View Full Version : Grumpiness a sign of advanced civilization ?

23rd March 2010, 09:04
Researchers believe that people who are short tempered may be higher up the evolutionary ladder than those who are easy going..

23rd March 2010, 09:25
what researchers? cant see the connection myself :Erm:

23rd March 2010, 09:44
Researchers believe that people who are short tempered may be higher up the evolutionary ladder than those who are easy going..
SHUT UP :cwm23: .... wow ... my IQ is now 199 :D

Doc Alan
23rd March 2010, 09:52
Are the "researchers" implying that those who have grumpiness, short temper, and aggression are more likely to survive and reproduce than easy-going people? Survival of the fittest or were they created that way ?

23rd March 2010, 10:34
SHUT UP :cwm23: .... wow ... my IQ is now 199 :D

Ahahha..sounds familiar boss..its working

Arthur Little
24th March 2010, 10:05
Some folk become more grumpy :angry: as they get older ... others seem to mellow with age!

24th March 2010, 11:29
Some folk become more grumpy :angry: as they get older ... others seem to mellow with age!
Grumpy & thicker .... so I guess the research is :action-smiley-081:

24th March 2010, 19:07
If that was true, glasgow would have flying cars and a space shuttle