View Full Version : changing passport name

17th March 2010, 15:58
Hi guys, I need clarrification coz im bit confuse abt passport amendment. Im already married to a Brit guy. im also working and I already updated my file at work and i am now using the surname of my husband. I already got my NSO MC. My passport will be expired Jan2014, my question are:
- it ok to apply for spouse visa using my maiden name? or the amendment of passport esp if ur married is required?
- what is the advantages of having an amended passport?
- wht is the best way to do, amend the passport first before you apply for spouse visa or apply for spouse visa and later amend the passport into married name?
- my husband is going to submit a sponsorship form, what name we shd we put, my maiden name or my married name?

Need help from all of u.....:doh
Many thanks...

Arthur Little
17th March 2010, 20:46
Hi guys, I need clarrification coz im bit confuse abt passport amendment. Im already married to a Brit guy. im also working and I already updated my file at work and i am now using the surname of my husband. I already got my NSO MC. My passport will be expired Jan2014, my question are:
- it ok to apply for spouse visa using my maiden name? or the amendment of passport esp if ur married is required?
- what is the advantages of having an amended passport?
- wht is the best way to do, amend the passport first before you apply for spouse visa or apply for spouse visa and later amend the passport into married name?
- my husband is going to submit a sponsorship form, what name we shd we put, my maiden name or my married name?

Need help from all of u.....:doh
Many thanks...

:Hellooo: again,

As I understand it, it's your intention to lodge your application next month. In that case ... since your present passport is valid until 2014 ... there's no immediate necessity to incur the added expense of having it amended to your married name at this juncture. :NoNo: What I'm saying here, is ... you simply complete the VAF4 form in your maiden name, and sign it accordingly. By the same token, your husband's letter of sponsorship should also refer to you by your OWN name ... which will remain on your passport when your spousal visa is issued.

To illustrate: MY name is Arthur Little, and my wife's is Myrna Navarro. Thus, although technically, she's now Mrs Little, HER passport [which she applied for less than 3 months before she married ME] runs until September 2013, and STILL reads Myrna S. Navarro, spouse of Arthur J.B. Little. :rolleyes:

So the alterations can be made once you're settled in the UK; it is a matter of personal choice, basically.

17th March 2010, 21:55
I thikn its all entire up to you, if you didnt ammend it, then you will have your ID appear your maiden name,if you gonna ammend it before you apply spouse visa then you gonna use your husband family name in every ID you made,so its all up to you..does not make any difference at all, but since your there in PI (assume) why dont you just ammend it,cheap there than ammend here in phil embassy

18th March 2010, 03:00
It would be really your choice. You can still use your current passport when you apply for your visa. Since it still has about 4 years validity.

However, if you decided to use your married name, you will have to obtain the CFO certificate before you can proceed on changing your passport.

18th March 2010, 04:28
you can take any advice, but if i were you i would follow september's advice, and also u mentioned that you already had change your company ID into your hubby's name so i guess its better that u also amend your passport! But before you can amend your passport, you need to obtain CFO certificate(liane is right).
Good luck on your application! Hopefully i will lodge my application on May if God permits. And im plannng to have my seminar next week for the CFO certificate...

18th March 2010, 14:10
yes arthur little, i intend to lodge my application next month, my hubby will be here as well next month. this passport thing confused me but now after hearing all your opinions, its now a bit clear to me. and therefore conclude:
- if im not gonna amend my passport, still using my maiden name, therefore I shd used my single name in all the documents to be submitted in VFS. and since Im now using my husband surname esp at work, I have to changed it again to my maiden name so that there will be consistency in my documents as far as surname is concern....and
- if i will used my hubby's surname, therefore amend my passport and apply for spouse visa.
Did i got in right? Thanks and thanks again.....
Marlyn&kenny, goodluck also to your application. goodluck to us...

18th March 2010, 14:13
you can take any advice, but if i were you i would follow september's advice, and also u mentioned that you already had change your company ID into your hubby's name so i guess its better that u also amend your passport! But before you can amend your passport, you need to obtain CFO certificate(liane is right).
Good luck on your application! Hopefully i will lodge my application on May if God permits. And im plannng to have my seminar next week for the CFO certificate...

goodluck marlyn&kenny:) thanks also for the reply. how did you go abt those CFO?

19th March 2010, 06:37
goodluck marlyn&kenny:) thanks also for the reply. how did you go abt those CFO?

Thanks! We need all the lucks! :BouncyHappy:, I haven't been there. i plan to attend on monday, at CFO prism taft avenue. i'll have yet to find the place lol. For more info log on to www.CFO.gov.ph

who knows we might bump into each other there :Hellooo::Hellooo:

19th March 2010, 06:39
BTW, you can read more info about the experience of members here who had the CFO seminar. just use search tool, type CFO

19th March 2010, 14:37
Thanks! We need all the lucks! :BouncyHappy:, I haven't been there. i plan to attend on monday, at CFO prism taft avenue. i'll have yet to find the place lol. For more info log on to www.CFO.gov.ph

who knows we might bump into each other there :Hellooo::Hellooo:

this coming monday? we might! hehe who knows...