View Full Version : Thank you very much for all your advise and sharing your experiences

15th April 2010, 13:43
Thank you very much to everyone especially to the moderators and to Arthur Little for all your advises and for sharing your experiences on how to successfully get your visas.

After all our hardwork and following your advises and examples, though i thought that it will be difficult and impossible because of my previous circumstances, today we had succeed. I just got my unmarried partner visa and my daughter got her dependent visa.

To those who need help with their application, I am very willing to share my experience on how i successfully got our visa. Just send me a message.

Again, thank you very very much. God bless you all

Arthur Little
16th April 2010, 02:21
Thank you very much to everyone especially to the moderators and to Arthur Little for all your advises and for sharing your experiences on how to successfully get your visas.

After all our hardwork and following your advises and examples, though i thought that it will be difficult and impossible because of my previous circumstances, today we had succeed. I just got my unmarried partner visa and my daughter got her dependent visa.

God bless you all

:) Having already congratulated you on another thread ... I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say how pleased we are to learn of this happy outcome.

Arthur Little
16th April 2010, 02:39
To those who need help with their application, I am very willing to share my experience on how i successfully got our visa. Just send me a message.

Now you mention it, Donna ... I've heard of someone who inadvertently found herself in circumstances fairly similar to your own. And I believe it might be in this person's interests :rolleyes: if you'd care to share your experiences with me in a Private Message. Many thanks.

16th April 2010, 08:05
I just got my unmarried partner visa and my daughter got her dependent visa.

unmarried partner visa :Erm:, did your partner live with you for 2yrs in the phils ?

16th April 2010, 08:07
Please post it here unmarried partner is big news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2010, 08:22
Please post it here unmarried partner is big news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

dom will kill me :cwm24: no need for a :wedtoss:

i'll PM you instead :D


16th April 2010, 08:59
Joe somone needs to do the dirty work and get good case law on the books if no one challenges them the b:censored:rs just make it up to suit them:cwm23:

17th April 2010, 11:44
hi joe!

thank you for your advises during my application.

my partner and I were living together in london for 3years before my daughter and I left the UK. I had tried to apply for unmarried partner because i think i am qualified.
1. we have daughter who is now 4yrs old. She was 2 1/2 years old when we left UK.
2. i had letters dated since 2005 which shows the same address as him. I also showed his billings and some letters.
3. we got pictures with printed dates that shows we were leaving together for at least 3 years.

i will post the documents i had submitted to the embassy. Hope it will help.

17th April 2010, 14:34
hi joe!

thank you for your advises during my application.

my partner and I were living together in london for 3years before my daughter and I left the UK. I had tried to apply for unmarried partner because i think i am qualified.
1. we have daughter who is now 4yrs old. She was 2 1/2 years old when we left UK.
2. i had letters dated since 2005 which shows the same address as him. I also showed his billings and some letters.
3. we got pictures with printed dates that shows we were leaving together for at least 3 years.

i will post the documents i had submitted to the embassy. Hope it will help.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: well done.
you don't see many people getting an Unmarried partner visa..
its probably the most difficult visa to get...
one of the reasons being able to show you have lived together 2yrs +

17th April 2010, 15:38
:xxgrinning--00xx3: well done.
you don't see many people getting an Unmarried partner visa..
its probably the most difficult visa to get...
one of the reasons being able to show you have lived together 2yrs +

I agree with Joe, very well done, especially as, if I remember correctly, you were a long term overstayer during the time you lived with your partner in the UK.

19th April 2010, 13:15
thank you joe and ian.

yes ian, i had overstayed my visa for 4yrs.

19th April 2010, 13:42
thank you joe and ian.

yes ian, i had overstayed my visa for 4yrs.

Well at least you don't have to keep looking over your shoulder now or be worried about a knock on the door from the UKBA.

19th April 2010, 13:50
yes, its such a relief.