View Full Version : tax crdits and other stuff

6th April 2010, 21:02
am i right in assuming that wen our child who was recently born in philippines but will have british passport soon will be entitled to recieve child tax credits wen we arrive in uk??
i am british and my spouse is filipino, soon we wil b appling for her spouse visa.

also i am assuming that when my spouses application is approved (WE HOPE) and wen she moves to uk she will be able to start work immediately ? if so she will b able to work and pay taxes but will not be able to recieve jobseekers allowance when she starts to look for work?? as i understand bcaz it will b recourse to public funds?? seems stupid to me

and thus she will hav to wait for two years b4 she can take the life in uk test and apply for indefinate leave to remain which means she wont be elligable for NHS treatment within the first 2 years of her stay?? once again seems stupid to me, if this is the case then she will be working ..be a taxpayer (paying for all those who are unable to work or seeking work) wont be able to recieve jobseekers allowance when seeking work and wen paying tax will be contributing to the upkeep of the NHS !!:Erm:

6th April 2010, 21:24
When your child arrives in the UK you can start claiming tax credits and child benefit, it would be best if these are claimed in your name.

As a spouse she can start work as soon as she arrives and you have applied for a National Insurance number.

Info on benefits and NI from http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/index.htm

As soon as she arrives she is able to get treatment on the NHS, just register them at your local doctors.

6th April 2010, 22:37
Respect rusty once again

7th April 2010, 00:04
no problem with you claiming and receiving child benefit which your entitled to,

but tax creds will depend on your income, if your entitled to it, both of you must fill in the form, but only you should make a claim.
(i think there is a box asking each of you, if you want to make a claim, only you should tick it)

no problems with your wife starting work when she gets here,

if your wife has paid enough NI contributions should might be able to claim the following.. but until she has at least ILR, she should not claim public funds (income-based jobseeker's allowance, income support, etc)

Public funds do not include benefits that are based on National Insurance contributions. National Insurance is paid in the same way as income tax and is based on earnings. Benefits to which a person is entitled as a result of National Insurance contributions include:

* contribution-based jobseeker's allowance;
* incapacity benefit;
* retirement pension;
* widow's benefit and bereavement benefit;
* guardian's allowance;
* statutory maternity pay;
* maternity allowance; and
* contribution-related employment and support allowance.


NHS not a problem, NHS treatment: this is not public funds for fiancées and spouses!