View Full Version : Ghosts from the past....

15th April 2010, 12:17
Something rather strange happened to me lately, and I was wondering if that happened to other members of the forum. Since the beginning of the year I have been approached by e-mail, by two Pinays I had encountered in 2008.

The first one in January wrote me as follows:

hi marc,

how are u doing? how's life? i hope u still remember me..

im ailyn...u know what? i really missed u a lot...how are u now?

it's been a year since u didnt write me and all this time i always remember u...

im really sorry if i did something wrong but trust me i was never been a lier...it was all the truth..but now im fine and got new home...im working and it's been a year in the same company the last time i told u...

where are u? i wonder u never left me a warning that u dont like me...hope this time i will know because it's been a year since it bothers me why u just left me with no warning...

please write me...im still missing u...

I reminded her a bit brutally that I stopped writing her after she told me of a fairy tale whereby her house burnt down and she desperately needed money to buy clothes, I sent her some and she then asked me PHP 50.000 to buy a small house and I put an end to the scam. Funny, she did not insist!! :Erm:

Now yesterday I got that one from the first Pinay from FH for whom I had a real interest. That was in summer 2008, she was a schoolmistress in Quezon City and she suddenly was proposed a job in Okinawa. She accepted it and I thought she was more interested and I quit. She is much more careful than the other one:

Hi Marc,

Still remember me? How's life?


Should I understand she is still available and missing me? She is a very respectable person, never asked for money and I guess she is doing well in Japan.

Now that my (ex)gf from Davao and I are more on a “just friends” basis I am wondering... did this happen to other members? What should I expect – or fear????

15th April 2010, 15:43
Now that my (ex)gf from Davao and I are more on a “just friends” basis I am wondering... did this happen to other members? What should I expect – or fear????

I must have sneezed and missed something, here....:Erm:

15th April 2010, 15:51
yeah... me too... was thinking you married your gf already.. hehe

15th April 2010, 15:52
So you dumped the school mistress because she got a job in Okinawa?

15th April 2010, 15:54
I thought you went to Davao and met the lady, and after that planning to get married.
So what happened then.

15th April 2010, 17:24
I went to Davao twice but it did not work out as expected, but we still remained friends.

Regarding the schoolmistress, she made the choice of relocating to Okinawa for a 5-year contract....

15th April 2010, 17:34
Plenty more single Filipina's around, start from fresh, don't go digging in the past, it's never what it seems.

15th April 2010, 18:33
just chat away to her and find out what she wants...maybe she's just socialising..Filipino's aint half a friendly sociable bunch!:)

16th April 2010, 14:13
"I am fine and I just want you to be my friend. I am still single but hoping to find the right man as I go along with my life here in Okinawa."

Why not? That's a good start....

16th April 2010, 14:32
I agree with the boss here. never look back, it never worked out the first time for a reason.

16th April 2010, 17:15
ohh.. okay.. sorry it didn't work out... bit confusing though as you still have her picture in your profile.. hehehe

16th April 2010, 17:46
you still have her picture in your profile.. hehehe

Yes I know...... difficult to erase the past like that and still we are good friends!