View Full Version : Can I view Mms pic messages on my smart roaming sim?

South-east boy
23rd February 2010, 14:54
I have an unlocked phone with a smart roaming sim to use in Uk so it's very cheap for anyone in Phils to send me a text message. Now I have just received 3 mms pic messages, but the actual message says: "You've got MMS. We cannot deliver it at the moment. You clmay view it at http://www.smart.com.ph/MMS. Password is * "

Now I don't think that Internet works on this phone with just a smart roaming sim and that website address doesn't seem to come up with anything. When I phoned 'Calling now' where I bought the smart roaming sim from, they said to delete it and it won't work. Is this right and is there no way that I will be able to see the pic messages?

23rd February 2010, 15:12
I can believe that MMS won't work when roaming, but I am surprised that you can't get to the website. When I go to that website using an internet enabled device it asks for a phone number and password.

South-east boy
23rd February 2010, 15:30
I can believe that MMS won't work when roaming, but I am surprised that you can't get to the website. When I go to that website using an internet enabled device it asks for a phone number and password.

Didnt seem to work on the Internet at work, buy works on my iPhone. Problem is is that it asks for a password, and when I type in the short password that they have given me - {1} , it says that it is invalid and needs at least 6 characters! :Erm:

23rd February 2010, 15:37
Rizza once sent me an MMS, never did get the thing:bigcry:

Doc Alan
23rd February 2010, 17:04
If Ashley Cole's MMS pictures had never been received he would still be with Cheryl :doh

23rd February 2010, 18:06
i can always view my MMS on the website with the pw given, i never had a prob.

South-east boy
23rd February 2010, 18:22
i can always view my MMS on the website with the pw given, i never had a prob.

Any idea how I can get the right password? It only gave me the password on the first message which doesn't work. :bigcry:

23rd February 2010, 18:41
Any idea how I can get the right password? It only gave me the password on the first message which doesn't work. :bigcry:
I just used the pw given to me on the text. Just try again:icon_lol:

South-east boy
23rd February 2010, 22:30
I managed to sort it! For some weird reason they sent me the wrong password, but I saw a password reset button, so did that, got the new password and was able to see the pics! Yay!

23rd February 2010, 22:36
I managed to sort it! For some weird reason they sent me the wrong password, but I saw a password reset button, so did that, got the new password and was able to see the pics! Yay!
