View Full Version : Tomorrow.............

25th February 2010, 12:49
..........is my last day of work in the Philippines after 2 and a quarter years here!


(Let's see how many respond to such a boring post!)

25th February 2010, 12:52
..........is my last day of work in the Philippines after 2 and a quarter years here!


(Let's see how many respond to such a boring post!)

P45 time....:cwm24:

25th February 2010, 13:02
2.25Yrs :cwm24: ..... blimey.... I remember not so long ago you were only this big ..... :Erm:

25th February 2010, 13:39
Were you just trying to make us all jealous Alan :Erm: :D

What are you going to do next?

Steve :)

25th February 2010, 13:59
..........is my last day of work in the Philippines after 2 and a quarter years here!


(Let's see how many respond to such a boring post!)

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your second retirement/graduation :icon_lol:

25th February 2010, 14:46
Are you being deported? :Erm:

26th February 2010, 02:59
..........is my last day of work in the Philippines after 2 and a quarter years here! Al.:) (Let's see how many respond to such a boring post!)

Hello Alan! Is that good or bad? Congratulations if that is something you've been waiting to happen :D

I read it somewhere you are teaching English. Couple of friends are interested in getting into teaching and your advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

26th February 2010, 03:30
only 6 hours to go:crazy:

26th February 2010, 13:36
Are you coming home ??

Arthur Little
26th February 2010, 14:53
Are you coming home ??

:Erm: ... I believe so :rolleyes: ... Al's due to be flying back sometime during the coming week ... although I'm not sure of the ACTUAL date(s). :NoNo:

Arthur Little
26th February 2010, 15:13
Allow me to join with your many friends and co-forumers in wishing you a long and happy "retirement" [from teaching in the Phils] Al. All of us are confident that a man of YOUR calibre will have no difficulty whatsoever in resuming your career back home ... should you want to!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th February 2010, 14:54
Bless you all for your positive comments! I fly out of Cebu at 6.18p.m. on Sat. 6th March and arrive Manchester 6.30 a.m. 7th March (All local times.) If I am able to get through immigration without being arrested, I shall be looking for a cheap hotel in Manchester and then looking for somewhere to live! Not a happy situation for a 56 year old!!!!


27th February 2010, 15:15
Why do you want to come back here Alan? :Erm: its cold, wet, miserable and expensive. I know where I would rather be right now. :)

27th February 2010, 19:41
Can no one put you up in Manchester? Wish I could help but we dont have much room down here in Somebody Towers in London. Hope you will be ok Sir.

1st March 2010, 11:53
Can no one put you up in Manchester? Wish I could help but we dont have much room down here in Somebody Towers in London. Hope you will be ok Sir.

maybe my sister could, she has a large house :D

