View Full Version : Is Life Unfair?

27th February 2010, 19:48
Those of us who understand Law Of Attraction are often heard saying "As everyones life is a manifestation of their own thoughts and feelings, negative thoughts bring negative things to them, and positive thoughts bring positive things to them, there could never be any injustice.." :Erm:

In a way it's a perfectly correct statement, it is the truth of life, but since so many people don't understand the law, or just can't be convinced that alomost everything is manifestation of pre-thought, and also some people may find it tricky to glow with positivity if they have had traumatic experiences..(but you can do it)

Is This Life Unfair?

(I want to hear your responses before I vote myself..hehe)

27th February 2010, 20:42
Life is what you make of it. It's a bit of a rollercoaster and has its ups and downs, but remaining positive helps a lot.

28th February 2010, 04:08
Though your feet may bleed because of those falls and injuries from your journey, you can still make your life a masterpiece :):xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th February 2010, 10:20
Of course life is unfair!!
It just takes strenghth of character to even the odds in your favour.
Stop cryin and dont let the *******s get you down!!
At least that what I think!!

28th February 2010, 12:02
Fred is right, life is sometimes very unfair and it can seem like they are all out to get you (being Welsh doesn't help :xxcheeky-smiley-013), but you gotta get up and fight 'em.:action-smiley-060:

28th February 2010, 13:16
Fred is right, life is sometimes very unfair and it can seem like they are all out to get you (being Welsh doesn't help :xxcheeky-smiley-013), but you gotta get up and fight 'em.:action-smiley-060:
For me, there's no such thing as fighting something, it only perpetuates more troubles I think...:doh

28th February 2010, 17:27
i believe in karma.. so if ever i experience anything that is unfair to me.. i always say, nature or the universe will get back at them at some point...

what goes around comes around...

28th February 2010, 19:24
i believe in karma.. so if ever i experience anything that is unfair to me.. i always say, nature or the universe will get back at them at some point...

what goes around comes around...

But if you believe in Karma then nothing can be done to you that is unfair as its just you trying to redress the balance so the other people are actualy doing you a favour and may be rewarded for their service to you

If you want the Universe to get back at them then you didnt understand your own karma and would need the lesson repeating:rolleyes:

1st March 2010, 14:16
Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.

Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.

of course life is unfair for some, and there is always someone worse off than you.. :cwm24:

1st March 2010, 16:14
Wow Joe how whimsical the break was good for you:icon_lol:

1st March 2010, 17:47
I've just voted no, life is not unfair myself, cause this life is just fantastic really, even the simple things like singing running dancing..etc...surely nobody has a bad life? Not really? :Erm:

1st March 2010, 18:17
Nigel if you thought without noticing "life a bitch and then you die" for a lifetime what you just said could be really irritating :icon_lol:

1st March 2010, 20:49
Nigel...I do admire your positivity, bit you seem to live in a cocooned little world.

Do you ever watch the news? I doubt the thousands affected by the earthquake in Chile, think life is fair?...What about Haiti?...How many people, die each day, somewhere in the world, from starvation?...the list is endless?

To say you doubt anybodies life is that bad, is a complete nonsense!

Stay positive! :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

Doc Alan
1st March 2010, 22:04
Nigel...I do admire your positivity, bit you seem to live in a cocooned little world.

Do you ever watch the news?
...none of us will forget Typhoon Ondoy :Erm:
.... you could try doing voluntary work in your local hospice - you will meet patients who don't deserve to be ill :NoNo:
Of course life can be unfair, even if many of the more unfortunate victims choose to be positive:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st March 2010, 23:15
Nigel...I do admire your positivity, bit you seem to live in a cocooned little world.

Do you ever watch the news? I doubt the thousands affected by the earthquake in Chile, think life is fair?...What about Haiti?...How many people, die each day, somewhere in the world, from starvation?...the list is endless?

To say you doubt anybodies life is that bad, is a complete nonsense!

Stay positive! :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

i've got to agree with you sim, looks to me nigel might have lived in a cocooned world wrapped in bubblewrap and cotton wool :D

no need to go as far as Chile, just outside your door you'll find people suffering :cwm24:

my sisters best friend from school., all 3 of her kids died before they were 6 :NoNo: (one died of pneumonia around the age of 4, both her twins died, one died of cancer, weeks later the other was found dead in her bed unknown cause)

last week, someone my wife works with, was going to the multi storey car park, and as she got to the car park she saw a woman jump from the 5th floor :NoNo:, what's so bad, that caused her to commit suicide :cwm24:

2nd March 2010, 03:02
Those of us who understand Law Of Attraction are often heard saying "As everyones life is a manifestation of their own thoughts and feelings, negative thoughts bring negative things to them, and positive thoughts bring positive things to them, there could never be any injustice.." :Erm:

In a way it's a perfectly correct statement, it is the truth of life, but since so many people don't understand the law, or just can't be convinced that alomost everything is manifestation of pre-thought, and also some people may find it tricky to glow with positivity if they have had traumatic experiences..(but you can do it) Is This Life Unfair? (I want to hear your responses before I vote myself..hehe)

Hello Nigel! Sorry, my answer is not Yes or No. But I would like to say that LIFE IS A TEST. It all depends on how you look at it. :D

2nd March 2010, 14:12
Remember the old saying, "life is hard and then you die" and you won't go far wrong.

2nd March 2010, 14:17
Remember the old saying, "life is hard and then you die" and you won't go far wrong.

and also, "every day your above the ground is a good day " :rolleyes:

2nd March 2010, 17:15
I see it more that life is a process:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2010, 22:02
and also, "every day your above the ground is a good day " :rolleyes:

You been watching to many of those cheap Stallone war movies again Joe?

3rd March 2010, 17:59
Nigel...I do admire your positivity, bit you seem to live in a cocooned little world.

Do you ever watch the news? I doubt the thousands affected by the earthquake in Chile, think life is fair?...What about Haiti?...How many people, die each day, somewhere in the world, from starvation?...the list is endless?

To say you doubt anybodies life is that bad, is a complete nonsense!

Stay positive! :xxgrinning--00xx3::)Please don't take too much notice of bad news stories...if it makes you feel that life is bad, this means your own lifestyle will become bad, as your life is a reflection of what you have been thinking and feeling!:yikes:

I believe this wholeheartedly! The thoughts and feelings you have are an energy that 'move' likewise things into your physical life, like attracts like in your thoughts and feelings world, so choose the good thoughts and feelings!:xxgrinning--00xx3: And dismiss anything that makes you feel bad!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

A perfect mind means a perfect life! Keep the bad/negative stuff out of there! :)

3rd March 2010, 18:06
Remember the old saying, "life is hard and then you die" and you won't go far wrong. I don't believe we die pal! I believe we are Energy Fields that come into human form and then go out of human form. The you that is you is Energy, and it can never be destroyed.:)

Doc Alan
3rd March 2010, 20:03
I don't believe we die pal!

Really ?:omg:

3rd March 2010, 20:15
I don't believe we die pal! I believe we are Energy Fields that come into human form and then go out of human form. The you that is you is Energy, and it can never be destroyed.:)

Whilst what you say is true Nigel as a belief system alone it wont change your life:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd March 2010, 20:28
Really ?:omg: We are NOT flesh and bone!!! We are Energy Fields! We are part of the original intelligent source energy that created the entire universe!! We truly are!!!:) We are not born and then die, we come into form and go out of form..


3rd March 2010, 20:30
Whilst what you say is true Nigel as a belief system alone it wont change your life:xxgrinning--00xx3: Please don't think that I am insulting you by saying this, but you couldn't be more wrong, it has changed my life profoundly! :)

3rd March 2010, 21:44
Please don't think that I am insulting you by saying this, but you couldn't be more wrong, it has changed my life profoundly! :)

Not at all Nigel the problem with belief systems as I meant it in this context is that it is not required to do the work that stops our negative parts cancelling unseen our in this case positivity I am in no way suggesting this is true for you but language is important especialy if you want to hold the lamp on the mountain:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2010, 08:54
Please don't take too much notice of bad news stories...if it makes you feel that life is bad, this means your own lifestyle will become bad, as your life is a reflection of what you have been thinking and feeling!:yikes:

I believe this wholeheartedly! The thoughts and feelings you have are an energy that 'move' likewise things into your physical life, like attracts like in your thoughts and feelings world, so choose the good thoughts and feelings!:xxgrinning--00xx3: And dismiss anything that makes you feel bad!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

A perfect mind means a perfect life! Keep the bad/negative stuff out of there! :)



Sorry Nigel..Couldn't resist!

4th March 2010, 18:31
But if you believe in Karma then nothing can be done to you that is unfair as its just you trying to redress the balance so the other people are actualy doing you a favour and may be rewarded for their service to you

If you want the Universe to get back at them then you didnt understand your own karma and would need the lesson repeating:rolleyes:

i strive to do all things fairly because I want good karma coming my way... i do not want the universe to get back at those who did me wrong coz i will be wishing bad at them, thus inviting bad karma.. it is the universe that gets back at them, not me.. if and when someone did something bad against me, i bless them instead so that good karma come my way...

this doesn't mean though that you can't get angry as you are only human.. but you strive to be the best you can be :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2010, 17:36
:Erm::Erm::Erm::Erm:........................................................................................................................................................................:Erm::Erm::Erm:................................................................................Life is fair!:rolleyes:

15th April 2010, 03:46
........................................Life is fair!:rolleyes:

Positive Expectations Make Problems into Opportunities:xxgrinning--00xx3:
One could focus on Murphy's Law (which at times has benefits - only the paranoid survive:cwm24:), but one should pair such thinking with positive expectations.

15th April 2010, 17:16
i believe that life is a choice we make...