View Full Version : Is there anything you insist on??

3rd April 2010, 11:40
For those of us who have made the trip, what is it that if you can get it you insist upon having..............keep it clean...........
I love most of what i have tried food wise but their butter:NoNo:, heaven knows ive tried it but its awfull soooooooo creamy.so last trip there i discovered they have Anchor butter and its the real McCoy, bit pricey as i recall but now thats what id insist upon

3rd April 2010, 15:21
A good cup of British tea, be it Yorkshire, PG Tips, Tetley, I'll be taking some bags with me :icon_lol: Trouble is the milk is different :doh

3rd April 2010, 16:02
I don't insist upon having anything as such when in Philippines..I missed Fosters beer and Haagen Daz ice cream when I'm in Philippines though..haha and maybe steak and kidney pie and chips!:icon_lol:

3rd April 2010, 16:51
you can get all of those in cebu nigel for myself its just my expresso pot and real coffee in the morning

3rd April 2010, 17:09
you can get all of those in cebu nigel for myself its just my expresso pot and real coffee in the morning

That's what I used to think.....:Erm:

But a short taxi trip to Bo's coffee club in Ayala, or Sm, soon sorted me out.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Starbucks is horrible stuff....:doh

3rd April 2010, 17:19
I take my own coffee and percolator :D

3rd April 2010, 17:34
I take my own percolator :D


3rd April 2010, 17:47
Tea. But I did find Lipon Tea out there.

3rd April 2010, 18:00
bisto gravy...

3rd April 2010, 18:13
:Erm:Guys don't you insist toilet tissue:D:Cuckoo::action-smiley-081::D

3rd April 2010, 18:18
:Erm:Guys don't you insist toilet tissue:D:Cuckoo::action-smiley-081::D
:Erm: The wife has fingers???

3rd April 2010, 19:25
:Erm:Guys don't you insist toilet tissue:D:Cuckoo::action-smiley-081::D

I agree!! I couldnt believe that there was no toilet tissue at the Mall of Asia toilets!. I will go prepared next time.:action-smiley-081:

3rd April 2010, 19:54
:Erm:Guys don't you insist toilet tissue:D:Cuckoo::action-smiley-081::D

Good advice :xxgrinning--00xx3: I got caught short in a mall one day :D

Sunblock as well.

3rd April 2010, 23:09
Oh!! I just thought of another one that I am going to take with me this time.........MARMITE......you either love it or hate it :icon_lol:

4th April 2010, 01:29
Oh!! I just thought of another one that I am going to take with me this time.........MARMITE......you either love it or hate it :icon_lol:

Never leave home without it and fortunatly havnt found a Filipina that likes it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th April 2010, 04:06
:Erm: The wife has fingers???

:yikes:Lucky u:D:Cuckoo::Cuckoo::icon_lol:

Oh!! I just thought of another one that I am going to take with me this time.........MARMITE......you either love it or hate it :icon_lol:

:yikes:hate it:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:Kukupops love it, I still got some here from his last visit 2008, it's not expired yet but I guess he gonna love it more...ewwww:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Never leave home without it and fortunatly havnt found a Filipina that likes it:xxgrinning--00xx3:


4th April 2010, 07:45
Yeah! a cup of tea...we met up with Traderdave's wife & she made me a lovely cup of tea.

We went straight to Robinsons after, to buy some Twynings 'English breakfast tea'. :)