View Full Version : Defence Minister Bungling Bob Ainsworth

14th April 2010, 19:13
What has happened to him ? - there hasn't been a peep out of him since he blurted out the election date in January. Is he not seeking re-election 'cos he was caught fiddling his expenses or are the Reds going to wheel him out as their secret weapon ?

I'm not sure about his Sexual Peccadillos but I guess he's a worthy successor to that liability Two Shags Prescott

15th April 2010, 02:22
Deadworth I may be off base here but I have gained the immpression you may have some slight animosity towards one of the polarity manifestations of corporate control in the UK

Stop beating around the bush and just tell us all what the nasty people have done to upset you , otherwise we cant help:Erm:

15th April 2010, 13:08
He fiddles his expenses and wears a wig for starters


15th April 2010, 14:39
Thats good it helps to talk about these things I find

Please go on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2010, 14:57
Thats good it helps to talk about these things I find

Please go on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We've had some poor Defence Secretaries under the present administration but Bungling Bob is the worst.

Two other contenders to remind you of are the inept Des Browne who did it as a job share whilst also being Scottish Secretary and John Reid who famously claimed that British troops would leave Afghanistan "without firing a single shot" (Reid has a nice Directorship with privatised prison operator G4S - was this anything to do with his spell as Home Secretary ? )