View Full Version : Football used to be big in Philippines

14th April 2010, 15:44
Just changed channel to Solar TV and they got a show to do with upcoming World Cup in Johanessburg, seems before the Philippines did well at basketball in the 50's they had a decent footy team, amongst the best in asia in the 40's.
Even had a player playing for Barcelona, missed the start of the show, but its interesting, looking forward to the world cup :)

14th April 2010, 16:23
Paulino Alcántara I believe..


Shame it's not as popular these days. Those yanks have got a lot to answer for with their silly handball game. They have a FA here in Davao, was thinking of getting in touch to see where/when matches are played.

14th April 2010, 17:31
Paulino Alcántara I believe..


Shame it's not as popular these days. Those yanks have got a lot to answer for with their silly handball game. They have a FA here in Davao, was thinking of getting in touch to see where/when matches are played.

Chelsea used to have a Fil international Triple - played for the reserves but unfortunately he was released a couple of years ago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Younghusband

14th April 2010, 17:45
Paulino Alcántara I believe..


Shame it's not as popular these days. Those yanks have got a lot to answer for with their silly handball game. They have a FA here in Davao, was thinking of getting in touch to see where/when matches are played.

yeah thats the one, amazing goal scoring record 357 in 357 games!

Yeah I think the game needs some encouragement here, but Basketball seems to have the ball in its court, I tried to explain to my bro in law why basketball is so repetitive and boring with end to end game play and high score, but he just looked confused.

14th April 2010, 17:48
Chelsea used to have a Fil international Triple - played for the reserves but unfortunately he was released a couple of years ago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Younghusband

never knew that! but I see he is half Brit.

14th April 2010, 18:30
The Yanks have those games so they can keep their brain interested.... they think a 0-0 game between Arsenal v Barca is boring :omg: :doh

15th April 2010, 15:21
The Yanks have those games so they can keep their brain interested.... they think a 0-0 game between Arsenal v Barca is boring :omg: :doh

I once went to a basketball game in Jersey, US and it was an interesting spectacle, loads of fireworks and pretty cheerleaders to watch dance, but the game only got interesting in the last 10 minutes because the game was close and a semi final. But a large part of the crowd turned up part way through and seemed to show little interest other than when they was commanded to chant certain slogans like defence, all seemed pretty robotic to me and funny :omg:

15th April 2010, 16:04
I once went to a basketball game in Jersey, US and it was an interesting spectacle, loads of fireworks and pretty cheerleaders to watch dance, but the game only got interesting in the last 10 minutes because the game was close and a semi final. But a large part of the crowd turned up part way through and seemed to show little interest other than when they was commanded to chant certain slogans like defence, all seemed pretty robotic to me and funny :omg:

Have you ever seen a live baseball game? Now there's a cure for insomnia.