View Full Version : Face Veil

8th April 2010, 22:18
I took my wife to the U.K border agency office at Liverpool last week for her biometrics.
All went fine and normal i guess:)
When on arrival to the building it was like getting ready to get on a plane, no water to be tken through, empty your pockets and take of your jacket, belt... walk through the metal detector door frame scanner, if it goes off wait to be frisked.

I have no problem with security, usually its for everyones safety.
What did amaze me to see while seated waiting patiently was that someone sitting accross from me was female person from what ethnic i dont know and dont care, whom was wearing a Face Veil:omg:

So much security and yet there is someone allowed in hiding their identity:rolleyes:

8th April 2010, 22:33
Now that wouldn't happen at the US Embassy! In the US Embassy in London your lead in at gunpoint, and can't even take a mobile phone inside.

9th April 2010, 00:39
The sensible Belgians ensure it soon won't happen in their country


A Belgian MP said Belgium did not wish to follow the ‘bad examples’ of Britain and the Netherlands, where he said many Muslims lived in separate communities.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1262545/belgium-set-european-country-ban-burka.html#ixzz0kYTkuVDA

9th April 2010, 06:19
Namby Pamby half backed step I say lets rdf chip everyone and be done with it I hope we can buy premium :xxanimal-smiley-085 codes I want 666 in mine

:reaction: End of Father B:censored:y Christmas to

9th April 2010, 09:35
I want 666 in mine
:Erm: Which would be meaningless as the actual correct translation of the Number of the Beast is 616 :)

9th April 2010, 12:47
:Erm: Which would be meaningless as the actual correct translation of the Number of the Beast is 616 :)

mistype i meant 6969:D

9th April 2010, 14:15
mistype i meant 6969:D
:Erm: You want me and wifey to join you? :do_it:

9th April 2010, 19:18
:Erm: You want me and wifey to join you? :do_it:

No thanks i already checked out the Ping2Win Lost Vaugness Drive through wedding chapel but my Honey Ko prefers the fries at the local Jolibee:D

9th April 2010, 23:02
No thanks i already checked out the Ping2Win Lost Vaugness Drive through wedding chapel but my Honey Ko prefers the fries at the local Jolibee:D


10th April 2010, 05:37

Amazing where you can end up isnt it kenny:D

10th April 2010, 07:05
I took my wife to the U.K border agency office at Liverpool last week for her biometrics.

What's that? Some new aerobics routine?

10th April 2010, 11:49
Amazing where you can end up isnt it kenny:D

I ended up in England when i was born, a country where many years ago people were proud of.

:doh Now its a country of no hopers, spongers from the taxpayers, disabilaty fraudsters, immigrants after the english tax payers money, people making money by having babies for the benifit.

Thats a good enough reason for me not to vote for Labour! time for a change i say!

10th April 2010, 11:59
I am an immigrant, have brought up six kids, I am on disability benefit at the moment, and maybe won't be able to work for a long time yet....:doh

So I guess you aren't too keen on me.....:NoNo:

10th April 2010, 12:14
I am an immigrant, have brought up six kids, I am on disability benefit at the moment, and maybe won't be able to work for a long time yet....:doh

So I guess you aren't too keen on me.....:NoNo:

I am guessing you are not so serious, just like the other posts on here:rolleyes:

10th April 2010, 14:10
So I guess you aren't too keen on me.....:NoNo:




10th April 2010, 16:41
I am an immigrant, have brought up six kids, I am on disability benefit at the moment, and maybe won't be able to work for a long time yet....:doh

So I guess you aren't too keen on me.....:NoNo:

Actualy Dom I think your understating the case there in addition to all that your missus is an immigrant and like many others here are dedicating a fair bit of time helping others to increase the dilution of the wonderfully pure English race by encouraging others to import beautiful asian woman from hot little islands in the Pacific rim its a disgrace and I certainly didnt fight in two world wars any one would think this was a multicultural forum or something:Erm:

10th April 2010, 17:09
Actualy Dom I think your understating the case there in addition to all that your missus is an immigrant and like many others here are dedicating a fair bit of time helping others to increase the dilution of the wonderfully pure English race by encouraging others to import beautiful asian woman from hot little islands in the Pacific rim its a disgrace and I certainly didnt fight in two world wars any one would think this was a multicultural forum or something:Erm:





10th April 2010, 17:49
Maybe we should be more accommodating and have a face veil day. where everyone must cover the face(not just the ugly people, but even people like me:omg:)

10th April 2010, 17:54
I am guessing you are not so serious, just like the other posts on here:rolleyes:

For once I was being serious.....:doh

11th April 2010, 21:12




Didnt realise Filipinas or even filipinos wore face veils:cwm24: