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14th April 2010, 22:20
testicles on earth!!!!:omg::omg::omg::omg::omg:


14th April 2010, 23:05
My goodness! :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: What made you go & look for unfeasibly large testicles??? I mean how did you come to find them??? :rolleyes:

14th April 2010, 23:26
:yikes: Now that man has got some balls

Reminded me of an old Viz comic book character Buster Gonad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buster_Gonad)

Doc Alan
14th April 2010, 23:28
testicles on earth!!!!:omg::omg::omg::omg::omg:

Sorry to disappoint you LadyJ but you're wrong !:NoNo:
This is a scrotal hernia (inguinal hernia) caused by tissue passing through a thin / weakened area of groin muscle. Many hernias are caused by heavy lifting (and obesity, although not here) and they're 10 times commoner in men. A truss may contain a reduceable hernia, or surgical correction may be needed as there is a danger of bowel obstruction which can be life-threatening. The testicles are likely to be of normal or reduced size because of compression.

Arthur Little
14th April 2010, 23:36
testicles on earth!!!!:omg::omg::omg::omg::omg:


:laugher: ... that's a loada *******s!!!

14th April 2010, 23:41
OK doc. thanks for the info...but whatever it is...still huugggggeee. I feel sorry for him though. Obviously he needs help but without money no help? Sad.

15th April 2010, 00:38
Sorry to disappoint you LadyJ but you're wrong !:NoNo:
This is a scrotal hernia (inguinal hernia) caused by tissue passing through a thin / weakened area of groin muscle. Many hernias are caused by heavy lifting (and obesity, although not here) and they're 10 times commoner in men. A truss may contain a reduceable hernia, or surgical correction may be needed as there is a danger of bowel obstruction which can be life-threatening. The testicles are likely to be of normal or reduced size because of compression.

This reminds me of my first job after I just left school which involved quite a lot of heavy lifting - pipework. The guys there would always joke when I started to lift the more heavier pipes. "Careful, you'll get balls as big as mine," they'd say :icon_lol:

South-east boy
15th April 2010, 00:48
My goodness! :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: What made you go & look for unfeasibly large testicles??? I mean how did you come to find them??? :rolleyes:

What I was wondering! :Erm: :icon_lol:

Doc Alan
15th April 2010, 07:40
I feel sorry for him though. Obviously he needs help but without money no help? Sad.
Agree. He needed surgery when the hernia started, probably years ago, and presumably couldn't afford it (or believed it wasn't necessary) then. Now, surgery would be contra indicated because it could kill him , if complications from the hernia haven't already done so.

15th April 2010, 08:24
Remember girls.... More than a mouthful is a waste ;)

15th April 2010, 14:48
Nevermind his balls miss LadyJ! How about you change your avatar pic to something which reflects LadyJ the magnificent..ladyj the successful, ladyj the greatest!?:rolleyes: