View Full Version : My first day of Work!!!

18th March 2010, 17:38
Hello everyone, its my first day of work as a Carer :BouncyHappy:... Its a bit hard cos i have no experience in this field, I used to work in research assessing seagrass, coral reefs and reef fishes but now its totally different..

Well, its a bit scary and hard at first but I'm a bit happy cos I have something to do and I can help paying the bills though my husband is not requiring me but it really feels good that your earning again.. Eventually I'll get used to it at;east as of now I've got something to do while waiting for my right job..

That my news for today..

Have a nice day.. Enjoy life, its beautiful!!:D



18th March 2010, 17:51
well done abbey.

thats a big difference to your old job? :Erm:

im sure you will do well at it! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :D

18th March 2010, 17:59
yah, completely different...

Thanks for believing in me.. hehehe... I'll try to do my best...

Arthur Little
18th March 2010, 19:01
Thanks for believing in me.. hehehe... I'll try to do my best...

Of COURSE we believe in you, Abby ... you're a Filipina! And Filipinos are renowned for their adaptability to - and versatility in - most situations. I just wish the British [as a nation] shared your positive, matter of fact approach to their workaday lives. Well done, my friend ... and more power to your elbow! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2010, 19:55
hi abby,congrats with your new job,its easy job when you used to it. but for the start its so hard same as me. when i start in the carehome,its abit nervous aswell,but after 2 years i been working now its really easy,specially you got all the training,and you know how all the technique...not so hard...i got friend she work where i work she is filipina aswell,and i am the one who teach her what to do,and not to do and she said its really easy..so good luck :cwm38::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

18th March 2010, 23:33
congrats abby in your new job! take care :)

South-east boy
19th March 2010, 10:01
Hope it goes well Abby. Let us know how you get on. Your job back in PI sounded interesting!

19th March 2010, 10:40
Congratulations - the first day is always the hardest - i hope you don't lose your knowledge and expertise from your previous job - maybe you can join a local environment group and give talks/lectures about the reefs in the philippines

19th March 2010, 11:49
Hello everyone, its my first day of work as a Carer :BouncyHappy:... Its a bit hard cos i have no experience in this field, I used to work in research assessing seagrass, coral reefs and reef fishes but now its totally different..

you've done the kinda job my misses wanted to do (Marine biologists ) if she didn't make it as a doc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

good luck with the new job, it will get easier :rolleyes:

19th March 2010, 15:47
@Arthur Little: oh thanks for that...

@lizaphil: its really scary at first but I'll gradually get used to it, its my 2nd day today and I'm doing better now, i guess (hehehe).

@Braveheart: thanks my dear, hope you're enjoying your job also..

@South-east boy: Im learning, need to take notes for the important bits. Yah, my work back home is really interesting, most of the time Im at sea and i love it.. See different reef fishes counting and identifying it.. Coral reefs and reef fishes are the exciting bits cos there a lot of types on it while mangroves and seagrass there all green and there just fee species of it.. hehehe..

@justchecking: thanks a lot.. I still wanted to do marinebio jobs here and hopefully I get one someday and be able to experience working in the temperate country.

@joebloggs: thanks joe.. I love the sea very much...

19th March 2010, 15:57
Congrats Abby on your new job :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th March 2010, 16:06
thanks liane...

19th March 2010, 19:43
wow! congratulations abby!

19th March 2010, 23:51
Well done Abby! X

20th March 2010, 12:50
Glad the First day went well and I hope it continues that way:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dont forget potential employers prefer those who are working. Written it before but the Wife started in a charity shop (which had no heating and no pay although she got a discount and first shout on items in the shop:xxgrinning--00xx3:) After a few weeks had to give up as it was so cold for her it was affecting her health wise.
But in that time she gained work experience, met some lovely people including Phills and had made a start on her CV plus had a referee for a refrence:xxgrinning--00xx3:

She didn't give up though like you took up a job which was new to her and slowly worked her way up though different roles and companies now she has Manger in her title and the biggest wage any in her family have ever know of all those who have been ofws:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2010, 19:12
Glad the First day went well and I hope it continues that way:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dont forget potential employers prefer those who are working. Written it before but the Wife started in a charity shop (which had no heating and no pay although she got a discount and first shout on items in the shop:xxgrinning--00xx3:) After a few weeks had to give up as it was so cold for her it was affecting her health wise.
But in that time she gained work experience, met some lovely people including Phills and had made a start on her CV plus had a referee for a refrence:xxgrinning--00xx3:

She didn't give up though like you took up a job which was new to her and slowly worked her way up though different roles and companies now she has Manger in her title and the biggest wage any in her family have ever know of all those who have been ofws:xxgrinning--00xx3:

yah, before i started applying for jobs Im doing volunteer works in the charity shop near in our place. The good thing working in that place is the discount for the stuffs you like and ofcourse the manager can be a good reference for the future jobs although i havent have them for my job now.. I had my previous employers in the Phil and Malaysia as my referees.. And until now, im still doing the volunteer jobs cos im enjoying it.. :BouncyHappy:

21st March 2010, 09:28
yah, before i started applying for jobs Im doing volunteer works in the charity shop near in our place. The good thing working in that place is the discount for the stuffs you like and ofcourse the manager can be a good reference for the future jobs although i havent have them for my job now.. I had my previous employers in the Phil and Malaysia as my referees.. And until now, im still doing the volunteer jobs cos im enjoying it.. :BouncyHappy:

Goodluck Abby.
I wish I can do it too but my heart is too soft for elderlies.:bigcry:
I do enjoy my volunteering 2 hrs / week.:xxgrinning--00xx3: