View Full Version : The blonde so smart she is dumb...

27th February 2010, 19:00
A blonde is watching the 9 o'clock news with a brunette and the news is broadcasting a story about a man about to jump off a building:

Brunette: I bet you £50 the man jumps off!

Blonde: Well I bet you £100 that he does not!

They watch the news and the man does jump off the building!:yikes:

Blonde: Well goodness me, you win, here is your £100 :REGamblMoney01HL1:

Brunette: Oh I feel bad, I wont take your money cause I saw that story earlier on the 6 o'clock news!

Blonde: So did I, I didn't think he would do it twice..



5th April 2010, 11:12
I know it's an old joke but..:rolleyes: