View Full Version : HELP! Bread and Butter question!

7th April 2010, 11:09
After trying a slice of bread today with my minestrone soup I decided I was in desperate need of some help and advice!

Can anyone living in the Philippines tell me a decent tasty loaf of bread, comparable to a British loaf?
Most bread here I find to be sweet like a cake or stodgy, cant describe how the one earlier tasted, but seemed like a sodium taste! :omg:

I normally stick most of it in a toasting machine, the SM Bonus loaf (when you can get it) seems to work better for most when toasting, but I miss having a decent sandwich and struggle to find a nice butter and loaf, as I do like to toast occasionally I prefer to have some white bread, but any suggestions on a decent loaf will be welcome.
I know there is probably a long list of foods I really miss from home, but this one seems the most obvious on my list.


7th April 2010, 11:17
After trying a slice of bread today with my minestrone soup I decided I was in desperate need of some help and advice!

Can anyone living in the Philippines tell me a decent tasty loaf of bread, comparable to a British loaf?
Most bread here I find to be sweet like a cake or stodgy, cant describe how the one earlier tasted, but seemed like a sodium taste! :omg:

I normally stick most of it in a toasting machine, the SM Bonus loaf (when you can get it) seems to work better for most when toasting, but I miss having a decent sandwich and struggle to find a nice butter and loaf, as I do like to toast occasionally I prefer to have some white bread, but any suggestions on a decent loaf will be welcome.
I know there is probably a long list of foods I really miss from home, but this one seems the most obvious on my list.


SM in cebu, they used to have a small bakery at the entrance to the supermarket, where we bought our french style batons. they also had some white loaves available.
The bread baked in Phil, normally has a certain percentage of banana flour, hence the sweetness...
As per butter, you will be able to find Anchor butter, or other ozzie stuff at the various dairy counters in supermarkets.

7th April 2010, 11:36
After trying a slice of bread today with my minestrone soup I decided I was in desperate need of some help and advice!

Can anyone living in the Philippines tell me a decent tasty loaf of bread, comparable to a British loaf?
Most bread here I find to be sweet like a cake or stodgy, cant describe how the one earlier tasted, but seemed like a sodium taste! :omg:

I normally stick most of it in a toasting machine, the SM Bonus loaf (when you can get it) seems to work better for most when toasting, but I miss having a decent sandwich and struggle to find a nice butter and loaf, as I do like to toast occasionally I prefer to have some white bread, but any suggestions on a decent loaf will be welcome.
I know there is probably a long list of foods I really miss from home, but this one seems the most obvious on my list.


breads in french baker is great! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2010, 11:37
Try Gardenia bread and Anchor Butter:)

7th April 2010, 11:57
Thanks for the speedy replies people, I've not been lucky enough to see some anchor butter, but now I know its available I'll try and source some lol

I'm outside Manila, SM close by, but no other bakeries close by, was hoping that someone had gone through all the different brands in the supermarket and already worked out the good from bad.

We haven't got a french baker :angry:, next time in Manila will have to visit one, we have a Goldilocks, but I'm not sure if they do any nice bread. Tend to think of them for cakes.
We haven't got a breadtalk here, their cakes always look yummy, just wondered how people rate their bread?

Any more suggestions are welcome!

7th April 2010, 12:03
we always buy Gardenia and Dari Creme butter:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2010, 12:06
Thanks for the speedy replies people, I've not been lucky enough to see some anchor butter, but now I know its available I'll try and source some lol

I'm outside Manila, SM close by, but no other bakeries close by, was hoping that someone had gone through all the different brands in the supermarket and already worked out the good from bad.

We haven't got a french baker :angry:, next time in Manila will have to visit one, we have a Goldilocks, but I'm not sure if they do any nice bread. Tend to think of them for cakes.
We haven't got a breadtalk here, their cakes always look yummy, just wondered how people rate their bread?

Any more suggestions are welcome!

Try Queesland butter. You'll love it :xxgrinning--00xx3:
You can buy gourmet bread at BreadTalk as well :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2010, 12:09
yup, I agree with the members here.. Try French bakery or Le Cour de france. My hubby likes the bread from Le cour.

7th April 2010, 12:14
Thanks Leah & Rayna, Gardenia seems popular!
We will definitely have to try some, my Mrs said she saw it in the SM on our last visit. The name sounded familiar, like some Italian bread or something I thought i had tried before, but maybe not.

7th April 2010, 12:33
Thanks Leah & Rayna, Gardenia seems popular!
We will definitely have to try some, my Mrs said she saw it in the SM on our last visit. The name sounded familiar, like some Italian bread or something I thought i had tried before, but maybe not.

Your welcome:xxgrinning--00xx3:There's a lot of good bread around especially in big establishment like Malls but Gardenia seems to have even in a local store, it's not good as Hovis:D;) but i hope you gonna like it just for the meantime:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2010, 13:40
I'll go for Gardenia, that was lovely, expensive but you get what you pay for....

7th April 2010, 14:16
Thanks for the comments, GARDENIA it is then!!

7th April 2010, 14:21
Ruystans super market in ayala cebu do good bread dont know outside cebu but find an expat forum in your area and 10-1 on there will be a german making it and selling it:xxgrinning--00xx3: i could get home made back bacon in cebu to

7th April 2010, 15:43
Thanks for the comments, GARDENIA it is then!!

Gardenia (wheat)
my hubby cant believe its Utterly Butterly he found in our local shop but he had to pay thru the nose for it)

7th April 2010, 16:51
If you see an American Sourdough in the supermarkets, you'll probably find that quite agreeable.

7th April 2010, 17:12

If u are in Cebu try Days Hotels' Sourdough :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2010, 21:10
As other posters have mentioned, French Baker is the place to go.

I've had this conversation with Filipino friends and family loads of times. Why o why o why o why o why do they put sugar in their bread? Why???? It's wrong!!!!

Also, I've converted my wife to proper sandwiches with real crusty bread (not the crappy sliced stuff). Today's sandwiches were cold roast duck with redcurrant jelly. They were a taste sensation!

8th April 2010, 16:35
I'm sure with you guys help i'm well on my way to a decent slice and some lovely sandwiches, then I just gotta find something nice to stick in it, managed to go to French Baker and grab a loaf looks promising, and also grab some Gardenia from SM although there was quite a selection to try, not had chance to eat any yet as only just got back from manila late and the butter melted on the way :bigcry:

Not impressed with the selection of hams and sliced meats, I suppose were spoiled in the UK with our ham, chicken, turkey, beef, etc. Is it possible to find some other sliced meats other than Ham, spicey HAM, honey HAM, Ham HAM.

Also I got my wife hooked on Carrot cake on my last trip and now for love nor money we cant find a single slice anywhere, everytime we pass a cake shop or coffee shop we look or ask and wala! :bigcry:

9th April 2010, 03:54
i could get home made back bacon in cebu to

Not impressed with the selection of hams and sliced meats, I suppose were spoiled in the UK with our ham,

Well sadly that can be the case unless you pay Deli prices..
Moi?? I make my own smoked bacon and hams here and they are far better than anything you will find in Sainsburys!!
We can get French an German bread here locally and I sometimes make my own if I can be bothered..
Where are you located?

9th April 2010, 04:01
Well sadly that can be the case unless you pay Deli prices..
Moi?? I make my own smoked bacon and hams here and they are far better than anything you will find in Sainsburys!!
We can get French an German bread here locally and I sometimes make my own if I can be bothered..
Where are you located?

Ill bring the mustard:icon_sorry:

9th April 2010, 04:39
I'm in Bulacan, just North of Manila, but can often be found wandering around anywhere from here to Leyte!

One of the things I did pack on a previous trip was some Colemans English mustard, but I never got to try on some ham, mainly had on hot dogs and maybe some luncheon meat. :icon_lol:

9th April 2010, 05:51
I'm in Bulacan, just North of Manila, but can often be found wandering around anywhere from here to Leyte!

One of the things I did pack on a previous trip was some Colemans English mustard, but I never got to try on some ham, mainly had on hot dogs and maybe some luncheon meat. :icon_lol:

very wise I always carry mustard marmite and of course some olives in case anyone offers me a dry martini:icon_lol: