View Full Version : Urgent query!

25th February 2010, 02:16
I appreciate I should be searching for the answer to this question, but I'm looking for an answer urgently, so apologies if the answer is already out there.

Yam paid what we believed was the visa fee yesterday, ready for her appointment at the Embassy on Friday. We've now just realised that the fee we need to pay is actually more than we've paid at the bank.

Yam has just visited the bank and they've refused to accept anymore money and told us to contact the Embassy regarding payment.

Does anyone know what we should do as we now currently have a visa fee receipt that does not cover the full visa fee?

Arthur Little
25th February 2010, 02:41
I appreciate I should be searching for the answer to this question, but I'm looking for an answer urgently, so apologies if the answer is already out there.

Yam paid what we believed was the visa fee yesterday, ready for her appointment at the Embassy on Friday. We've now just realised that the fee we need to pay is actually more than we've paid at the bank.

Yam has just visited the bank and they've refused to accept anymore money and told us to contact the Embassy regarding payment.

Does anyone know what we should do as we now currently have a visa fee receipt that does not cover the full visa fee?

Since Yam's appointment at the Embassy has already been arranged, Dave, :rolleyes: I would advise her to attend as scheduled ... explain the circumstances to the counter clerk(ess) at VFS Global, present her receipt and offer to pay the outstanding balance. Hopefully he/she will be understanding enough to take a sympathetic view of this completely inadvertent oversight.

All the best with her application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2010, 03:10
Thanks for the advice fella. I appreciate it.

After posting this thread, I then went on a round robin tour of the various VFS / Embassy numbers. Found out the visa number isn't open until 12:30 local time which doesn't help me now with Yam on her way to the airport.

Eventually after some begging from someone at the embassy, I was given the number for the VFS as I couldn't seem to find (or dial) the one I needed.

Anyway, I spoke to a nice lady at the VFS who explained to me that although the visa fee was 46800 when the app was submitted online (and therefore states it on the app), the actual fee payable is whatever it was at the time she paid the fee, which is now a nicer 43875.

I appreciate that for the majority of people here, that was an obvious one, but I think in my blind panic I forgot that little point! Anyway, got that little issue out of the way, then onto the next issue!

I just read on the VFS website regarding the fact that from the 22nd Feb (at least for now), they are only accepting managers cheques for payment! Well, Yam paid the visa fee on the 23rd Feb!!! But according to the VFS, as Yam has a receipt saying the money is heading to the Embassy account, then it will be accepted!

As I'm not convinced about the last point, I have another query. Although Yam is handing her stuff in at the embassy, is it the VFS that actually takes the stuff off her and therefore accepts the visa fee receipt? If so, then I'm happy to believe what I was told by the VFS lady on the phone. If it's the embassy themselves, then I'm a little nervous!

Arthur Little
25th February 2010, 03:45
As I'm not convinced about the last point, I have another query. Although Yam is handing her stuff in at the embassy, is it the VFS that actually takes the stuff off her and therefore accepts the visa fee receipt? If so, then I'm happy to believe what I was told by the VFS lady on the phone. If it's the embassy themselves, then I'm a little nervous!

Yes, it's VFS that accepts the documents [and the visa fee receipt] from the applicant; the Embassy staff themselves, don't get involved at the submission stage ... so no worries there either. :NoNo:

Just to further reassure you, the lady who received my wife Myrna's papers was a nice, pleasant person who put Myrna at ease straight away.

Keep us informed about Yam's progress, mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2010, 03:50
Will do. And thanks again fella!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2010, 09:23
Will do. And thanks again fella!:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Dave .... you are now officially in 'Filipina Lover Worry Mode' :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2010, 09:35
Dave .... you are now officially in 'Filipina Lover Worry Mode' :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Bugger! Is that what this feeling is!? :D

25th February 2010, 11:51
Bugger! Is that what this feeling is!? :D

are you sure you dotted all your i's (duling :Cuckoo: :icon_lol:) , and crossed all your t's :Erm:

:yikes: page 5 and 14 :doh


you did remember to sign it :yikes:


25th February 2010, 12:13
are you sure you dotted all your i's (duling :Cuckoo: :icon_lol:) , and crossed all your t's :Erm:

:yikes: page 5 and 14 :doh


you did remember to sign it :yikes:


Um, well I didn't sign anything, except the day we got married and I signed my life away! :D

25th February 2010, 19:21
Good luck chap.
Don't panic! Easy to say, harder to do, I know, but its just paperwork and if its not right you will be able to fix it. She'll be here with you before you know it, and thats when the fun starts.