View Full Version : UK obsession with Football

8th March 2010, 00:56
What is this Obsession with football in the UK. I really dont understand it! I am fro the UK and have absolutely no interest in the game.

I also dont understand how John Terry (whoever he is) ca be a captain and cheat on his team mates.

Didnt notice any football in the philippines which was nice, so is it just here that people seem obsessed with it?

How can it be called a beautiful game when it seems to attract so much violence, overpaid team players and cheats. Beats me!

8th March 2010, 01:10
Didnt notice any football in the philippines which was niceAre you quite mad??
The Barclay premiership games are covered here on Solar sports EVERY DAY.

8th March 2010, 01:41
Are you quite mad??

maybe too much sunshine fred :rolleyes:

i would rather watch football than basket ball :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th March 2010, 08:31
I don't understand the obsession with it either...it's a big yawn for me. :NEW5:
I just find it boring!

8th March 2010, 09:01
What is this Obsession with football in the UK.

I don't understand the obsession with it either..


8th March 2010, 09:43
You'll find this 'obsession' is just as bad in many South American countries, and others in the EU. Every country has a sport they all go mad on, USA is Baseball, Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh is cricket, Israel is Palestinian Hunting......

8th March 2010, 10:00
I'd expected to be banned, when I logged in here. :omg: :Rasp: :ARsurrender: :D

8th March 2010, 10:20
I'd expected to be banned, when I logged in here. :omg: :Rasp: :ARsurrender: :D
We understand that for some people the BBC's coverage of the World Tiddlywinks Championships makes them horny :rolleyes:

8th March 2010, 10:56
We understand that for some people the BBC's coverage of the World Tiddlywinks Championships makes them horny :rolleyes:

...If only, I'd enjoy that. :rolleyes: :Hellooo:

8th March 2010, 11:04
We understand that for some people the BBC's coverage of the World Tiddlywinks Championships makes them horny :rolleyes:

So I log on and he mentions my favourite game..Just as I was getting over the excitement of last years thrilling Tiddlywink final..:Rasp:
Please excuse me whilst I sign off to knock out a quicky!

8th March 2010, 13:12
What is this Obsession with football in the UK. I really dont understand it! I am fro the UK and have absolutely no interest in the game.

I also dont understand how John Terry (whoever he is) ca be a captain and cheat on his team mates.

Didnt notice any football in the philippines which was nice, so is it just here that people seem obsessed with it?

How can it be called a beautiful game when it seems to attract so much violence, overpaid team players and cheats. Beats me!

Well its the most played sport on the planet maybe that has something to do with it:D

8th March 2010, 15:03
We had to replace religion with something :D

8th March 2010, 15:08
last sunday me and my fiance went to a pub watching football..god the shouting everybody is crazy..hehehe..but i enjoyed.

9th March 2010, 11:07
What is this Obsession with football in the UK. I really dont understand it! I am fro the UK and have absolutely no interest in the game.

I also dont understand how John Terry (whoever he is) ca be a captain and cheat on his team mates.

Didnt notice any football in the philippines which was nice, so is it just here that people seem obsessed with it?

How can it be called a beautiful game when it seems to attract so much violence, overpaid team players and cheats. Beats me!

It is Worldwide as the others have said.
I once watched many Football World Cup games in Vietnam and the local people were so crazy and excited watching it.
The women/girls screamed at almost every goal chance.
It was great fun........

Get ready for some more great fun soon when the whole world goes football crazy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

David House
9th March 2010, 13:44
Your football team stays with you for life! I started following mine when I was 7 years old, and still do today 58 years later. It is a community thing for me, part of my roots.
I now live hundreds of miles from the ground but still watch as often as I can. If I can't go I will not stray far from the computer so I can be aware minute by minute of all the action. That applies whether I am in the UK or the Philippines where 8pm UK time kick offs require me to be out of bed at 4am Philippine time. I am a regular poster on the major fans forum.
I have converted Connie too, who enjoys all sport, but loves coming to live games and participating in all the banter. She even eats the pies!
I suppose it's like cricket (which I also love), you either get it or you don't. I don't get any American sport and find their football and basketball really false and boring.

9th March 2010, 21:51
Whats this football thing then? Now Rugby, thats a real mans game. :-)

9th March 2010, 21:57
I'm thinking of having a Sky Sports receiver embedded in my brain :)

10th March 2010, 13:56
i think the same about football Sim but my husband thinks im crazy:D
He is born football crazy in fact his weekends are spent on playing football:NoNo:

10th March 2010, 19:58
93 days until world cup starts
come on england!!!!
yes im football crazy and no one
gonna change that !!!
my wife is shopping crazy now that is
so boringgggggg!!!!

11th March 2010, 13:06
I became a football fan but to the opponent of my kukupops supporting team:Cuckoo::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::ARsurrender:

11th March 2010, 23:07
I don't understand the obsession with it either...it's a big yawn for me. :NEW5:
I just find it boring!
:crazy: yeah its always bored the hell out of me.
I dont even like been all the same room as a tv that is playing a football game:Cuckoo: I dont know the rules of the game and not at all interested in finding them out.

12th March 2010, 09:47
:crazy: yeah its always bored the hell out of me.
I dont even like been all the same room as a tv that is playing a football game:Cuckoo: I dont know the rules of the game and not at all interested in finding them out.

I know what you mean, I don't know why they can't just give them all a ball each and be done with it.

12th March 2010, 09:55
After watching Liverpool play like useless retards twice this week I'm losing interest :doh

12th March 2010, 14:41
The best thing about the FA cup final or the world cup is you can go to the shops while its on and theres not many people about!

Sorry football fans , but i just cant get excited about any football! Glad to have found a few like minds here too!

12th March 2010, 19:40
bunch of losers

12th March 2010, 19:58
I remember the kid at school that didnt like football, and also the colleague at work.. funny,slightly odd fellas :erotic4:

12th March 2010, 20:07
As a kid I used to love football, and even now I enjoy a kick around, but I don't understand the obsession of some fans. Personally I think that to watch a match in the stand or on Sky is a rip off, and it's all because the players demand obscene salaries. The players are ripping the fans off with their stupid demands. They should play for the love of the game, not just because they can earn £5M a year. They are all a bunch of over rated and over paid fairies:action-smiley-081:

12th March 2010, 20:43
I remember the kid at school that didnt like football, and also the colleague at work.. funny,slightly odd fellas :erotic4:

I knew this reply would turn up eventually :doh I used to work in a place where this was the general consesus.

Personally I used to think, they were quite narrow minded, with little in their lives. Though I got on with the majority of them.
I've never been one to follow the crowd.

No offence :)

12th March 2010, 23:08
No offence taken. The ones at work don`t talk about football which is fine. It`s the constant talking about themselves that worries me.
Liking football isnt about following the crowd and the discussions about ones own teams and the jokes about whichever team would win helps to pass the time at work. Unlike my colleagues inane waffling about himself and caravans which has us in stitches and again, helps to pass the time :doh

12th March 2010, 23:56
Unlike my colleagues inane waffling about himself and caravans which has us in stitches and again, helps to pass the time :doh

What's wrong with caravans? :doh :icon_lol: :ARsurrender:

13th March 2010, 01:25
What's wrong with caravans? :doh :icon_lol: :ARsurrender:

Pikeys live in and nick 'em


A gang of travellers thought to have been responsible for nearly half the country's caravan thefts over a three-year period were jailed today.

Charlie Ward, 28, Martin Ward, 21, John McDonagh, 31, and Martin McDonagh, 29, had more than £700,000 of stolen caravans, cars, motorhomes, jewellery and cash when they were arrested in Wiltshire in 2007, police said. After they were held, caravan thefts fell from 848 to 454 in a year.

13th March 2010, 12:49
I enjoy playing 5 a side football, but can't stand to watch it on TV. Went to my first ever match in Hamburg earlier this year, drinking beer and eating bratwurst made it a pretty good afternoon out, no agro or hassle. Yet in the UK, the whole football scene seems to be haven for violence...
That being said, nobody likes me playing 5 a side football, as I don't know the rules (only know the rules for rugby) and something about it being wrong to clothesline and push... hmmmm

13th March 2010, 15:52
Everybody has something that they like and have an interest in wether its football or something else.
I must admit though that I do find it amusing that someone from the Philippines, a country obsessed with god, should comment about our obsession with football.
At least no one can argue that football does actually exist!
Each to their own I guess.

13th March 2010, 16:30
Everybody has something that they like and have an interest in wether its football or something else.
I must admit though that I do find it amusing that someone from the Philippines, a country obsessed with god, should comment about our obsession with football.
At least no one can argue that football does actually exist!
Each to their own I guess.

Im not from the philippines , i live in the uk! hehe! so am fully qualified to talk about our obsession with football. Prefer rugby myself!

13th March 2010, 17:55
Rugby now your talking:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2010, 18:22
Rugby... for those who aren't skillful enough to play football :D

13th March 2010, 18:43
Rugby... for those who aren't skillful enough to play football :D

football... for those who aren't butch enough to play rugby :D

13th March 2010, 19:58
Rugby is a true gentlemans sport :-)

13th March 2010, 20:00
I knew this reply would turn up eventually :doh I used to work in a place where this was the general consesus.

Personally I used to think, they were quite narrow minded, with little in their lives. Though I got on with the majority of them.
I've never been one to follow the crowd.

No offence :)

Nothing wrong with that Sir:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Love my Football and was at a game today. The Wife has been and it was only once during the game she understood what its all about.

She prefer to be shopping but she understands.

Who I cant get are the football obessed who dont go to football at some level (I know some people who watch local sunday league games which are free) or play (if they are fit enough to) now they are the odd ones:Erm:

16th March 2010, 19:54
Im not from the philippines , i live in the uk! hehe! so am fully qualified to talk about our obsession with football. Prefer rugby myself!

My mistake, I thought as you`ve only said you live in the UK as appose to being British that you were a Filipino living here.
How did you get on in Phil regarding their obsession with basketball?
Its everywhere. Oversized t-shirts, courts, basketball boots like i`ve never seen before!
Rugby now theres another sport we`re no good at.