View Full Version : CHRISTIANS; Help me

14th March 2010, 11:29
Im asking Christians to help me in prayers. Been long time i ddnt visit this forum because as you know im taking care of my husband 24/7.

Now he is on the state of coma, Help me to pray that i can carry all these trials. Many problems arises and money is the one factor.

Thank you very much. May God bless all of you

14th March 2010, 13:03
Be strong my dear, I know God will be here for you.. Keep on praying....

14th March 2010, 14:07
It was proven that the brain still works in coma. He can hear your speak to him, but he cannot respond. Perhaps some of these thoughts may help you from the Bible


14th March 2010, 14:24
You will be in our prayers.
Stay strong and have faith.

Doc Alan
14th March 2010, 20:33
I'm fairly new to this Forum and I'm sorry to learn about your husband being in a coma. You ask Christians for their prayers, but please remember also that others can feel sympathy and compassion for you, no matter what their beliefs. Please accept my best wishes.

14th March 2010, 20:44
I'm not a Christian but never give up hope, my mother was in a coma and I was told she would not recover and there was nothing A&E or ICU could do for her,my mother was put on a ward that had a free bed, but with the skill of some doctors and nurses she pulled thru and that was more than 4yrs ago.

so don't give up hope.

as for the money side, phone social services and contact your local Citizens advice bureau for advice.

14th March 2010, 21:03
you are in my prayers. xxx

14th March 2010, 21:16
Another who might not be praying but will be thinking and wishing for the best for you both. Please remeber to take care of your self as well as you look after your Husband:)

14th March 2010, 22:18
ate, never give up.Be strong..He will never leave you nor forsake you.

14th March 2010, 22:40
Hello Happy Now,
I too am not a Christian but I do feel for you and wish you well in your very difficult circumstances.
warm regards......

14th March 2010, 22:47
God is good. He will always be there for you. Trust the Lord and don't lose hope.

I will pray for you and your husband.

Take care.

15th March 2010, 06:18
Yes, God is good and He listens to those who seek His help, Just keep your faitn unto the Lord! God bless!

15th March 2010, 18:21
i'll keep you and your husband in my daily prayers... may i know his first name? thanks.

15th March 2010, 18:46
Also i urge you to contact MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT (http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Home.aspx) They can help you with financial and emotional support too.

Arthur Little
15th March 2010, 18:53
may i know his first name? thanks.

:gp:, Florge; I'd been wondering about BOTH the husband and wife's ACTUAL [christian] names, too ... because there's a Prayer Chain in my Church and I believe it's useful for the team to offer up even basic information at times like these - so as to have something to go on - and leave the rest to God.

Arthur Little
15th March 2010, 19:12
Also i urge you to contact MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT (http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Home.aspx) They can help you with financial and emotional support too.

Another very relevant point that ought to be considered ... thanks, Gary! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th March 2010, 19:31
yes Arthur, i agree. Better to be specific when you pray for anything or anyone...

15th March 2010, 23:01
Im asking Christians to help me in prayers. Been long time i ddnt visit this forum because as you know im taking care of my husband 24/7.

Now he is on the state of coma, Help me to pray that i can carry all these trials. Many problems arises and money is the one factor.

Thank you very much. May God bless all of you

My thoughts and prayers for you and your husband......

16th March 2010, 15:46
Hi Manang, you have my prayers for your husband...Be strong and keep the faith.

Arthur Little
16th March 2010, 16:09
Im asking Christians to help me in prayers. Been long time i ddnt visit this forum because as you know im taking care of my husband 24/7.

Now he is on the state of coma, Help me to pray that i can carry all these trials. Many problems arises and money is the one factor.

Thank you very much. May God bless all of you

May your Faith in the Power of the Almighty, comfort and sustain you ... along with the support of your many friends here on the forum and elsewhere ... at this difficult time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th March 2010, 01:53
As a Spiritualist, I will ask the World of Spirit to also look over your husband and also you as well. God bless you both.