View Full Version : I am off again!!!

12th March 2010, 22:04
Tonight I had a call from my Mahal. She is in Singapore as some of you may remember, she is at school learning english and working to look after her family back in Phil. Anyway, I get a call and she tells me that she is missing me and is re-thinking what she is doing with her life. We have talked a lot about the future and we always hoped that we can be together and make a go of life in Phil. I think tonight the dream has moved a little closer.
My Mahal is going back home in April and wants me to join her for a couple of weeks so we can enjoy the festival in her town and make some plans. I cant wait, just the thoought excites me. I know you guys are going to warn me and tell me to take care, and of course I am, been caught before, not going to make any more mistakes....I hope!

So I am off tomorrow to see if I can bag any flight bargains for mid april. Any hints on cheap flights to manila would be appreciated if anyone can help out.

Steve :)

12th March 2010, 22:25
Go for it! That old saying life's too short. My neighbour & friend, died suddenly back in january from a heart attack. He was only 46. :NoNo:

If you can make a go of it, good luck to you...I may even do the same :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th March 2010, 22:27
Best of luck to you Steve, follow your instincts and do what you want, I'm sure you're fed up with negative people telling you to be careful. Live for the moment and enjoy it. If you can go through the rest of your life without making mistakes, you are a better man than most.
I'm off to Manila from Birmingham with KLM on April 16th, returning on May 3rd, it cost me £606. I had a look last week to see if the prices had changed and they were more or less the same.

12th March 2010, 23:10
Thanks guys, I am sure more mistakes are on the cards, but I hope that I can make a go of thiswithout tripping up too many times.
Life is too short as you say.

I have been looking at internet prices, looks like you got a good price Eng' where was that from?


13th March 2010, 01:45
I'd been searching for more than a week at the start of the month for a flight in april and couldnt find anything under £650, then I tried southall travel and managed to get a flight from heathrow for £465 :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Good luck Steve and have a good trip :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2010, 03:23
Go for it and make a new mistake every day

13th March 2010, 03:24
Go for it Steve and make a nude mistake every day:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2010, 07:18

whats that saying .. "When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did" :rolleyes:

13th March 2010, 08:10
KeithAngel, the double post was such a subtle mistake buddy :xxgrinning--00xx3: I like your style :D

and Joe, you are so right. I think we can all do that about something in our lives.

I was woken up this morning at 'stupid o'clock' (4.10am) to talk to my lady, she is excited too.

triple5 thanks for the link, that was a great price you had, but was that sitting on the outside on a windy seat ?? :D I'l let you guys know what price I can get, I just have to make sure I can get the time from work as we are so busy, my boss is gonna love me ha ha!!

Update: £610 seems to be the going rate around, a few quid either side. But no bargains so far :(

13th March 2010, 08:17
Hi Steve, Im with you all the way,. Im in a similar situation to you, and I to believe life is way to short.
We are all a bit wiser , seen some life made mistakes and sure more will come.........but you know what you know, you know shes the one for you......just weigh it all up dont rush , then make the decision thats right for both of you.
Good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2010, 12:16
Try http://www.opodo.co.uk/opodo/flights/flights?

13th March 2010, 13:15
:icon_lol: read them again:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2010, 21:59
Steve, that KLM price was on their website and also with American Express Travel. If you have found one for £610, that seems pretty reasonable, but it really depends who you are flying with and what your stop over delays are. I like KLM because they fly direct to Manila from Amsterdam in about 12 hours, so there's none of that waiting in the middle east for 8 hours each way. They fly to Amsterdam from 15 UK airports and I believe the total price is the same regardless of your originating UK airport.

All the best for your journey, and don't worry about making mistakes. We all make them, put them down to experience and learn from them so that you dont repeat the same mistakes....easier said than done when love is involved:doh

13th March 2010, 22:26
A quick scan found plenty of deals around:

Saudi Arabian Airlines £488 - 16APR - 29APR LHR
Etihad £574 15APR - 28APR LHR
Qatar £602 15APR - 29APR LGW
Royal Brunei £567 14APR - 28APR LHR
Emirates £569 18APR - 28APR

Some Bristol Departures with KLM and Air France starting at £694.20

13th March 2010, 22:30
London Gatwick - Manila with Emirates for 548.52
Departures anytime between 11th and 15th April returning 26 April

13th March 2010, 22:37
And for really cheap, but possibly not the best days to suit:

Royal Brunei 20th April - 5th May - 476.96 with Ebookers.

14th March 2010, 00:23
Cool, thanks Ricky :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th March 2010, 18:33
Tonight I had a call from my Mahal. She is in Singapore as some of you may remember, she is at school learning english and working to look after her family back in Phil. Anyway, I get a call and she tells me that she is missing me and is re-thinking what she is doing with her life. We have talked a lot about the future and we always hoped that we can be together and make a go of life in Phil. I think tonight the dream has moved a little closer.
My Mahal is going back home in April and wants me to join her for a couple of weeks so we can enjoy the festival in her town and make some plans. I cant wait, just the thoought excites me. I know you guys are going to warn me and tell me to take care, and of course I am, been caught before, not going to make any more mistakes....I hope!

So I am off tomorrow to see if I can bag any flight bargains for mid april. Any hints on cheap flights to manila would be appreciated if anyone can help out.

Steve :)
go for it you love each other, make the most of what life brings

14th March 2010, 20:34
go for it you love each other, make the most of what life brings

Thanks Steve, certainly a nice thought :)

14th March 2010, 21:04
I agree mate with SteveW dont wait for it to happen ....make it happen!

14th March 2010, 21:16
Thanks Al,

You know, I feel lucky to be in a position where I can just give up the Uk and go. I have no house anymore, my belongings in storage, and only my job keeping me here.
It is a nice dream to think of an easy life in Phil, but the reality of living there will be a difficult transition I am sure. I am very adaptable though, and am not (too) materialistic. My mahal knows I am not wealthy and knows all about my past already, so no skeletons to uncover. An open mind and hard work will point us towards success. Not an overnight move, lots of planning yet, but at least we have a clear goal.


14th March 2010, 21:35
I know the feelings and will follow your adventure with interest as i am pretty much at the same crossroads as you right now. You are aware that we got Arlenes annulment in super quick time!!! Unfortunately i was made redundant 8 months ago so like a lot of us we are not in the same good situation as before!
The thoughts of moving to Bohol and making a go of life there is very appealing and having travelled the world for 25 years im pretty adept at living anywhere.......
However the concerns of just getting a small income to live off in some way are quite a worry too in todays economic climate but weighing that up with the happiness of being with a very special woman is appealing, before thinking of the quality of life that im sure we can find..
Best of luck and keep in touch

14th March 2010, 21:41
Whatever you decide to do and whenever you decide to do it, the very best of luck to you. Here in the west it's very easy to fall into the trap of thinking you must own a nice house, have a new car every couple of years, have the latest electronic gadgets and the largest LCD TV set in Curry's. In the end we get ourselves mortgaged up to the max and are slaves to our jobs just to get by. I'm sure we've all been there. I certainly have, and all that time I was never happy, I always wanted something more that money couldn't buy. I believe I've found it with my love, and it sounds like you have too Steve. I'm not in a position where I can give up my job here as I have a divorce to pay for and want to provide the best for my kids. If the situation were different and I had no ties, I wouldn't give it a moments thought, I'd be on a plane to Manila and planning a new life in the tropics, and I really wouldn't give a damn about the latest 42 inch LCD, Blu Ray player or whatever Apple invent next.
Go for it, never regret anything.

15th March 2010, 18:06
i uses crystaltravel.. at that time (october) they offered the cheapeast at £300+ via qatar airways...

15th March 2010, 19:50
i uses crystaltravel.. at that time (october) they offered the cheapeast at £300+ via qatar airways...

I also use crystal travel £360 via Amsterdam, with KLM :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th March 2010, 20:26
yes, I have looked into all of the sites and airlines, and because of the 'easter' rush the prices are crazy. Most site promise real cheap prices, then when you call, they are just as expensive as eachother. Best so far is £595. :furious3:

I can change my dates a little, so I will keep trying. I'll certainly let you know how I get on.


15th March 2010, 23:47
Saudi Airlines is still offering 477 (or 486 if you book direct), I know its not the greatest airline, but if you really have to cut costs its an option.

Date : Mon 19 Apr, '10
Flight No. : SV 108
Departs : 20:45
Arrives : 04:55

Date : Tue 20 Apr, '10
Flight No. : SV 868
Departs : 17:40
Arrives : 12:00

Date : Thu 29 Apr, '10
Flight No. : SV 867
Departs : 16:45
Arrives : 23:10

Date : Fri 30 Apr, '10
Flight No. : SV 107
Departs : 02:25
Arrives : 07:15

16th March 2010, 00:22
Thanks Ricky,

I just bagged and booked a flight. I could have got Kuwait Airlines for 535 but it would have got me there too late for the festival. I decided to go for a 'bit' of comfort and plumped for Emirates at 590. I know, far more than I wanted to pay, but it is the dates that I wanted. Thanks for your help anyway.
I used to fly on Saudi when I worked there for a couple of years, as you say, not the best, but functional :Rasp:

16th March 2010, 14:40
Probably money well spent, it's a nice airline to fly with.

16th March 2010, 15:32
Probably money well spent, it's a nice airline to fly with.

Agree, Emirates are very good. I flew to Singapore with them last year and was very impressed. TBH, I would only ever fly to the Phils with KLM or Emirates now, although that has more to do with them being the only operators to fly to Manila from Birmingham.

16th March 2010, 15:38
Hi Steve...Good luck on your trip.....let me know if u will be around Nueva Ecija, so you can visit my humble town:)our fiesta is on April 24-25, we have SMB night:rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3: tell your lady I'm from Rizal, N.E:)
My fiance is coming as well but can't say the exact date coz still waiting for his legal papers and busy sorting his dad funeral:cwm3:

all the best,

16th March 2010, 17:26
Good luck with your trip steve.r - hope it turns out well for you - just go there intitally to relax and enjoy being with your girlfriend and experiencing life in the Philippines, don't look at everything and ask 'could I live here' wait a while before you start processing your overloaded brain and senses - things you enjoy in the early days may become a bit frustrating, things you find odd may become enjoyable - sit back, enjoy the ride and then work out where to 'park'!

16th March 2010, 21:17
Tonight I had a call from my Mahal. She is in Singapore as some of you may remember, she is at school learning english and working to look after her family back in Phil. Anyway, I get a call and she tells me that she is missing me and is re-thinking what she is doing with her life. We have talked a lot about the future and we always hoped that we can be together and make a go of life in Phil. I think tonight the dream has moved a little closer.
My Mahal is going back home in April and wants me to join her for a couple of weeks so we can enjoy the festival in her town and make some plans. I cant wait, just the thoought excites me. I know you guys are going to warn me and tell me to take care, and of course I am, been caught before, not going to make any more mistakes....I hope!

So I am off tomorrow to see if I can bag any flight bargains for mid april. Any hints on cheap flights to manila would be appreciated if anyone can help out.

Steve :)

Wish you a great trip and hope you found Mrs right !! i also fly to see my love one in April and i fly with Cathay Pacific and i paid around £650 !! and thats to Hong Kong then Cebu !!
Hope you have a good trip !! and you full fill your dreams !!

16th March 2010, 21:25
Thanks Len, very kind of you, I wish the same for your trip too.

I looked at Cathay too, same route as your via HK, but ended up on Emarites.

Have a great time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2010, 21:29
Hi Steve...Good luck on your trip.....let me know if u will be around Nueva Ecija, so you can visit my humble town:)our fiesta is on April 24-25, we have SMB night:rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3: tell your lady I'm from Rizal, N.E:)
My fiance is coming as well but can't say the exact date coz still waiting for his legal papers and busy sorting his dad funeral:cwm3:

all the best,

Hi Leah,
I'll definately be around. We have no fixed plans yet. How far from Jaen are you ?

thank you my friend, I will enjoy this trip more as I know what to expect after my last trip in November. I guess more balut is on the cards :doh :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2010, 23:41
Wish you a great trip and hope you found Mrs right !! i also fly to see my love one in April and i fly with Cathay Pacific and i paid around £650 !! and thats to Hong Kong then Cebu !!
Hope you have a good trip !! and you full fill your dreams !!

Hi Lenboy I just realised your from my birthplace is it your home town to? post on my visitors wall if you want to chat as i cant PM you yet:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2010, 20:48
Thanks Len, very kind of you, I wish the same for your trip too.

I looked at Cathay too, same route as your via HK, but ended up on Emarites.

Have a great time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Your welcome mate !! sounds like you got a good deal !! have a great time and treasure it , and your time with Ur love one !!

just asking ? how many times have you travelled to the Philippines ? and how long have you known your love one Steve ? and are you going to apply for a visa to get your love one over to the UK ?
regards Len

17th March 2010, 22:38
Your welcome mate !! sounds like you got a good deal !! have a great time and treasure it , and your time with Ur love one !!

just asking ? how many times have you travelled to the Philippines ? and how long have you known your love one Steve ? and are you going to apply for a visa to get your love one over to the UK ?
regards Len

Hi Len,

I will be going to Phil next month, my second time. I went last November the first time.
I met my girl in Singapore while I was at a tropical fish convention last may (2009)
I have no intention of getting her a visa right now, I/we are making plans to stay and make a go of it in Phil together. Charie has her sons (8 and 10) there and has been away from them for too long, so she wants to be back there to see them grow up. Maybe one day we will do the visa thing, but not for a while. Small steps first and lots of planning. We have many ideas and a few oppertunities to exploit so we will focus on that first, then..who knows. :)

How about yourself?

20th March 2010, 19:09
Hi Len,

I will be going to Phil next month, my second time. I went last November the first time.
I met my girl in Singapore while I was at a tropical fish convention last may (2009)
I have no intention of getting her a visa right now, I/we are making plans to stay and make a go of it in Phil together. Charie has her sons (8 and 10) there and has been away from them for too long, so she wants to be back there to see them grow up. Maybe one day we will do the visa thing, but not for a while. Small steps first and lots of planning. We have many ideas and a few oppertunities to exploit so we will focus on that first, then..who knows. :)

How about yourself?

Hi Steve !
Yes it sounds like your doing the right thing mate ! and i really wishing you can and will fulfil your dreams and live a happy life together !

About me ? mmmmm yes i had my fair shear of bad luck ! fell in love with a thai woman then brought her over to uk and then we brought her son over !! then last year after 6 weeks after getting her rights to remain visa she starts divorce , and wants money !! so i go to mediation when i come back from Cebu !! yes i found a lovely lady from Cebu and ive been over 2 times and loved my time there !! and in December we found out we having a baby !! and baby due in mid August !!but cant do much untill my divorce is final mate , but would love for Hanna and baby to come to the UK !!!
what part of the Philippines do you go ? and have you been to any of the Islands yet ? ive been to Boracay , Bohol , batayan , this time when i go i go to Manila to visit friends then fly yo Boracay again with friends !!
i fly out there on the 9th April and stay for 3 weeks !!

we will have to keep in touch with one another Steve ?
have a great time with your love one
regards Len

20th March 2010, 20:55
Hi Steve !
Yes it sounds like your doing the right thing mate ! and i really wishing you can and will fulfil your dreams and live a happy life together !

About me ? mmmmm yes i had my fair shear of bad luck ! fell in love with a thai woman then brought her over to uk and then we brought her son over !! then last year after 6 weeks after getting her rights to remain visa she starts divorce , and wants money !! so i go to mediation when i come back from Cebu !! yes i found a lovely lady from Cebu and ive been over 2 times and loved my time there !! and in December we found out we having a baby !! and baby due in mid August !!but cant do much untill my divorce is final mate , but would love for Hanna and baby to come to the UK !!!
what part of the Philippines do you go ? and have you been to any of the Islands yet ? ive been to Boracay , Bohol , batayan , this time when i go i go to Manila to visit friends then fly yo Boracay again with friends !!
i fly out there on the 9th April and stay for 3 weeks !!

we will have to keep in touch with one another Steve ?
have a great time with your love one
regards Len

Good luck to all who are on this rollercoaster:)