View Full Version : Filipino food and my stomach

3rd March 2010, 18:28
So now thats twice in the phil. and twice Ive suffered excruciating stomach bug issues. Last year I had a two-week bout of sickness and everything (the worst I ever had) and this year I had it slightly more mild but all the way home on the flight from manila!

I honestly take every precaution when eating over there. No tap water, no dairy products not from the supermarket, no dodgy ube etc...but still time and time again I get it.

Anyone else have this problem? Is it just something I have to live with every time I go out there?

3rd March 2010, 18:37
Just a suggestion , i religiously wash my hands before and after eating.........it works for me, was over there for a month recently and was fine. My first trip last year I had a tummy upset , felt fine but needed to be near the loo for about 2 days.............My gf is a stickler for hygiene and goes mad at me if i forget to wash my hands,..............she always says to me..''its not like England wash your hands'.....

3rd March 2010, 18:41
So now thats twice in the phil. and twice Ive suffered excruciating stomach bug issues. Last year I had a two-week bout of sickness and everything (the worst I ever had) and this year I had it slightly more mild but all the way home on the flight from manila!

I honestly take every precaution when eating over there. No tap water, no dairy products not from the supermarket, no dodgy ube etc...but still time and time again I get it.

Anyone else have this problem? Is it just something I have to live with every time I go out there?

What you need to watch out for is ice in drinks because they usually just use tap water to make the ice. If you go to McDonalds etc they will always put ice in your drink unless you tell them not to. I've only had stomach problems twice and both times I'm sure it was caused by ice. The first time I went there I had a couple of brandy and cokes with ice in my hotel in Manila and I had the trots and severe stomach cramps the next morning and the other was when I had a coke in McDonalds and although I did say no ice, the girl there put ice in it, I told her again that I didn't want ice so she tipped it away, but she still used the same container when she poured me a new drink, so I assume it was just the residue left in the container after she tipped away the ice that caused it.

3rd March 2010, 18:57
I had a couple of brandy and cokes with ice


3rd March 2010, 19:00
What you need to watch out for is ice in drinks because they usually just use tap water to make the ice. If you go to McDonalds etc they will always put ice in your drink unless you tell them not to. I've only had stomach problems twice and both times I'm sure it was caused by ice. The first time I went there I had a couple of brandy and cokes with ice in my hotel in Manila and I had the trots and severe stomach cramps the next morning and the other was when I had a coke in McDonalds and although I did say no ice, the girl there put ice in it, I told her again that I didn't want ice so she tipped it away, but she still used the same container when she poured me a new drink, so I assume it was just the residue left in the container after she tipped away the ice that caused it.

I thought the water in phils was pretty safe to drink from the tap :Erm: Probably not in more rural areas. I had a very dicky tummy last time I was out there, but that was due to me making a pig of myself at an all you can eat buffet :D

3rd March 2010, 19:03
I suffered a little diahorea when I was out there...too busy enjoying myself for it to be a bother though..

When you go to Philippines, do you have previous thoughts and feelings, like 'oh gosh the food will make me sick?' :Erm:

3rd March 2010, 19:21
When I visit the Philippines, I hardly ever get up upset tummy. I drink the tap water, have ice in my drinks and eat pretty much anything! I don't drink tap water from the province, but brush my teeth with it.

Maybe, over the years, I've got immune to the bugs and they no longer affect me.

I was only ever really sick once in the Philippines, and I'm pretty sure that was caused by Sub-Delicious. I've never been to one since!

3rd March 2010, 19:21
I suffered a little diahorea when I was out there...too busy enjoying myself for it to be a bother though..

When you go to Philippines, do you have previous thoughts and feelings, like 'oh gosh the food will make me sick?' :Erm:

Well this time yep it was on my mind. Cant blame me though, last year it wrecked two whole weeks of my holiday! Thank God I was out there 2 months so I had 6 weeks of enjoyment.

I see some comments here about ice. Hmm one thing I did assume was that mcdonalds and places like that in manila and other cities use ice from bottled water as I did have ice many times out there.

Also another problem - I was out in the province for a week with the wife's family and I ate a lot of their food. It was very fresh (i.e. killed 1 hr before!) and I was asked to eat so often, I felt it rude to refuse so I did eat a lot of stuff I didnt recognise but it was all cooked.

I just feel whatever happens Im gonna get it...and on a plane too - thats the worst. I hope no one here ever gets it on a flight. When those seatbelt lights go on and you are squirming in your seat agh its a nightmare!!!!

3rd March 2010, 19:32
I suffered a little diahorea when I was out there...too busy enjoying myself for it to be a bother though..

When you go to Philippines, do you have previous thoughts and feelings, like 'oh gosh the food will make me sick?' :Erm:

well my hubby he eat everything opps except dried fish,,,:NoNo::NoNo:
i always buy mineral water,,for him to drink never give him water from the tap water and i always had Imodium in my bag:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd March 2010, 20:28
Tummy problems in the first 48hrs are usually nothing to do with bugs but more to do with the change of time zones and eating times, something that can be avoided by slowly adjusting to the time a month before so you only have 4hrs difference when you arrive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You can pick up bugs from insect bites and water, but they are difficult to avoid. What were the dishes washed in? Where did the ice come from? Teeth cleaning... tap water??? Is the bottled water from Australia as it will be safer than any from the Phil, Indonesia, etc.

3rd March 2010, 20:41
Also not forgetting that the airplane food, for which you feel so grateful in flight, ain't that innocent....:omg:

3rd March 2010, 20:59
I find the safest thing is to fill your suitcase with Pot Noodles from Tescos :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd March 2010, 21:21
I suffered a little diahorea when I was out there...too busy enjoying myself for it to be a bother though..

When you go to Philippines, do you have previous thoughts and feelings, like 'oh gosh the food will make me sick?' :Erm:

Nigel just for you the issue here is fear represented by "I cant integrate what Im taking in " as its turning into liquid its in the emotional level, Ive seen a lot of this with folk who suddenly find themselves outside their comfort zone and If they can "get" it the sypmtoms can stop very quickly.

I have drunk the water eaten at roadside Karendarias but only If I felt good about it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd March 2010, 21:33
Also not forgetting that the airplane food, for which you feel so grateful in flight, ain't that innocent....:omg:

ha yeah I never thought about that one. I flew emirates. One would assume their food is of the highest hygiene standard! Certainly cost enough...

4th March 2010, 00:03
When I went to Phils last year I was introduced to all manner of foods and loved it. I had ice, tap water, balut too, never even made me more regular than normal. :Rasp:



4th March 2010, 00:06
..... never even made me more regular than normal. :Rasp:


I hope this post doesn't crop up in my dreams :cwm24:

4th March 2010, 08:05
When I went to Phils last year I was introduced to all manner of foods and loved it. I had ice, tap water, balut too, never even made me more regular than normal. :Rasp:



Never get too cocky!...On my first trip out there, I went about a week, without any problems, wondering what all the fuss was about...Then it suddenly hit me :omg:...had to go somewhere quick. :Help1: :toomuchinfo::action-smiley-082: :icon_lol:

...Having said that, on my last 2 month stay out there, I didn't have any problems at all. :)

4th March 2010, 08:50
I thought the water in phils was pretty safe to drink from the tap :Erm: Probably not in more rural areas. I had a very dicky tummy last time I was out there, but that was due to me making a pig of myself at an all you can eat buffet :D

I would say that tap water in the city is far worse than in the province as the city water mains are often old and thats where the problems are.. Back in the 80`s and early 90`s typhoid fever was a big problem in the P.I..Since then these purified water station have popped up everywhere and the problem has subsided dramatically..
Ive been here 3 years this trip and have had no problems what so ever..Neither have the kids.

4th March 2010, 13:59
I hope this post doesn't crop up in my dreams :cwm24:

Ha ha.......my other username is Freddy Gruger :omg:

Hey Sim, not too cocky to know it might happen at any time, I enjoy a good flush though :doh :D

Doc Alan
4th March 2010, 14:48
Seems like a few have been through the motions and the thread's still running :omg:

4th March 2010, 18:25
probably your stomach takes more time getting used to the cuisine, water, and weather... in Manila, we always drink purified water from valid sources.. not all bottled water are really really clean..

in Davao.. no problem.. we can always drink from the tap...

4th March 2010, 19:05
Always look for the sign "All water in this establishment has been passed by the management":piss2:

4th March 2010, 19:40
Always look for the sign "All water in this establishment has been passed by the management":piss2:
Spelling!!! :D

4th March 2010, 20:03
What you need to watch out for is ice in drinks because they usually just use tap water to make the ice. If you go to McDonalds etc they will always put ice in your drink unless you tell them not to. I've only had stomach problems twice and both times I'm sure it was caused by ice. The first time I went there I had a couple of brandy and cokes with ice in my hotel in Manila and I had the trots and severe stomach cramps the next morning and the other was when I had a coke in McDonalds and although I did say no ice, the girl there put ice in it, I told her again that I didn't want ice so she tipped it away, but she still used the same container when she poured me a new drink, so I assume it was just the residue left in the container after she tipped away the ice that caused it.

Being a Scotsman I prefer the taste of whisky really, but for some reason whisky doesnt' really improve my mood , whereas brandy and coke in good measure does the trick every time.

4th March 2010, 20:20
Being a Scotsman I prefer the taste of whisky really, but for some reason whisky doesnt' treally improve my mood , whereas brandy and coke in good measure does the trick every time.

I used to like it to but it blocks my sinus now :icon_lol:

4th March 2010, 20:38
I've had similar situations with the drink out there - every time i drink between 10 and 15 San Miguels i end up throwing up . Personally, I think it's the bar nuts.

4th March 2010, 20:40
....Personally, I think it's the bar nuts.

They'll be the things with everyone else's pee on them :rolleyes:

4th March 2010, 20:52
Personally, I think it's the bar nuts.

Yeah! you usually get the odd nutter in a bar. :Hellooo:

4th March 2010, 23:43
So now thats twice in the phil. and twice Ive suffered excruciating stomach bug issues. Last year I had a two-week bout of sickness and everything (the worst I ever had) and this year I had it slightly more mild but all the way home on the flight from manila!

I honestly take every precaution when eating over there. No tap water, no dairy products not from the supermarket, no dodgy ube etc...but still time and time again I get it.

Anyone else have this problem? Is it just something I have to live with every time I go out there?

I eat and eat there:Rasp: and still i was fine:)

5th March 2010, 00:07
I found it extremely funny that the 'bar nuts' or snacky things are called 'pollutan' in tagalog (I think that is right, I am sure i will be corrected) I thought of 'pollutants' :cwm24: .......well, it made me larf anyway :D


David House
5th March 2010, 18:32
I spent 6 months in Cebu last year, without any tummy upsets. I mostly drink beer and if I have a soft drink have iced tea, but chilled and without additional ice. In our house I continue to drink loads of hot tea, so the water is boiled. We only use the bottled water, which we get directly from the water plant and I see it coming directly out of the reverse osmosis machine. When eating out I never touch any salads, and normally order grilled meat, straight from the barbecue. Washing up the dishes is an issue, especially as it seems to be done in cold water. However the plates are allowed to dry which seems better to me than any wiping with a cloth, whether in the UK or there. When we visit the family I am not very popular as I often am pretty picky and refuse much of what they eat, whilst my wife relishes the opportunity to get back to her roots. I tend to subsist whilst there on corned beef and eggs.