View Full Version : How Old Is This Girl? Guess!

2nd April 2010, 11:19
How old do you think this girl is?

I will give you the answer on Tuesday evening..hehe:D


2nd April 2010, 11:28
How old do you think this girl is?

I will give you the answer on Tuesday evening..hehe:D


omg! why tuesday evening?

2nd April 2010, 11:34
14 or 42

2nd April 2010, 11:35
Hehe so you can spend your bank holiday weekend wondering about it..hehe (as if you'd want to!:icon_lol:) I just want to give everyone a chance of guessing before I give the answer..:)

2nd April 2010, 11:45
Uh oh:rolleyes: 38?

2nd April 2010, 11:54
43 looks like she might be chinese or something :23_111_9[1]:

2nd April 2010, 12:00
76, she has just come out of surgery :Rasp:

2nd April 2010, 12:08
uhmm..:Erm:..i guess 32..

2nd April 2010, 12:47

2nd April 2010, 13:14

2nd April 2010, 13:45
maybe 16 years old with breast implants :omg:

2nd April 2010, 13:50
57 and her name is variety

2nd April 2010, 13:51
Hmmmm her is around 12 to 20 years of age :Erm:

2nd April 2010, 15:10

2nd April 2010, 15:25
99+ at a rough guess :Erm:

2nd April 2010, 15:42
99+ at a rough guess :Erm:

i think you meant < 99yrs old is correct :rolleyes:

2nd April 2010, 15:49
It's a GUY :omg:

2nd April 2010, 16:34
need to see her teeth dong:Erm:

2nd April 2010, 17:07
Her name is Aki Hoshino and she is 33, according to her wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Hoshino):xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd April 2010, 17:10
You sad :censored: :D .... you've spent 2 hours searching the web for that :icon_lol:

I'd say about 33 :Erm:

2nd April 2010, 17:13
You sad :censored: :D .... you've spent 2 hours searching the web for that :icon_lol:

I'd say about 33 :Erm:

not as sad as going on facebook :doh


2nd April 2010, 17:13
You sad :censored: :D .... you've spent 2 hours searching the web for that :icon_lol:

I'd say about 33 :Erm:

5 minutes... Used TinEye (http://www.tineye.com/) to find other exact images and then just looked up the name on the bottom of them;)

2nd April 2010, 17:16
5 minutes... Used TinEye (http://www.tineye.com/) to find other exact images and then just looked up the name on the bottom of them;)

what he means , it takes scouser keith 2 hours to find them :crazy: pics he keeps posting :D

2nd April 2010, 17:17
Her name is Aki Hoshino and she is 33, according to her wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Hoshino):xxgrinning--00xx3:

F:censored:k it's not tuesday evening already is it already?

2nd April 2010, 17:18
F:censored:k it's not tuesday evening already is it already?

yes you had a nap for 4 days :omg:

2nd April 2010, 17:28
No, it takes 5 minutes to find out who she is, the other 1 hour 55 minutes to perv over her galleries:Rasp:

Mrs Daddy
2nd April 2010, 18:56
looks like a teen to me...:D

2nd April 2010, 19:01
looks like a teen to me...:D

Trust me, she is 33... I have examined the evidence closely:Rasp:

2nd April 2010, 19:03
Trust me, she is 33... I have examined the evidence closely:Rasp:
You counted the rings :action-smiley-081: :Erm:

2nd April 2010, 19:08
You counted the rings :action-smiley-081: :Erm:

ahem... :dumbputer:

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 01:12
:Erm: ... Judging from her [young girly, pigtailed] hairstyle ... and breast implants aside ... I'll plump for around 16!

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 01:37
On reflection ... having since enlarged the picture and studied her :heartshape1: facial features ... maybe even younger.

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 01:43
I will give you the answer on Tuesday evening..hehe:D


WHY Tuesday, Nigel ... are YOU dating this girl over the Easter Weekend? :rolleyes:

3rd April 2010, 02:54
Nigel..What makes you think you know her age???
You asked her??:icon_lol:

3rd April 2010, 03:06
Her name is Aki Hoshino and she is 33, according to her wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Hoshino):xxgrinning--00xx3:

Already answered guys:D

3rd April 2010, 08:15
Already answered guys:D

I don't know how you found the pic but full marks on your research.

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 19:41
Already answered guys:D

Well, looks like you're spot-on, Sean :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... have to admit though, I've never heard of Aki Hoshino till now!

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 19:45
No longer any need to wait with bated breath :NoNo: ... wonder what prompted Nigel to upload her photograph in the first place?

Arthur Little
3rd April 2010, 19:52
... :Erm: ... unless he'd just happened to come across it somewhere - and it'd been "niggling" him ever since ...

South-east boy
4th April 2010, 10:42
Rayna was the closest before Sean spilled the beans! Not always easy to tell with some Asian women as many can look over 10 years younger than they actually are.

4th April 2010, 11:38
Northerner , that prog at:-

To find images of a photo which one has is incredible.

I did a search which was negative but it showed:-
'RESULT searched over 1.3775 billion images in 0.200 seconds'

And they apologise as there data base is 'quite small' but growing !!!!

This is such a great site, for so many reasons. Thanks to you all, John

4th April 2010, 11:48
Rayna was the closest before Sean spilled the beans!
What's her prize? A night with Toni :cwm24:

4th April 2010, 11:53
What's her prize? A night with Toni :cwm24:

worse 5 mins with scouser Keith :cwm24:


:D :Wave:

4th April 2010, 11:59
This tends to show that its so difficult to estimate a female's age. I think here the guesses ranged from 12 to 30. This could have meant that a fem, someone genuinely thought was 30, was in fact only 12.

"Members of the jury, what is your verdict in this case ? "

Worrying !

4th April 2010, 13:10
I have a rule that I never try to guess a woman's age. I was once asked to and guessed the lady at 35 (thinking I was being kind), and I was 10 years over the mark :D She was a secretary at a company I had to visit. She told her boss, "Don't ever invite that pig here again," and stormed off.


4th April 2010, 13:38
worse 5 mins with scouser Keith :cwm24:


:D :Wave:
Great.... I can do it twice with her :Erm: .... including 4 minutes foreplay :crazy:

4th April 2010, 15:56
I'll go for 10 yrs old, if Northerner is wrong on his seaRCH , LOL

Arthur Little
4th April 2010, 22:48
I'll go for 10 yrs old, if Northerner is wrong on his seaRCH , LOL

Well ... looking at her photo again, I'd certainly have said YOU were a lot nearer the mark (discounting the breasts). I would imagine she's of petite build - since Asian ladies generally, tend to be of smallish stature - thus creating the illusion of being younger than she actually IS. Just goes to show how difficult it can BE sometimes, to guage the age of such women - hence proving my point! :rolleyes:

4th April 2010, 22:51
Northerner , that prog at:-

To find images of a photo which one has is incredible.

I did a search which was negative but it showed:-
'RESULT searched over 1.3775 billion images in 0.200 seconds'

And they apologise as there data base is 'quite small' but growing !!!!

This is such a great site, for so many reasons. Thanks to you all, John

TinEye (http://www.tineye.com/) is used for all sorts of things, but if you meet somebody online and you want to make sure the picture your being told is that person, then checking with TinEye is one good way to start off.

As for Aki Hoshino, sure she looks young, but as pointed out before a lot of Asian ladies can look younger than their true age. My Mahal, Rizza can often look younger than her 25 years. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Sometimes I swear she is more like 20...

As for the picture that was posted at the top of this thread, here is the full image.. For those still in doubt, visit This page for an uncropped image with a link to a full gallery (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2009/08/25/aki-hoshino/aki-hoshino-84/) (none nude, pervs)

5th April 2010, 09:03
TinEye (http://www.tineye.com/) is used for all sorts of things, but if you meet somebody online and you want to make sure the picture your being told is that person, then checking with TinEye is one good way to start off.

Hi Northerner,
I tried searching on other pics but did not get ant result. In desperation I tried a couple from 'naughty sites' and even they did not show a result. Maybe when the data base is larger it will work.

PS A note of caution, maybe it would be better that we did not check on people whom we don't want to find in the 'wrong pics' !!!!!

5th April 2010, 10:07
In desperation I tried a couple from 'naughty sites'

:yikes:............ :NoNo:

so you've got the pics of scouser Keith and dom :action-smiley-081: to :rolleyes:


5th April 2010, 11:22
so you've got the pics of scouser Keith and dom :action-smiley-081: to :rolleyes:

Typical Manc.... no consideration for my sensitive feelings :rolleyes:

5th April 2010, 11:32
Typical Manc.... no consideration for my sensitive feelings :rolleyes:

well i know you was upset you didn't get to see the photos i took at the mods new year party :xxparty-smiley-050:, so heres one to cheer you up :rolleyes:

what is dom looking at :doh



5th April 2010, 11:44
I say 33 years old ? whats the prize ?:Hellooo:

5th April 2010, 13:10
I say 33 years old ? whats the prize ?:Hellooo:

Sorry Len you failed completely as you proved you did not read the thread from the beginning.

Read from the top and you will see what I mean.

5th April 2010, 18:26
Rayna guessed 32! Wow what a very close guess!! And Cheeky took a close guess with 35!

Northerener you were supposd to guess not use TinEye!:blacklistsmartassHL

But you are of course right! She is the baby faced Japanese model Aki Hoshino aged 33!:)

I sure wish I could date her Arthur Little! I have read that she is single, and on facebook!:rolleyes: What made me upload the pic of her? I showed a pic of her to a friend of mine, when I told him she's 33 he was like "No way!":yikes: And almost falling out of his chair!:icon_lol: So I guess that's what made me upload it here..

Japanese women always look fantastic! All oriental/asian women seem to age well, but also in Japan I believe they bath a lot, and it's thought that they eat a lot of seafood/fish.. I think maybe this is why Japanese women are always slim with good skin.. We eat a lot of fried food, it can make you spotty and fat I think..:Erm:

I believe Aki did one of the voices in Bee Movie! And here she is presumably at some sort of promo for the movie! :)


5th April 2010, 19:44
so no prize for guessing it almost correctly?!?!?!?! :doh :NoNo: :D

5th April 2010, 19:52
so no prize for guessing it almost correctly?!?!?!?! :doh :NoNo: :D
You get a bottle of Nigel's second-hand lube :cwm24:

5th April 2010, 20:14
You get a bottle of Nigel's second-hand lube :cwm24:

since i'm here in Manila and it would be too expensive for nigel to ship it here, maybe you can have it instead keith..i give you the pleasure..hahahahaha :laugher: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2010, 09:57
since i'm here in Manila and it would be too expensive for nigel to ship it here, maybe you can have it instead keith..i give you the pleasure..hahahahaha :laugher: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've already had a bottle, it tastes of banana, and has brown streaks in it :omg:

6th April 2010, 15:40
so no prize for guessing it almost correctly?!?!?!?! :doh :NoNo: :DThe only prize I can offer you, is beating Northerner with a stick cause he cheated!:icon_lol:

6th April 2010, 15:53
The only prize I can offer you, is beating Northerner with a stick cause he cheated!:icon_lol:
