :icon_lol:

some 'travellers' stopped on a field on a council estate near me, it was nice playing field b4 they stopped on it, within days the council had got a court order to remove them (i think the local yobs influenced them to move to - next day there was a burnt out caravan) but the mess they left be hind, it was like a tip and a war zone :cwm23: it must have cost £1,000s of tax payers money to clear it up :doh

20th February 2010, 18:59
they make out they have high morals, don't sleep around, no divorce, many marry their first b/f and they don't cause trouble..

:D what were the young gals wearing - no sex :icon_lol:

some 'travellers' stopped on a field on a council estate near me, it was nice playing field b4 they stopped on it, within days the council had got a court order to remove them (i think the local yobs influenced them to move to - next day their was a burnt out caravan) but the mess they left be hind, it was like a tip and a war zone :cwm23: it must have cost £1,000s of tax payers money to clear it up :doh

Here's a view of the mess they leave behind


Arthur Little
20th February 2010, 19:34
some 'travellers' stopped on a field on a council estate near me, it was nice playing field b4 they stopped on it, within days the council had got a court order to remove them (i think the local yobs influenced them to move to - next day their was a burnt out caravan) but the mess they left be hind, it was like a tip and a war zone :cwm23: it must have cost £1,000s of tax payers money to clear it up :doh

As I recall, :rolleyes: there was once a 'tinkers' encampment' on the northern perimeter of Perth. Subsequently, the then Town Council reclaimed the land, and NOW ... some 40-odd years later ... it is the site of a large Industrial Estate.

20th February 2010, 20:14
If only the last line in the video were true :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2010, 21:13
Here's a view of the mess they leave behind


yes but worse than that :cwm23:, at least our local council got them off the land within a week :D

20th February 2010, 23:47
some moved on a local park at xmas, because everything was closed ie the court's it took the police a week to get rid of them :icon_lol: cheeky :censored:

i worked in a hostel full of sex offender's and guess who moved into the field next door to 20 pedophile's :Erm:

and all those young girl's dressed like ****'s don't have sex until there married or even date :ARsurrender:

22nd February 2010, 00:55
how come they have money to travel? i mean, the travellers featured here have nice cars.. can afford a big reception and big gowns...

do they pay taxes?


22nd February 2010, 01:05
how come they have money to travel? i mean, the travellers featured here have nice cars.. can afford a big reception and big gowns...

do they pay taxes?


Easy they cheat, con, and steal particularly from the aged and vulnerable :angry:

28th February 2010, 07:08
Traveller girl was about to get married so her mother decided to give her daughter some essential marriage tips.

The mother said "you know on your wedding night your new husband will want to put his most prized possession in where you wee".

The daughter replied "how on earth is he gonna get his Transit van into the sink?" :icon_lol:

28th February 2010, 14:29
Traveller girl was about to get married so her mother decided to give her daughter some essential marriage tips.

The mother said "you know on your wedding night your new husband will want to put his most prized possession in where you wee".

The daughter replied "how on earth is he gonna get his Transit van into the sink?" :icon_lol:


1st March 2010, 09:13
how come they have money to travel? i mean, the travellers featured here have nice cars.. can afford a big reception and big gowns...

do they pay taxes?


There are many different types of travellers Florge hard to generalise traditionaly they buy and sell vehicles,horses and scrap metals and pick seasonal crops apples potatoes etc they dont generaly buy houses but own their caravans so their cost are less than people who are static.

Regarding taxes only the unavoidable ones bit like the rest of us:icon_lol:

1st March 2010, 11:26
If only they were just nice travelling folk picking seasonal crops but they're not.

I've only bad experiences of them.

1. They stole a hovercraft off me which was found by police in one of their camps hidden under a pile of pallets.

2. Whilst running a European hovercraft race meeting, pikies kept loitering outside the side entrance trying to blag their way on-site, possibly to head up an invasion of caravans. This site had previously been invaded by them and it cost the owners, RMC £40,000 in court and clean up costs.
It was very intimidating for the people manning the gate.

3. I once bought 2 TVs off a pikie which turned out to be non-operational. More fool me!

4. They invaded my local station car park. As I live in a commuter town for London, this car park is very busy during the week. They took up most of the car park and commuters were not prepared tgo leave their cars all day in the small remaining area. Accordingly they had to find alternative parking.
The mess left behind filled 5 skips and too a team of Council workers a whole day to clear up.

They drive expensive cars because the don't declare any income for tax, they steal and probably don't even insure their vehicles.

And then they try and claim that any objection to them is racist? Since when did thieving scum become a race?

5th March 2010, 14:18
There are many different types of travellers Florge hard to generalise traditionaly

It's very easy to generalise most of their income is derived from illegal activites mainly stealing and conning particularly from elderly/vulnerable people

5th March 2010, 16:00
It's very easy to generalise

I would agree with that:xxgrinning--00xx3: