View Full Version : I feel like such a b*****d!

28th February 2010, 12:38
Tito, one of Hanna's brothers, invited us to his house today. I woke up with a bad stomach and said to Hanna that I would not be going.

It turns out now that ALL the family were there - it was a farewell party for me!

I feel like a piece of s**t at this moment!!!

Any advice gratefully received.


28th February 2010, 12:46
Is it too late to go?
Hmmm, difficult one that.

David House
28th February 2010, 13:06
If you were really sick then they will surely understand and knowing the Filipinos may well be grateful that your absence will mean there is more for them to drink, although they might also regret the fact that you not being there will mean they have to stop earlier as you will not be able to pay for the inevitable top ups!
Hope you feel better soon.
You could always just get on that bike of yours!

28th February 2010, 13:13
Ha haaaa Filipinos are far more sociable than us brits aren't they? I guess you'll just have to tell them that you had no idea that the party was for you!:doh And you didn't know really so...:Erm:

28th February 2010, 13:23
When we got married, we provided 'an extra party at the house' for those we did not invite to the restaurant. It went on all day and half the night. The fact we were not there did not seem to affect anyone !

South-east boy
28th February 2010, 13:31
Oh no! Are you up to making an appearance even if it's for a little while?

28th February 2010, 13:38
It's too late! Hanna only told me that it was a party for me when she arrived home!!! I am feeling SOOOOOOOOO p****d off!!!


28th February 2010, 13:39
If you're sick you're sick, not much you can do about it now. I'm sure they understand.

28th February 2010, 14:07
Chillax Alan! I think I probably made several socially unacceptable errors when I was in Philippines (making jokes at dinner table...etc) It's silly to feel bad about it, I feel good no matter what is going down...

Forget about it dude! It's only a misunderstanding! :)

28th February 2010, 15:40
Anyway Al, you had far more important things to do like harvest those onions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th February 2010, 17:24
just give the uncle and aunties a call and thank them.. or, better visit them before you leave and "aplogogize" in person (granting you have the time)... they will be touched by that

Arthur Little
1st March 2010, 00:33
Please don't chastise yourself, Al :NoNo: ... I'm sure Hanna's brother and family will understand in the circumstances. I admit it kinda bothered ME about not getting round all of Myrna's five brothers again before returning to the UK ... since I'd more or less assured them I would ... but in the event, it just proved impossible!

1st March 2010, 12:00
I didn't go to an awards ceremony once where I would have been presented with a top award. But no-one had told me that "I really should go to it".

Perhaps they should have told you why you were invited and perhaps you would have gone despite the stomach upset.

2nd March 2010, 19:37
Filipino's are normal people, they will understand if you were ill, and if your lot are similar to my lot , it wont haver stopped them partying hard hehehe