View Full Version : Visa Application Date of travel

4th April 2010, 13:46
On the visa (family) application form it asks " what is your date of travel and " return date"
Now my question is how can you put a date down on the form, as one does not want to get flight tickets till the visa approved. If it is of course. i will take my leave from work once we find out if the visa is approved or not then we will all fly back here together for a 2 month holiday visit here before we all go back to Davao.

All advice gratefully accepted

4th April 2010, 14:30
I guess that is just placing ur target travel date only...dont ever purchase ticket yet unless u got the visa already.

4th April 2010, 15:10
Sample if some one apply for fiancee visa, before we know its 3 months (dunno now) We apply January 01 so the target travel is March 31, just an example