View Full Version : Angry Telesales Phone call

21st March 2010, 17:58
We have all had days like this:xxmixed-smiley-017:
Warning about language:furious3:

Telesales call (http://www.emailedjokes.com/video-jokes/emailed-video-jokes/angry-telesales-phone-call.html)

21st March 2010, 18:17
Hahaha.. :Funny_post: I've heard lots of this kind of conversations circling thru emails! :icon_lol: Good thing I'm patient with these call center agents coz I understand it's only their job. :Giggler:

21st March 2010, 18:42
Scarily enough, when I was a student I worked evenings at a BT call centre doing these kind of calls. We were told to read the script, regardless of reply and we're penalised if we didn't do it properly. They were calls under the guise of checking your getting the 'best value in service', but we're simply sales calls trying to change the plan of customers.

21st March 2010, 21:04
Brilliant - a classic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2010, 01:47
Ahahaha...this reminds me of my call center job before..:doh
lots of :furious3:clients lol ...wer are being paid to absorb those :furious3: and we need to Stay polite, stay calm and face the mirror in front of u and smile :) and dont forget the end note'' we at TELE_____ is proud to be of service to you!''

27th March 2010, 09:22
I wish I had that guy's guts! All I usually say is "thanks for calling, I'll think about it" and then hang up