View Full Version : Who Are You Voting For in May?

22nd March 2010, 16:26
Sod who they are, policies, etc, just get this shower of idealess plonkers out. I think it should be like the US. Two terms Max for one guy.

22nd March 2010, 19:59
Pirate if they stand in my area. Otherwise anything except the big 3, BNP and UKIP.
Can`t vote in this poll for some reason. :Erm:

Arthur Little
22nd March 2010, 20:06
Can`t vote in this poll for some reason. :Erm:

:Erm: Why's that? ... didn't you register?

22nd March 2010, 20:29
Probably a 75 posts plus rep thing.

Arthur Little
22nd March 2010, 20:34
Probably a 75 posts plus rep thing.

:icon_eek: Oh, sorry ... MY mistake ... I thought you'd meant you couldn't vote in the forthcoming General Election!

22nd March 2010, 21:44
:icon_eek: Oh, sorry ... MY mistake ... I thought you'd meant you couldn't vote in the forthcoming General Election!
:D ... Only need 15 posts :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2010, 21:48
whos voted other :Erm:, what other can there be :Erm:

monster raving loony party :rolleyes: must have been dom or mrbornatbirth :D

yes i voted UKIP .. :action-smiley-081: to brussels

22nd March 2010, 21:53
whos voted other :Erm:, what other can there be :Erm:

monster raving loony party :rolleyes: must have been dom or mrbornatbirth :D

yes i voted UKIP .. :action-smiley-081: to brussels

Green party maybe :Erm:

I won't be voting. Again. Never had. Still waiting for somebody to run who talks sense and not gibberish spin :76:

22nd March 2010, 21:59
Green party maybe :Erm:

I won't be voting. Again. Never had. Still waiting for somebody to run who talks sense and not gibberish spin :76:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: yes well thats one thing you cant call scouser keith green with his 4litre 4&4 :doh

22nd March 2010, 22:43
whos voted other :Erm:, what other can there be :Erm:

monster raving loony party :rolleyes: must have been dom or mrbornatbirth :D

yes i voted UKIP .. :action-smiley-081: to brussels

how did you know its me? :Erm:

labour arnt up to much and i cant see the tories being much better, so what choice do i have?

Arthur Little
23rd March 2010, 02:12
*Green party maybe :Erm:

:D ... *seems like a wise option!

Arthur Little
23rd March 2010, 02:24
'Monster Raving Loony :crazy: Party'? "Screaming Lord Sutch :23_111_9[1]: is dead ... long live Lord Sutch", eh? :D

23rd March 2010, 08:22
Anybody but the Tories :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

Doc Alan
23rd March 2010, 08:56
Anybody but the Tories :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:
"Sam Cam's moving towards Labour!" (not my joke, "The Times"):D

23rd March 2010, 09:26
Anybody but the Tories :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:


23rd March 2010, 09:39

As expected...........:doh

Doc Alan
23rd March 2010, 10:04
If the Lib-Dems get a chance they will defer fuel allowance to age 65 - doesn't bother me!

23rd March 2010, 11:08
If the Lib-Dems get a chance they will defer fuel allowance to age 65 - doesn't bother me!

Whoever gets in things are going to very tough for a couple of years, there will be lots of cuts and taxes will go up all round. At least with labour you can rest assured that the heaviest burden will be carried by those with the broadest shoulders. At least labour won't be playing just to their diehard supporters like the tories are with regard to abolishing inheritance tax which will only make an extra hole of about 4 billion to be filled with even deeper cuts in services or even bigger hikes in either VAT or income tax.

23rd March 2010, 11:17
Whoever gets in things are going to very tough for a couple of years, there will be lots of cuts and taxes will go up all round. At least with labour you can rest assured that the heaviest burden will be carried by those with the broadest shoulders. At least labour won't be playing just to their diehard supporters like the tories are with regard to abolishing inheritance tax which will only make an extra hole of about 4 billion to be filled with even deeper cuts in services or even bigger hikes in either VAT or income tax.

out of 10 how do you rate the labour partys efforts, i know the tories are the only real options but they cant do any worse can they?

23rd March 2010, 11:20
Looking at the poll results so far, it seems to tally with the general consensus there could be a hung parliament. Labour clearly can't be trusted especially when ex-ministers are up to no good and a PM who admits to lying at the Chilcot enquiry. I think people are angry at this Labour government and want them out, but at the same time cannot bring themselves to vote for Dave. So I think we're about to enter a period of political paralysis. No one in their right mind would vote for a BNP or UKIP government, and Plaid and SNP only represent Wales or Scotland. LibDems can't be trusted, so who's left? Come May 6th, I think Gordon might be in with a chance, people might opt for the Devil they know, then the devil they don't, but as they say, "Its the economy stupid" and if Gordon gets back in and has to make some cuts to sort out the deficit, he won't be popular. At least you know Dave will cut money, so do we continue in this false sense of security under a Labour gov't or swallow the bitter pill under Dave?

23rd March 2010, 11:49
English Democrats

23rd March 2010, 11:57
Looking at the poll results so far, it seems to tally with the general consensus there could be a hung parliament.
Can't we just hang a Welshman instead? :D

23rd March 2010, 12:08
Can't we just hang a Welshman instead? :D

I would rather hang the whole of government as cheats, thieves and war criminals.:doh

23rd March 2010, 12:31
I would rather hang the whole of government as cheats, thieves and war criminals.:doh

is that a hung parliment :Erm:

23rd March 2010, 17:24
Wow! My lot are leading at the mo!!


23rd March 2010, 19:29
No one in their right mind would vote for a BNP or UKIP government, and Plaid and SNP only represent Wales or Scotland. LibDems can't be trusted

UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:, someone else has voted for them to :D

i think no one in their right mind would vote Tory or labour, you cannot trust them both :NoNo:, I remember the thatcher years and the greed and corruption :NoNo:

23rd March 2010, 19:33
UKIP for me especially after hearing Chris Grayling and Radio 2 last week talking about how they plan to give criminals a home on their release from prison as it`ll help to keep them away from their previous haunts. Hmmmmmm more twaddle from a leading party.
For me I like to think about how it was before the financial crisis which has affected the world, not just us.
To be honest my situation is better now!
Apart from 2 months when my overtime was lower than average its all been pretty much ok. And also my mortgage has dropped alot and i`m now paying just 1.24% on my tracker :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The same things that annoyed me 2 years ago still do it.
Immigration and all the ridiculous "human rights" issues are my main concern.
Anyway lets hope he calls it after the budget tommorow then we can end all this uncertainty at last................well unless its a hung parliament.

23rd March 2010, 20:09
I remember the thatcher years and the greed and corruption :NoNo:

So why did she win 3 elections? :Erm: Strange that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Oddly enough you could replace thatcher with Brown, all the same.

23rd March 2010, 20:20
is that a hung parliment :Erm:
I don't think any of them are well hung, which is why they need to visit Clapham Common :rolleyes:

23rd March 2010, 20:29
So why did she win 3 elections? :Erm: Strange that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Oddly enough you could replace thatcher with Brown, all the same.

GREED IS GOOD thats why she won

23rd March 2010, 20:30
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal," Emma Goldman

Never a truer word said.

25th March 2010, 14:57
I hate to state the obvious but lab was voted in cuz we had had enough of labour, now labour are on thier way out we are having the cons stuffed down our throats by the media as the only option...
Labour were voted in by 33% of the voters of which only 33% of ppl that could vote actually bothered, therfore we are being governed by a party voted in by about 12% of the population...
The polititians are relying on ppl being so disenfranchised that nobody botheres to vote and they can carry on with thier pathitic lifes, unintrupted by the silly public.
just listening to PMs question time ( or none answer time ) makes me cringe.. all that bah hooing
they are 'spose to be there to make the country better but just seem to want to disagree with each other just for disagrements sake.
They have all been there long enough with plenty of funds between them this country should be in a better condition,
If the houses of parliment was a private company they would have gone bust and out of business by now........
The only way to clear the rot would be a complete clean out of all and let someone else have a go...

25th March 2010, 22:33
3 votes for UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:

come on, vote for the guy with balls


:Britain: :unitedkingdom: :engflag:

sir winston churchill (1874-1965)

"We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed. And Should European statesman address us in the words which were used of old – “Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Lord of the Host?” – we should reply with the words of the Shunamite woman: “Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people.”

25th March 2010, 23:03
ukip for me:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Green party omg nutters,the woman on question time last week should have convinced anyone not to vote for them she was useless.

26th March 2010, 02:39
3 votes for UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:

come on, vote for the guy with balls

TOP MAN :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th March 2010, 06:47
TOP MAN :xxgrinning--00xx3:

the thing is, i think everything he said is probably true :doh, but he had the guts to say it :icon_lol:

26th March 2010, 14:37
I agree Joe but itv doesnt escape me that he stood for an organisation he doesnt believe in not that many do and the ones who have guts and integrity regardless of there beliefs wont be governing anytime soon

26th March 2010, 17:53
voting ukip, what a waste, its easy to say something when you never get in power :doh

vote jedi knight :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
26th March 2010, 19:11
voting ukip, what a waste :doh

:NoNo: Not necessarily a waste of time ... especially the way the country's heading at the present moment. Ask around ... British people are getting sick to the back teeth of being subject to the dictates of Brussels. I KNOW I am ... and ANY Political Party that can disentangle our laws from those of the rest of this farcical European Union, must surely be welcomed!

26th March 2010, 19:28
the first 10 people who vote for me will get £10,000.

being jobless and skint is making a promise i cant deliver, if UKIP get voted in and get us out of europe thats great but how will they run the country and more importantly how will it affect me and my wife :D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th March 2010, 20:16
:NoNo: Not necessarily a waste of time ... especially the way the country's heading at the present moment. Ask around ... British people are getting sick to the back teeth of being subject to the dictates of Brussels. I KNOW I am ... and ANY Political Party that can disentangle our laws from those of the rest of this farcical European Union, must surely be welcomed!

I'm fed up from of being subject to the dictat of london, and the county council, and the town council and the parish council. Where does it stop? Be are also being dictated to by the world bank and the IMF should we withdraw from the rest of the world as well?

I don't agree with the EU, it is simply a capitalist clubbut get over the fact that 35 years ago the electorate voted to remain a part of the then Common Market. And if you can't get your head around that, tell me when Liverpool or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cornwall etc voted to be ruled from London.

Arthur Little
27th March 2010, 13:10
I'm fed up from of being subject to the dictat of london, and the county council, and the town council and the parish council. Where does it stop? Be are also being dictated to by the world bank and the IMF should we withdraw from the rest of the world as well?

I don't agree with the EU, it is simply a capitalist clubbut get over the fact that 35 years ago the electorate voted to remain a part of the then *Common Market. And if you can't get your head around that, tell me when Liverpool or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cornwall etc voted to be ruled from London.

I've no objections to *trading with European countries ... or anywhere else, for that matter; :NoNo: what I can't get my head round, are the ways in which our laws are being "monkeyed" around with. And it seems hypocritical to ME that, on the one hand, Britain is prepared to co-operate with ludicrous legislation dreamt up by its continental "cousins" ... yet persists in being a law unto itself, on the other, in terms of the implementation of its Immigration Policy - which I hardly need spell-out to members of this forum.

And yes, :iagree: ... none of the cties/regions &c., you mention, elected to be ruled from London - as did neither Wales, Scotland nor Northern Ireland. But the fact remains, that good though the separate [Countries'] assemblies might BE - from the point of view of giving each a bigger say in government - WE, as a Nation, :Britain: are perfectly capable of "standing on our own feet" without outside interference from across the Channel.

27th March 2010, 14:20
voting ukip, what a waste, its easy to say something when you never get in power :doh

vote jedi knight :rolleyes:

They may not get in but like many people Vote green it shows the major parties what people are really wanting/thinking.

Also hopefully UKIP will asorb votes which might have ended up with the in my view abborent BNP.

Personally my vote will go for our current MP who does an outstanding Job on Local Issues and had little to worry about when the expenses issue was in the news. What I think of his party I have yet to decide.

Pesonally I would like to have two votes one for who my MP is and one for who the governing group are.

27th March 2010, 14:41
a vote is not wasted on UKIP :NoNo: thats why they have 12 MEPS,

i dont even know what all their policies are, but if the tories or labour get in, it will just be the same :censored:

maybe it is time to pull out of the EU :Erm:

Thanks to the Human Rights Act, a number of bizarre court rulings have handed more power
to criminals, and resulted in a devastating loss of confidence in the justice system amongst the
public. For example, nearly 200 drugs addicts won the right to sue the Government for refusing to
allow them to use heroin in prison16. Human rights laws have also been used to allow 9 Afghans
who hijacked a plane at gunpoint to remain in the UK rather than face deportation17


court of human rights :icon_lol: what a bunch of :censored:


this should be a thread on its own,in fact I'll make in one..

27th March 2010, 15:46
voting ukip, what a waste, its easy to say something when you never get in power :doh

vote jedi knight :rolleyes:

A wasted vote is where you use it to vote for something that you dont beleive in, and thats something I wont do. Why would someone that doesnt want Labour or Tories vote for either of them just cos they`ll win? Isnt it about what you beleive in?
I have visited the UKIP website and also for the sake of finding out the facts the BNP one.

27th March 2010, 16:40
a vote is not wasted on UKIP :NoNo: thats why they have 12 MEPS,

even the bnp have one, so whats your point.

i thought they only got in because the majority didnt vote :Erm:

lets see how they do in the general election :Erm:

27th March 2010, 18:50
even the bnp have one, so whats your point.

i thought they only got in because the majority didnt vote :Erm:

lets see how they do in the general election :Erm:

I think Labour and the Tories may find they dont do as well if everyone of voting age had to vote in person. Possibly many are saying they dont want the staus quo to carry on?

27th March 2010, 21:12
dont want the staus quo to carry on

Are they still 'Rockin' all over the world'? I always thought Status Quo songs had hidden meanings..:cwm3:

28th March 2010, 17:22
Are they still 'Rockin' all over the world'? I always thought Status Quo songs had hidden meanings..:cwm3:

:doh State of Education in the principality :NoNo: not the three chord boys its the Language they used In Italy when Dom was a Bambino:D Latin for the "the state in which" I belive:D

28th March 2010, 17:50
:doh State of Education in the principality :NoNo: not the three chord boys its the Language they used In Italy when Dom was a Bambino:D Latin for the "the state in which" I belive:D



29th March 2010, 11:55
I like this one


29th March 2010, 12:50
I like this one


I prefer these two:

29th March 2010, 13:31
I prefer these two:

Pot calling the kettle black with the socialists lie jibe - strange considering in the last couple of weeks Bottler Brown has lied to the Chilcot enquiry, lied about immigration figures, lied to the Commons about defence spending.

As Joseph Goebbels once said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

I nearly forgot cowardly Brown lied about increasing the inheritance tax threshold to £350000

29th March 2010, 15:04
Pot calling the kettle black with the socialists lie jibe - strange considering in the last couple of weeks Bottler Brown has lied to the Chilcot enquiry, lied about immigration figures, lied to the Commons about defence spending.

As Joseph Goebbels once said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

I nearly forgot cowardly Brown lied about increasing the inheritance tax threshold to £350000

You seem to have a very deep personal hatred of Gordon Brown and it comes across as if it really is personal..... like he broke into your house and kicked your pet dog to death or something worse. I wouldn't vote for David Cameron fistly because he's a lightweight and not up to the job and secondly because he's just a just the smiley face behind which is hidden the same old, look after the rich, tories that screwed everything up and who's policies in the eighties were extremely socially divisive....... but I don't feel any personal feelings of hatred towards him.

29th March 2010, 15:10
You seem to have a very deep personal hatred of Gordon Brown and it comes across as if it really is personal..... like he broke into your house and kicked your pet dog to death or something worse. I wouldn't vote for David Cameron fistly because he's a lightweight and not up to the job and secondly because he's just a just the smiley face behind which is hidden the same old, look after the rich, tories that screwed everything up and who's policies in the eighties were extremely socially divisive....... but I don't feel any personal feelings of hatred towards him.

he doesnt like the colour red, only blue and tends to over react.:Erm:

im not sure what he will do when he finds out his wife is cheating on him :icon_lol:

29th March 2010, 15:23
he doesnt like the colour red, only blue and tends to over react.:Erm:

im not sure what he will do when he finds out his wife is cheating on him :icon_lol:

I have to agree with you bornatbirth, if he's so wound up with the labour party, bent politians and a certain football team, whats he going to be like when a major problem comes along :cwm24:.............:reaction::waver::woohoo::23_116_6[1]::23_111_9[1]::gost:

take it easy .........:Wave:

29th March 2010, 15:33
Be realty funny if his wife gives birth to a colored baby.

29th March 2010, 15:50
You seem to have a very deep personal hatred of Gordon Brown and it comes across as if it really is personal..... like he broke into your house and kicked your pet dog to death or something worse. I wouldn't vote for David Cameron fistly because he's a lightweight and not up to the job and secondly because he's just a just the smiley face behind which is hidden the same old, look after the rich, tories that screwed everything up and who's policies in the eighties were extremely socially divisive....... but I don't feel any personal feelings of hatred towards him.

I do have a very deep personal loathing for Brown and his New Labour Cronies sitting smug in their Islington Pied a Terre's, fiddling expenses as they spend 13 years ruining this country. Is what you percieve the Tories to have done in the 80's the best you can come up with ? Typical Labourite nothing to add but lets go back decades in the history book - how about Balfour why don't you remind everyone about the declaration he made 90 odd years ago ?

29th March 2010, 16:32
I do have a very deep personal loathing for Brown and his New Labour Cronies sitting smug in their Islington Pied a Terre's, fiddling expenses as they spend 13 years ruining this country. Is what you percieve the Tories to have done in the 80's the best you can come up with ? Typical Labourite nothing to add but lets go back decades in the history book - how about Balfour why don't you remind everyone about the declaration he made 90 odd years ago ?

It's not just about what they did in the eighties, it's because no matter what their rhetoric at present, their general philosophy has not changed since that time. They hide behind David Cameron because he says what they perceive to be the sort of things that will get them elected, but all of the grey old tories are still there waiting to drag up the same old policies if they can only manage to sieze power.

29th March 2010, 17:21
tories that screwed everything up and who's policies in the eighties were extremely socially divisive.

Really? Try reading this:


Heres the news: theres going to be big cuts, and they will be socially divisive, whether blue, red or orange party. End of. The sooner we extract head from sand, the better. The longer head stays in sand, the more painful it'll be later. End of. Those are cold hard facts. Cuts are cuts however you dress them, and the red party cannot possibly claim otherwise. If you lie enough times or spin the story enough, people will believe you, and it seems this Labour government are doing just that; trust us people, we'll make cuts, but it won't be as bad as that Blue party.

I'm looking for solutions, but you Iain seem to think its only Red party that has solutions. I await your predictable Red is good, blue is bad response. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2010, 17:26
I like this one


Would you vote for Mr Bean?? :omg:

29th March 2010, 17:41
Anybody hear Ken Clarke on jeremy vine show today? he was almost as impressive as Chris Grayling last week :crazy:
Their muppetry is as bad as Labours and their biggest success would be to fool anyone to think otherwise.

29th March 2010, 21:17
Really? Try reading this:


Heres the news: theres going to be big cuts, and they will be socially divisive, whether blue, red or orange party. End of. The sooner we extract head from sand, the better. The longer head stays in sand, the more painful it'll be later. End of. Those are cold hard facts. Cuts are cuts however you dress them, and the red party cannot possibly claim otherwise. If you lie enough times or spin the story enough, people will believe you, and it seems this Labour government are doing just that; trust us people, we'll make cuts, but it won't be as bad as that Blue party.

I'm looking for solutions, but you Iain seem to think its only Red party that has solutions. I await your predictable Red is good, blue is bad response. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

As I have heard people far wiser than me say we need a war cabinet to deal with the task which both Tories and Labour are gulity of getting us into. Neither Labour or the Tories on their own can deal with this situation.

Like you say these people who only vote Labour or Tory or whatever need to realise the very grim future we have and forget about their favourite colour etc.

Remeber we spent the contengency money, maxed the credit cards and overdrafted and some already we need a plan asap I cant see either Brown or Cameron being the person to do it.

With Tories saying cuts and dont raise NI and Labour saying the opposite when probably we need to do a bit of both. Tightening belts and increasing income is needed asap..

30th March 2010, 09:48
Do those who will be voting for UKIP understand that UKIP policy is to block ALL immigration? In other words, while you may be a lucky sod and have brought your lovely partner into the UK, you will be voting for a party that will stop ME from doing the same. Not nice and not clever.

What do UKIP have against filipinas anyway that they want to ban the lovely ladies from our country?

30th March 2010, 10:50
Do those who will be voting for UKIP understand that UKIP policy is to block ALL immigration? In other words, while you may be a lucky sod and have brought your lovely partner into the UK, you will be voting for a party that will stop ME from doing the same. Not nice and not clever.

What do UKIP have against filipinas anyway that they want to ban the lovely ladies from our country?

where's that in their policy Ian? they are talking of limiting immigration, i doubt any party would try and stop your spouse from coming to the UK.

30th March 2010, 11:02
where's that in their policy Ian? they are talking of limiting immigration, i doubt any party would try and stop your spouse from coming to the UK.

This quote comes from their manifesto published a few days ago:

· End mass, uncontrolled immigration. UKIP calls for an immediate five-year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement. Any future immigration should not exceed 50,000 people p.a. including dependants (actual, not net immigration)

couldn't be clearer, could it? UKIP = BNP in pinstripe suits with posh accents.

31st March 2010, 01:09
This quote comes from their manifesto published a few days ago:

couldn't be clearer, could it? UKIP = BNP in pinstripe suits with posh accents.

its not clear to me at all, it doesn't not mention spouse's, permanment settlement can be gained many ways, TIER 1, 10yr legal stay, 14yr illegal stay, workpermit, no politcal party is going to refuse your wife and children a settlement visa :NoNo:

31st March 2010, 01:14
no politcal party is going to refuse your wife and children a settlement visa :NoNo:

In doom monger Ianb's book they are the BNP in disguise and will ban all immigration :laugher:

31st March 2010, 19:07
Correct me if i`m wrong but dont we all vote for the party we beleive will be the best for ourselves?
I`m quite sure that no-one has voted for what they beleive to be the best for me and I wouldnt expect them too either.
Controlled immigration is exactly what this country needs.

31st March 2010, 19:25
In doom monger Ianb's book they are the BNP in disguise and will ban all immigration :laugher:
At their core they're all a bunch of little Englanders just like the tories and I think they would ban all immigration if they thought they could get away with it.

31st March 2010, 20:09
At their core they're all a bunch of little Englanders just like the tories and I think they would ban all immigration if they thought they could get away with it.

Looks like Brown has been caught telling porkies again.....:laugher:


1st April 2010, 00:30
i heard on the radio today (five live) a caller said i will not be voteing 'cuz i cant belive any of them....what differance does he think not voteing will make, as long as they vote for themselfs they willl stll be there.......they should only get paid the same percentange of thier wage as thier vote...perhaps they would try harder then......ummmm or mabey just increase thier wages....

1st April 2010, 00:53
Looks like Brown has been caught telling porkies again.....:laugher:


This link to his lies works


8th April 2010, 18:06
at present the leaders are lib, ukip and no vote...if not voteing made them go away i would understand... but not voteing for them doesnt stop them ..Sad really cuz if that was an option i guess more ppl would vote...you would hope....

9th April 2010, 06:23
You mean have candidates who stand on the no vote ticket and when elected dissolve Parliment The Lords uncle tom cobbly and all and then resign sounds good :Erm:

9th April 2010, 10:07
I can't believe that anyone can seriously consider voting for David Cameron and George (Gideon) Osborne to run the ecomomy of this country, they're both political lightweights neither of whom have ever held political office, have no real experience of government and who have both only been MP's since 2001. It seems most of the time before that they were just a couple of Hooray Henry's http://iconicphotos.wordpress.com/2010/03/14/the-bullingdon-club/ .

Although the Cameron's like to portray themselves as as a bit like the rest of us on their kitchen webcam, David Cameron's personal fortune is estimated to be somewhere between £15m and £30m (He's a bit shy about it) and although he and his wife like to be seen going in and out of their nice little end of terrace house in London (a bit like the rest of us you might think), their real home is a substantial country pile in Oxforshire and his wife's (Sam) father is Sir Reginald Sheffield the eighth holder of a baronetcy that goes back to 1755 and is estimated to be worth at least £20million, and possibly considerably more.

9th April 2010, 11:16
have no real experience of government and who have both only been MP's since 2001.

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (and quite possibly the rest of them) had no experience of government either prior to being elected in 1997. Whoops, that destroys your pointless argument. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

By the way, Cameron was in the last Tory government http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cameron#Political_career . Double whoops, maybe you should do some research next time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Although the Cameron's like to portray themselves as as a bit like the rest of us on their kitchen webcam, David Cameron's personal fortune is estimated to be somewhere between £15m and £30m (He's a bit shy about it) and although he and his wife like to be seen going in and out of their nice little end of terrace house in London (a bit like the rest of us you might think), their real home is a substantial country pile in Oxforshire and his wife's (Sam) father is Sir Reginald Sheffield the eighth holder of a baronetcy that goes back to 1755 and is estimated to be worth at least £20million, and possibly considerably more.

Shaun Woodward? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaun_Woodward :icon_lol:

This is where you socialists come unstuck. You say Cameron shouldn't be in charge because of his background. So, we stop all rich people running the country. Who else do you ban from running the country based on ther background? Cider drinkers from Somerset - why the hell not, you've already tried to tax them an extra 10%, but strangley, whiskly drinkers from Scotland escape. Strange that, don't you think?

Politics should NOT be about class, and when David Mirrorband used the same words about Cameron being an upper class toff in the last Question Time, there we're a lot of people moaning in the audience. Its obvious people are fed up with Labour bringing out the class argument all the time.

Politics in the UK sucks, bring on the revolution. :olddude:

9th April 2010, 11:37
By the way, Cameron was in the last Tory government http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cameron#Political_career . Double whoops, maybe you should do some research next time.

He wasn't in the last tory government, he didn't hold political office, he was just a researcher and at the time of the black Wednesday crisis, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday he was a special advisor to Norman Lamont. :laugher::laugher::laugher:That's his greatest political claim to fame so I don't think I would take advice from him on the economy or anything else for that matter.

9th April 2010, 11:56
I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory :doh Do you really think either are capable of fixing "broken britain" :laugher: Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?

9th April 2010, 22:05
I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory :doh Do you really think either are capable of fixing "broken britain" :laugher: Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?

The cvill service wont change that much and half the "support" team will most likely move to the other side red or blue just the same:rolleyes:

Doc Alan
9th April 2010, 22:44
I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory :doh Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?
I think there will be a major scandal FAR sooner - in the next 3 weeks - and, depending on which party it involves, that will determine the outcome of the election :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2010, 22:46
I think there will be a major scandal FAR sooner - in the next 3 weeks - and, depending on which party it involves, that will determine the outcome of the election :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Gordon Brown caught in bed with a Nicholas Klegg :omg:

10th April 2010, 08:58
Gordon Brown caught in bed with a Knickerless Plebb :omg:
Sounds about right :D

14th April 2010, 19:01
its not much of a democracy when u r told who you have to vote for... would be better if we could vote for any one we wanted... I would have Sir Richard Branston as the treasury minister, Andy Mcnabb ...head of the ministry of defence, David Hobbs (old pe teacher) education minister or mabey Mr Salt ...who we called the cane master....and Krusty as Transport minister cuz even a clown could do a better job adonis

David House
16th April 2010, 10:33
Just read this thread for the first time. Some of the posts are predictable, some amusing and some a little worrying at their rather skewed perceptions.
Who-ever is elected has to deal with a massive crisis and it is the fault of our system that they cannot be honest about that with us for if they were we would not vote for them. Having voted both labour and tory I genuinely decide on who I feel will serve the nations interest best, and not necessarily my own. I reject UKIP as having an adenda which is not suited to a modern UK. The BNP should become history asap. We simply don't want that sort of attitude in politics. There is no doubt about the solution to our problems, which must be to cut back on many areas of the public service, whilst raising the overall tax intake. It is too easy to suggest we simply tax the rich. It might make good headlines but the amounts raised are insignificant. The pain will have to be taken by everyone, even though I feel I have not been any part of the problem. I have no debt, not on a mortgage or a credit card. I have savings on which my interest has declined hugely. Add to that the fact that the yield on my pension pot has also declined, and the exchange rate collapse and I feel pretty sore. Nevertheless I accept that I cannot escape further pain. Having been part of the problem, in that they flirted with the city for so long, labour is now in trouble in handling the solution. The only reason I see them postponing dealing with it is to placate Unison, upon whom they rely for much of their funding. It will be Unison members who have to take many of the job losses which will undoubtably occur and they will fight. I guess the BA dispute is merely them practising and firing warning shots at the government. If we get another labour government we may never deal properly with this problem.
Whether a short lived coalition would be able to achieve electoral reform before another election is an open question. If I was confident it would I might well vote LibDem to achieve that for a do feel a root and branch overhaul is needed so that we can remove the tribal elements of British politics. Without that assurance I will be voting tory.
I witness at first hand how some of the public service has become ridiculously overblown, overmanned, overpaid and given un-deserved benefits. There seem to be more people carrying out performance checks, surveys and other tick box activities than doing the front line work. We compete with publically funded organisations who pay their staff 50% more than we do, when there is no need to pay those rates and give great pensions and other benefits. If they were private businesses they would make a loss but those losses are simply picked up by us, the taxpayers. There is a huge opportunity to reduce waste so on this alone I fully support Mr Cameron.

16th April 2010, 16:16
I think everyones aware of the downfalls of each party and i`ll certainly vote for who I ( and no-one else ) think is the best for me and my family.
The greatest thing about voting is that everyone has just ONE vote and can use it how they wish.

Arthur Little
16th April 2010, 21:36
The greatest thing about voting is that everyone has just ONE vote and can use it how they wish.

Very true, Adam ... :iagree:! Trouble is, too many folk are brainwashed into behaving like a lot of :sheep: when it comes to availing themselves of their electoral right ... rather than break familial habits of a lifetime. It's like, "Oh well, I've always voted for the 'X' Party ... because my DAD did - and HIS father before him - and besides, better the :devil: you KNOW, &c ... !" And on it goes ...

Arthur Little
16th April 2010, 21:48
... i`ll certainly vote for who I ( and no-one else ) think is the best for me and my family ...

:gp: ... and that's how it SHOULD be! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th April 2010, 22:25
I didn't see last night's programme :NoNo: [too busy on here! :lol2:]. But I gather Nicky Clegg must've endeared himself somewhat to OUR viewers ... because I see the Lib-Dems are two points ahead of Labour, and on a par with the Conservatives - as far as this site is concerned. Oh ... if only that were a true reflection of reality, :rolleyes: then we'd be in for a welcome change from either of the BIG TWO!!

17th April 2010, 00:42
I didn't see last night's programme :NoNo: [too busy on here! :lol2:]. But I gather Nicky Clegg must've endeared himself somewhat to OUR viewers ... because I see the Lib-Dems are two points ahead of Labour, and on a par with the Conservatives - as far as this site is concerned. Oh ... if only that were a true reflection of reality, :rolleyes: then we'd be in for a welcome change from either of the BIG TWO!!

:icon_lol: the libs have no chance :NoNo:
it was easy for clegg, he blamed labour and past tory govs for all the problems, and they couldnt throw anything back at him, even you Arthur are too young to remember the last lib gov , in fact you wasn't even born, so not many people remember them in power, infact its a 100yrs ago 1910-1916 i think :D

17th April 2010, 16:36
Very true, Adam ... :iagree:! Trouble is, too many folk are brainwashed into behaving like a lot of :sheep: when it comes to availing themselves of their electoral right ... rather than break familial habits of a lifetime. It's like, "Oh well, I've always voted for the 'X' Party ... because my DAD did - and HIS father before him - and besides, better the :devil: you KNOW, &c ... !" And on it goes ...

I must admit i`ve always voted Labour but I just can`t bring myself too this time. Neither can I vote Conservative. I was impressed with Nick Clegg during the debate and I hope they will win some votes over the other 2 main parties.
Brown wobbled like an old woman and Cameron didnt have his usual smarmy look about him. I think he looked a little worried to be honest though he wasnt helped by being put in the middle of the other two. Brown and Clegg found it easy to address the other two at the same time without having to twist this way and that.
I wonder if they`ll move them about for the next debate.

Arthur Little
17th April 2010, 20:27
:icon_lol: the libs have no chance :NoNo:
it was easy for clegg, he blamed labour and past tory govs for all the problems, and they couldnt throw anything back at him, even you Arthur are too young to remember the last lib gov , in fact you wasn't even born, so not many people remember them in power, infact its a 100yrs ago 1910-1916 i think :D

:icon_lol: ... you don't believe in miracles then, Joe? How about the Power of Prayer? :pray:

Arthur Little
17th April 2010, 20:34
I was impressed with Nick Clegg during the debate

Yeah, a lot of people seem to have been ... if today's headlines referring to him as 'Mr Popularity' are to be believed! :rolleyes:

17th April 2010, 20:35
I think we all just vote LibDem and see what happens to the country.... couldn't be any worse than the other two

South-east boy
17th April 2010, 23:45
Not labour that's for sure-couldn't believe people voted for them the last time and look at what's happened since then!

Arthur Little
18th April 2010, 00:06
Never having been one to court popularity when faced with the stark facts, Margaret Thatcher turned out to be one of the strongest political leaders this country has ever had ... and, since we are badly in need of someone else in that mould ... how about Anne Widdecombe? :23_116_6[1]:

21st April 2010, 15:22
Just read this thread for the first time. Some of the posts are predictable, some amusing and some a little worrying at their rather skewed perceptions.
Who-ever is elected has to deal with a massive crisis and it is the fault of our system that they cannot be honest about that with us for if they were we would not vote for them. Having voted both labour and tory I genuinely decide on who I feel will serve the nations interest best, and not necessarily my own. I reject UKIP as having an adenda which is not suited to a modern UK. The BNP should become history asap. We simply don't want that sort of attitude in politics. There is no doubt about the solution to our problems, which must be to cut back on many areas of the public service, whilst raising the overall tax intake. It is too easy to suggest we simply tax the rich. It might make good headlines but the amounts raised are insignificant. The pain will have to be taken by everyone, even though I feel I have not been any part of the problem. I have no debt, not on a mortgage or a credit card. I have savings on which my interest has declined hugely. Add to that the fact that the yield on my pension pot has also declined, and the exchange rate collapse and I feel pretty sore. Nevertheless I accept that I cannot escape further pain. Having been part of the problem, in that they flirted with the city for so long, labour is now in trouble in handling the solution. The only reason I see them postponing dealing with it is to placate Unison, upon whom they rely for much of their funding. It will be Unison members who have to take many of the job losses which will undoubtably occur and they will fight. I guess the BA dispute is merely them practising and firing warning shots at the government. If we get another labour government we may never deal properly with this problem.
Whether a short lived coalition would be able to achieve electoral reform before another election is an open question. If I was confident it would I might well vote LibDem to achieve that for a do feel a root and branch overhaul is needed so that we can remove the tribal elements of British politics. Without that assurance I will be voting tory.
I witness at first hand how some of the public service has become ridiculously overblown, overmanned, overpaid and given un-deserved benefits. There seem to be more people carrying out performance checks, surveys and other tick box activities than doing the front line work. We compete with publically funded organisations who pay their staff 50% more than we do, when there is no need to pay those rates and give great pensions and other benefits. If they were private businesses they would make a loss but those losses are simply picked up by us, the taxpayers. There is a huge opportunity to reduce waste so on this alone I fully support Mr Cameron.

Good to see the Thatcherites back in town, cant wait till the tories get back in and sell of the rest of our public services and then subsides them....sweet, Stop beliveing the hype a vote for another party othe than lab/con is not a wated vote...

21st April 2010, 18:29
Good to see the Thatcherites back in town, cant wait till the tories get back in and sell of the rest of our public services and then subsides them....sweet, Stop beliveing the hype a vote for another party othe than lab/con is not a wated vote...

Where does it say in the Tory manifesto they would privatise the rest of our public services? :Erm:

DavidHouse does make a valid point about the economy needing sorting out. We really need to stop fooling ourselves and face the inevitable.

All this Thatcher this, Thatcher that, talk makes me laugh, always convenient to blame the guy from 20 years ago. Labour have had 13 years, now they want more time to fix the problems they've created - oh silly me, it was the Americans, ah yes, of course, it was Thatcher wot done it, and you must not vote Tory as they will ruin everything. Ah don't worry, the National Insurance rise will fix everything, but we wont increase your tax allowance, even though prices have gone up, especially petrol, now £1.25 where I live. Its ok, trust Labour. FOOLS! :crazy:

Woah look, unemployment at its highest since 1995.

Tell you what, vote Brown back in, and enjoy the show.

21st April 2010, 18:42
My mortgage is ready for a review, think I will get a fixed rate, say 5 years just in case the torys get in. they will put rates up. 15% looks familiar (thatcher)

21st April 2010, 18:52
My mortgage is ready for a review, think I will get a fixed rate, say 5 years just in case the torys get in. they will put rates up. 15% looks familiar (thatcher)

:Erm::Erm::Erm: Interest rates at 15%.... :Erm::Erm::Erm: Oh yes, it really did happen. It was tory chancellor Norman Lamont in 1992 if I remember correctly. Now just remind me who it was that was special advisor to Norman Lamont at the time he hiked interest rates up to 15% :Erm::Erm::Erm: oh yes I just remembered, it was David Cameron.

21st April 2010, 18:59
My mortgage is ready for a review, think I will get a fixed rate, say 5 years just in case the torys get in. they will put rates up. 15% looks familiar (thatcher)

Thats one of the most defeatist post I've ever read on this forum.

Can you tell me some lottery numbers then, as you seem to know for sure that if the Tories win, interest rates will automatically rise to 15%. You do know Thatcher left in 1990? So I can't see how this is relevant to what might happen in the future. The same can be applied to Labour, they learned from their mistakes back in the 70's and didn't (dare) repeat it in 1997.;)

21st April 2010, 19:01
:Erm::Erm::Erm: Interest rates at 15%.... :Erm::Erm::Erm: Oh yes, it really did happen. It was tory chancellor Norman Lamont in 1992 if I remember correctly. Now just remind me who it was that was special advisor to Norman Lamont at the time he hiked interest rates up to 15% :Erm::Erm::Erm: oh yes I just remembered, it was David Cameron.

And the sheeple, er, people voted them back in the same year. Weird. :Cuckoo:

21st April 2010, 19:02
I enjoyed the Thatcher years , you knew where you where, up s:censored:t creek without a paddle , Its a bit like the telly and the remote flicking through to find the least worse nah dont think I will bother:NoNo:

21st April 2010, 19:02
Woah look, unemployment at its highest since 1995.

i think you will find unemployment under thatcher was higher at well over 3M in 85, and she had been MP for 5yrs already so she cant blame the previous gov (unemployment was less than 1.5m when she became MP)

21st April 2010, 19:05
i think you will find unemployment under thatcher was higher at well over 3M in 85, and she had been MP for 5yrs already so she cant blame the previous gov (unemployment was less than 1.5m when she became MP)

You see Joe, you've proved whats wrong with British politics, its stuck. In a loop.

21st April 2010, 19:11
You see Joe, you've proved whats wrong with British politics, its stuck. In a loop.

your younger than me rob, but without giving my age away :rolleyes:, under thatcher you left school and went on the dole :cwm24:

yes things never change, it will probably make no difference if labour or tories get in :NoNo:

dont you member the news at 10, when they had a tally of all the job losses ,,, 10,000s a week,,

21st April 2010, 19:29
Thats one of the most defeatist post I've ever read on this forum.

Can you tell me some lottery numbers then, as you seem to know for sure that if the Tories win, interest rates will automatically rise to 15%. You do know Thatcher left in 1990? So I can't see how this is relevant to what might happen in the future. The same can be applied to Labour, they learned from their mistakes back in the 70's and didn't (dare) repeat it in 1997.;)

I call it common sense, not talking about 90s but 80s.
lowest rate for a longtime. What was the unemployment figure under thatcher, 5 million or more; what were interest rates, around 15 % :Brick:

22nd April 2010, 20:18
Nice to see that now Clegg is "popular" he's being attacked by the corporate backed media...like they havent got their own agenda

25th April 2010, 12:57
Was watching TV earlier with the SNP on. Made me wonder why Scotland and Wales arnt independent of England?
Can anyone enlighten me?
Someone told me that we pay for the Scots prescription and tuition fees. Is that true and if so do we do the same for the Welsh?

25th April 2010, 13:34
Was watching TV earlier with the SNP on. Made me wonder why Scotland and Wales arnt independent of England?
Can anyone enlighten me?
Someone told me that we pay for the Scots prescription and tuition fees. Is that true and if so do we do the same for the Welsh?

There is a formula called the Barnett formula which is used to work out how much funding the Scottish parliament gets from the UK treasury (the same UK treasury into which Scottish taxpayers also pay) each year and the Scottish parliament decides how it will spend this money. The Scottish parliament decided that from the funding it was given, that it could afford to offer free prescriptions, free tuition fees and other free services which we in England have to pay for.

25th April 2010, 14:32
Nick Clegg was being interviewed by Andrew Marr this morning and had no responsible answers to this country becoming overwhelmed by immigration.His idea of granting area work permit visas is a joke as the applicant can bring his family, who they hope will only mean i extra person, and they can live anywhere they like, and then they hope they all return home after the visa expires.Failing that they will probably grant another amnesty.
I have not forgotten the thieving :censored: who have milked the expense system dry at our expense and will not vote for any sitting MP. I will probably vote Ukip on the thinking that the other parties have made such a cock up of our finances and border controls, giving the thieving :censored: banks my money to pay themselves huge bonuses and wages , could they do any worse.
Stop all welfare benefits, open up soup kitchens and give out food parcels, no more cash handouts for anything,that will cut down the queues at the borders. :omg:
Bring back financial controls on money being taken out of the country.

"not well thought out but just fed up with the present system"

25th April 2010, 15:00
abuse of the immigration system in the uk and europe is wide spread.

those on student visa's can work upto 20hrs aweek, they can bring THEIR DEPENDENT RELATIVES, who can work without any restrictions :laugher:, then when the student visa route has dried up, they switch or the other applies for teir 2 and it carries on..

fake colleges and unis above the local chip shop who have 100s of students on their books.:doh

there must be many 10,000s who are hiding waiting for an amnesty or trying not to get caught and claim ILR under the 14yr illegal stay rule. and if there is one amnesty more will come waiting for another..

illegal immigrants in the UK or Europe who have kids and then try and claim a right to stay mentioning article 8 of the human rights act :rolleyes:

illegal immigrants marrying Europeans in the UK and using EU rules so their past immigration status or crimes don't matter :rolleyes:

nearly every player in a Pakistani cricket team flew to Ireland for a game, and they all had fiancé waiting for them :laugher:

i could go :76: and :76: but i'll not :cwm24:

t9LlGTA7UfM with his wife and solicitor , and whos paying for his solicitor :Rasp::UpYurs::603785::waver:

25th April 2010, 15:35
Nick Clegg was being interviewed by Andrew Marr this morning and had no responsible answers to this country becoming overwhelmed by immigration.His idea of granting area work permit visas is a joke as the applicant can bring his family, who they hope will only mean i extra person, and they can live anywhere they like, and then they hope they all return home after the visa expires.Failing that they will probably grant another amnesty.
I have not forgotten the thieving :censored: who have milked the expense system dry at our expense and will not vote for any sitting MP. I will probably vote Ukip on the thinking that the other parties have made such a cock up of our finances and border controls, giving the thieving :censored: banks my money to pay themselves huge bonuses and wages , could they do any worse.
Stop all welfare benefits, open up soup kitchens and give out food parcels, no more cash handouts for anything,that will cut down the queues at the borders. :omg:
Bring back financial controls on money being taken out of the country.

"not well thought out but just fed up with the present system"

None of the main parties have an answer to the two real immigration problems as the real problems don't relate to legal immigration from outside the EU which is the only kind of immigration they seem to discuss. The first real immigration problem is the immigration problem eminating from the EU and the other problem is that of illegal immigration where their hands are tied mainly by foreign governments taking so long to issue travel documents for the illegals who are rounded up by the UKBA.

I do think however that the fines given to employers who employ illegals should be set at a point where it's likely to bankrupt them if they do employ them and get caught. Most of the illegals know that there is a thriving black economy in the UK and all they have to do is get here, find a job and keep a low profile.

If the fines for employers were high enough to deter them from taking on illegals, I think that gradually as the word trickled down that even if you get to the UK, the chances of earning a living are very low, that this would have some effect on the levels of illegals trying to come here in the first place.

I also think that the government should as a priority, try to do deals or get agreements with the foreign governments who fail to issue travel documents within a reasonable period of time.


25th April 2010, 20:41
There is a formula called the Barnett formula which is used to work out how much funding the Scottish parliament gets from the UK treasury (the same UK treasury into which Scottish taxpayers also pay) each year and the Scottish parliament decides how it will spend this money. The Scottish parliament decided that from the funding it was given, that it could afford to offer free prescriptions, free tuition fees and other free services which we in England have to pay for.

Thanks Iain :xxgrinning--00xx3: