View Full Version : My place. UK vs Phils

15th April 2010, 15:36
I found a place to stay here which does me just fine... it's actually called, "My place", a room in a complex with about 50 other rooms, brand new.

Today I was thinking about my old place back in the UK, and comparing the two. There, I was in a shared house, had to share the kitchen and bathroom with some of the most unhygenic dudes I've ever had the displeasure to know. Every friday and saturday night there was a lot of noise from the street down below, and the guy upstairs coming in bladdered shouting and singing. Over 2 years I had a number of issues with people in the house and their drunken behaviour, also had somebody try to come in through my window in the middle of the night, and another through the front door because... "he'd got lost on his way home" :doh

Here, there's 24 hour security and its very very quiet. I actually find it a little uncomfortable having the guard open the door for me every time and call me sir. Guess I'm just not used to it. It costs me less than half what I was paying in the UK and is roughly the same size, only I have an ensuite here, cable and broadband chucked in, as well as a maid who drops by twice a week. And I'm woken up every morning to the smell of barbecued chicken from the eaterie behind :)

Half the price. Double the standard. No comparison :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2010, 15:45
Welcome back!!

15th April 2010, 19:49
Good for you triple. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Are you coming back?...or are you going to make it a bit more permanent?

It sounds more preferable where you are. :Hellooo:

15th April 2010, 20:08
That's great Triple:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I am pleased you're enjoying your stay in our beloved country.:)
I have seen a lot of foreigners who feel the same what you feel.
My husband did as well. And that was the start of his dream to settle there.:icon_lol:
Hubby felt bad when his army retirement was unsuccesful.:icon_lol:


15th April 2010, 20:10
I'm sooo in the wrong place!:doh

Great stuff mate!:)

16th April 2010, 00:52
couldnt agree more mate already projecting my next stay of six months and how to extend it Im also looking to find a place to rent permanently although it wont be in the city or even nessasarily on cebu at all Ive just had some recommendations to see in siqiujor

16th April 2010, 01:04
I'm sooo in the wrong place!:doh

Be more positive Nigel!!

16th April 2010, 01:14
Thanks guys. I would like to make it more permanent someday, but have 2 kids back in UK so it wouldnt be for a few years yet until they're grown up. The plan was to be here for 2 and half months this time, but my mums just emailed to say her cancers returned :bigcry: This will be her third operation in 2 years. She'd been the hospital last week because she was worried and they said it just looks like an infection and not to worry, now they tell her shes going to need a mastectomy and chemo :furious3:

this is our local hospital - http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/feb/24/mid-staffordshire-hospital-inquiry

I was thinking of trying to get her over here for private treatment. We'll see what the oncologist says next week at that hospital. Whatever happens, I know she'll tell me not to worry and stay here :NoNo:

17th April 2010, 16:45
I found a place to stay here which does me just fine... it's actually called, "My place", a room in a complex with about 50 other rooms, brand new.

Today I was thinking about my old place back in the UK, and comparing the two. There, I was in a shared house, had to share the kitchen and bathroom with some of the most unhygenic dudes I've ever had the displeasure to know. Every friday and saturday night there was a lot of noise from the street down below, and the guy upstairs coming in bladdered shouting and singing. Over 2 years I had a number of issues with people in the house and their drunken behaviour, also had somebody try to come in through my window in the middle of the night, and another through the front door because... "he'd got lost on his way home" :doh

Here, there's 24 hour security and its very very quiet. I actually find it a little uncomfortable having the guard open the door for me every time and call me sir. Guess I'm just not used to it. It costs me less than half what I was paying in the UK and is roughly the same size, only I have an ensuite here, cable and broadband chucked in, as well as a maid who drops by twice a week. And I'm woken up every morning to the smell of barbecued chicken from the eaterie behind :)

Half the price. Double the standard. No comparison :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I`ve come to the conclusion that some people live in a real :censored:hole here in the UK. Does anyone on here actually live in a nice place?
I have no crime here, cant think of many immigrants either. The school is nice and friendly and the air fresh and clean. I love it.

17th April 2010, 19:32
Half the price. Double the standard. No comparison :xxgrinning--00xx3:

the only thing now is finding a job in the phils that pays you at least half of what you get in the UK :rolleyes:

I`ve come to the conclusion that some people live in a real :censored:hole here in the UK. Does anyone on here actually live in a nice place?
I have no crime here, cant think of many immigrants either. The school is nice and friendly and the air fresh and clean. I love it.

I'm sure some people do, but if the UK is so :censored: why do people still live in the UK when they some could easily afford to live in another country but don't :Erm:

17th April 2010, 20:26
the only thing now is finding a job in the phils that pays you at least half of what you get in the UK :rolleyes:

I'm sure some people do, but if the UK is so :censored: why do people still live in the UK when they some could easily afford to live in another country but don't :Erm:

My point exactly Joe. Me, well i`m very happy here and the grass is very green where I am :)

Arthur Little
17th April 2010, 22:48
Does anyone on here actually live in a nice place?

Well, I've lived in the same house ... in the 'Fair City' of Perth... for 42 years ... so I guess that speaks for itself! :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
17th April 2010, 22:59
Me, well i`m very happy here

ME too ... :iagree: with Adam ... and, as I've just implied above, it's extremely doubtful I'd ever want to - or ever will - move anywhere else! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
17th April 2010, 23:06
... but then again, who knows ... ? :anerikke:

18th April 2010, 01:26
the only thing now is finding a job in the phils that pays you at least half of what you get in the UK :rolleyes:

I earn my crust online, so thankfully I don't have to find a local job. What I earn is barely enough to get by on back in the UK, but it just about stretches here. I'm trying to put some of Nigel's theories in to practice so will hopefully be living like a king soon :)

18th April 2010, 02:00

I'm sure some people do, but if the UK is so :censored: why do people still live in the UK when they some could easily afford to live in another country but don't :Erm:

Its because they are scared. Too many if`s and buts..
I think its sad and a wasted opportunity.
Of course many Brits couldn't imagine living anywhere else but the UK..
Good for them..In some ways they are very lucky to be content there.

the only thing now is finding a job in the phils that pays you at least half of what you get in the UKBetter to work for yourself here and earn twice what you did in the UK!!
That wont be hard now the EU have imported so much healthy competition for the indigenous Brits.. Im told that these Europeans in our great capital are working for 30 Pounds a day cash in hand..
Crickey,thats what I used to earn in London in 1985!!:laugher:

18th April 2010, 02:37
Its because they are scared. Too many if`s and buts..
I think its sad and a wasted opportunity.
Of course many Brits couldn't imagine living anywhere else but the UK..
Good for them..In some ways they are very lucky to be content there.

Very true. Most of my mates will moan all day about the state of the country, but mention upping sticks and you just get a blank expression. It's fear of the unknown.

18th April 2010, 11:44
[QUOTE=adam&chryss;217320]I`ve come to the conclusion that some people live in a real :censored:hole here in the UK. Does anyone on here actually live in a nice place?

Hello adam&chryss,:Wave:
After a marriage bust up 8 years ago I was left without enough money to buy another home
And slept on my brothers computer room floor for a while, I did put myself on the housing register, but as a single man did not have much hope, they then offered me a flat in a block of 30, I took it as I knew that was all I would be offered.

In the block there were three of us who went to work, the rest were mostly drug users who often played loud music all night and slept during the days, there were many fights, I reported every incident to whoever I could after three years they offered me a ground floor flat in a sheltered housing complex,.

This flat is bliss, it is a purpose built with good sound insulation, and people around my age
Of 65 or older I have had no problems since moving in.
And now enjoy a peaceful life, or I will when my divorce is over!:xxaction-smiley-047


18th April 2010, 13:45
Its because they are scared. Too many if`s and buts..
I think its sad and a wasted opportunity.
Of course many Brits couldn't imagine living anywhere else but the UK..
Good for them..In some ways they are very lucky to be content there.

Better to work for yourself here and earn twice what you did in the UK!!
That wont be hard now the EU have imported so much healthy competition for the indigenous Brits.. Im told that these Europeans in our great capital are working for 30 Pounds a day cash in hand..
Crickey,thats what I used to earn in London in 1985!!:laugher:

Umm doing what for 30 pounds a day im guessing those doing less than 5 hours or so in legal work on minimum wage and those on whatever hours in the cash in hand ecomony?

Many are not recruiting from the EU anymore for various reasons of course less jobs empty and people in UK taking work they would not have before.

But I have noticed at my workplace and its customers across the various commercial sectors mainly longterm British residents are streaming back in to jobs before were often recent arrivals and these are various levels of skills and abilty from warehouse staff to IT consultants even director level.

I bumped into quite a few former ex pats in the course of my work recently whose calculatons sadly didn't see the time when sterling would crash and were it seems not making enough local currency abroad or lost there job:NoNo: One guy has come out of retirment in spain and of course hating every mintue of it:NoNo:

27th June 2010, 18:10
well i should say that there are advantages and disadvantages living in one county... you can live like a king or a queen here in the philippines even if you dont earn that much... but it really depends on how you wanted to live your life.. guess what we need to learn is to appreciate what are the things that we have and be thankful that we are alive and healthy :Jump: what i just noticed is the big difference in nature and the quality of air you breathe in uk against our beloved country philippines :NoNo: not to mention the crimes happening all over the country (as i was a victim of gun-point robbery and carnapping) :cwm23: sad to say that i am not safe in my own country :NoNo: