View Full Version : Brown Abandons the One Million Britons Stranded Abroad.

18th April 2010, 10:40
:laugher::laugher::laugher:The Express has beaten the Daily Mail to it.


One commentator reviewing the Sunday papers on the Andrew Marr show said, I wonder what they think he should be doing about it, maybe they think he should go up to John O'groats and blow very hard. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

18th April 2010, 11:02
:laugher::laugher::laugher:The Express has beaten the Daily Mail to it.


One commentator reviewing the Sunday papers on the Andrew Marr show said, I wonder what they think he should be doing about it, maybe they think he should go up to John O'groats and blow very hard. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

The daily wail and Daily Diana will always knock him..

But the goverment do seem to have been very quiet of a subject which is going to cost many industrys (many wont be hit yet) in fact all parties have to busy thinking about themsleves..

I have yet to read in detail the heavyweight media today but from a quick glance. I know of course it hit a bit to late for indepth articles or for the cvill servants to be in their offices for quotes but in the sunday papers i cant see very many mentions of authorities apart from BAA or the MET office commenting offcial or off the record regarding the wider issues..

The wife who is technically stranded out in phill is ok she's with family and still has a week and a few days to go before her flights due. If the worse came to the worse we have plans as a family to get her nearer the Uk and then a boat home I kid you not and apart from some cost to the family who have all offered to chip in without asking it will hopefully be just a big adventure for her!!!

Im more worried how many small british companies in many fields will possibly find this is the final straw and how it affects peoples lives for ever:NoNo:

I do hope the goverment and all the major parties do have their thinking caps on otherwise even those not affected directly may suffer if medical supplies drop to critical levels and companies which deal with their employers are affected.

18th April 2010, 11:05
Always looking for somebody to blame :doh Instead of pointing the finger at somebody should worry about the future after this.

Economists last night expressed fears that Britain’s biggest airport crisis since 9/11 could stall the country’s recovery from recession.

The country was in good financial health in 2001. I think this will hit hard.

18th April 2010, 11:14
The daily wail and Daily Diana will always knock him..

I'm just surprised that the Daily Mail didn't manage to get in there first...... I think Dedworth will have write to them and complain. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

18th April 2010, 11:17
Always looking for somebody to blame :doh Instead of pointing the finger at somebody should worry about the future after this.

The country was in good financial health in 2001. I think this will hit hard.

Also with the internet age etc we think things can be solved in mintues hours or maybe at the worsted days! This technically could affect the Uk and europe in various ways (not just airbans) for months!!

18th April 2010, 11:23
Also with the internet age etc we think things can be solved in mintues hours or maybe at the worsted days! This technically could affect the Uk and europe in various ways (not just airbans) for months!!

I agree that it's a very worrying situation, but I can't see what any politician could do that would make much of a difference, but I'm sure either the Daily Mail or the Daily Express will tell us all........ or if they don't, I'm sure Dedworth will have all the answers.

18th April 2010, 11:28
I agree that it's a very worrying situation, but I can't see what any politician could do that would make much of a difference, but I'm sure either the Daily Mail or the Daily Express will tell us all........ or if they don't, I'm sure Dedworth will have all the answers.

I dont expect a big announcment but im sure you aware in this media savvy world normally if the goverment wants to reassure people they let it be known either in a statment or via off the record comments to the major media outlets that things are being planned in the background. It seems to have been vey very quiet from what im seeing.

18th April 2010, 11:29
I think Dedworth will have write to them and complain. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

, I'm sure Dedworth will have all the answers.

Rather uncalled for comments, I reckon.:NoNo:

18th April 2010, 12:46
Rather uncalled for comments, I reckon.:NoNo:

Not at all, it was just a tongue in cheek comment about the way he, like the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, usually finds a way to blame everything on Gordon Brown.

18th April 2010, 12:50
Rather uncalled for comments, I reckon.:NoNo:

i don't think so dom, if dedworth gives he's got to take it as well :D

he's been slagging off united and the labour party all the time, i'm sure he's not offended by a bit of :xxsmilie_auslachen::poke:


Arthur Little
19th April 2010, 02:04
Realisically, what CAN he [Brown] or ANYONE else do ... IF, as the insurance companies insist, it's an "Act of God", then the only (logical) "solution" would seem to be to :pray:

19th April 2010, 02:13
Act of God????:omg:

19th April 2010, 02:20
Not at all, it was just a tongue in cheek comment about the way he, like the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, usually finds a way to blame everything on Gordon Brown.

Actually, Dedworth's blaming this one on Iceland :rolleyes:

19th April 2010, 02:31
Actually, Dedworth's blaming this one on Iceland :rolleyes:

Ive decided to boycott there high street stores over this :cwm23:

Keep the facts comming:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2010, 02:37
Ive decided to boycott there high street stores over this :cwm23:

Keep the facts comming:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I stopped going there after they fired the lovely Miss Katona :icon_lol:

19th April 2010, 08:43
Act of God????:omg:
If my insurance took that line I'd take them to court and ask them to prove of his existence. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2010, 10:45
Well Bottler Brown finally has pulled his finger out and done something about it - too little too late. 3 Royal Navy ships have been mobilised.


Cruise ships/ferries etc could have been requisitioned under emergency powers etc and sent out. My friends were on the Oriana which returned to Southampton yesterday from Brest - it's now gone off on it's scheduled Western Med cruise with 1900 punters. Their cruise should have been cancelled and the ship used to bring home those stranded.

19th April 2010, 11:16
Well Bottler Brown finally has pulled his finger out and done something about it - too little too late. 3 Royal Navy ships have been mobilised.


Cruise ships/ferries etc could have been requisitioned under emergency powers etc and sent out. My friends were on the Oriana which returned to Southampton yesterday from Brest - it's now gone off on it's scheduled Western Med cruise with 1900 punters. Their cruise should have been cancelled and the ship used to bring home those stranded.

I never had the slightest doubt that you would think that anything he done was wrong, too little, too much, too late, too expensive, too cheapskate or probably all of these things and others as well, because your judgement is so clouded by hatred for the man. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

19th April 2010, 11:23
I never had the slightest doubt that you would think that anything he done was wrong, too little, too much, too late, too expensive, too cheapskate or probably all of these things and others as well, because your judgement is so clouded by hatred for the man. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

And your reason for why this inept Govt has had it's head in the sand and done nothing for days is ?

He's as slippery as they come and will not take any action preferring to do nowt and when it is all over blame the Health And Safety Guardianista

19th April 2010, 13:24
And your reason for why this inept Govt has had it's head in the sand and done nothing for days is ?

He's as slippery as they come and will not take any action preferring to do nowt and when it is all over blame the Health And Safety Guardianista

It might have escaped your notice (maybe because the Daily Mail forgot to tell you about it) :laugher::laugher::laugher: but planes have been grounded all over Europe and as far away as Ukraine and I believe that the decision to do this was taken by the relevent air traffic control bodies in each country (NATS in the UK) and has absolutely nothing to do with either government or over zealous health and safety officials.

It's OK for you moaning on about it from the safety of you armchair, but would you like to be one to make the decision to allow these planes to fly if there was even the slightest possibility that they may fly into this cloud and fall out of the sky.

19th April 2010, 14:23
The first ship into Spain is just to pickup troops... 'maybe' some public.

19th April 2010, 14:27
It might have escaped your notice (maybe because the Daily Mail forgot to tell you about it) :laugher::laugher::laugher: but planes have been grounded all over Europe and as far away as Ukraine and I believe that the decision to do this was taken by the relevent air traffic control bodies in each country (NATS in the UK) and has absolutely nothing to do with either government or over zealous health and safety officials.

It's OK for you moaning on about it from the safety of you armchair, but would you like to be one to make the decision to allow these planes to fly if there was even the slightest possibility that they may fly into this cloud and fall out of the sky.

Well KLM & Lufthansa weren't sitting in their armchairs as widely reported (including the Daily Handwinger http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/9036398) they put up test flights while Pa Broon kept his head firmly in the sand.

Carry on following the Bottler lemming like, the cliff's edge isn't far away :D

19th April 2010, 15:01
I never had the slightest doubt that you would think that anything he done was wrong, too little, too much, too late, too expensive, too cheapskate or probably all of these things and others as well, because your judgement is so clouded by hatred for the man. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

Childish. :NoNo:

19th April 2010, 15:02
Well KLM & Lufthansa weren't sitting in their armchairs as widely reported (including the Daily Handwinger http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/9036398) they put up test flights while Pa Broon kept his head firmly in the sand.

Carry on following the Bottler lemming like, the cliff's edge isn't far away :D

I did hear tell that British Airways has also put up a test flight, are you suggesting that Gordon Brown should just tell them all not to be so silly and just get on with it because Dedworth, the DM and the Express have all said it's OK.

"British Airways says a test flight conducted yesterday has provided fresh evidence that blanket airspace restrictions are unnecessary and should be lifted.
The airline's chief executive Willie Walsh yesterday took a two-hour flight at 40,000ft which turned up no sign of damage to the aircraft or its engines.
The results prompted BA to call on the Government urgently to adopt new policies which would allow airlines to resume flying. But the BA findings contradicted information from military sources. A senior Western diplomat said several Nato F-16 fighter jets that flew through the ash cloud had suffered engine damage, saying glass-like deposits were found inside the planes' engines."

I think I would prefer to put my trust in the opinion of the aforementioned "military sources" rather than that of Willie Walsh.

19th April 2010, 15:31
I did hear tell that British Airways has also put up a test flight, are you suggesting that Gordon Brown should just tell them all not to be so silly and just get on with it because Dedworth, the DM and the Express have all said it's OK.

"British Airways says a test flight conducted yesterday has provided fresh evidence that blanket airspace restrictions are unnecessary and should be lifted.
The airline's chief executive Willie Walsh yesterday took a two-hour flight at 40,000ft which turned up no sign of damage to the aircraft or its engines.
The results prompted BA to call on the Government urgently to adopt new policies which would allow airlines to resume flying. But the BA findings contradicted information from military sources. A senior Western diplomat said several Nato F-16 fighter jets that flew through the ash cloud had suffered engine damage, saying glass-like deposits were found inside the planes' engines."

I think I would prefer to put my trust in the opinion of the aforementioned "military sources" rather than that of Willie Walsh.

So Willie Walsh is mug enough to risk his own life, that of the crew and also the loss/damage to a multi million pound 747. How about the risks taken by Dutch & German airlines ?

Where do these previously unheard of F16's come from ? - I'd hazard a guess and suggest Belgium - a suitably spineless nation that is at the hub of Eurocracy

19th April 2010, 17:24
The F16's only one was damaged out of the 'flock', and they actually flew through the cloud ... not the dispersed cloud that is over the EU..... and now the bans are being lifted as officials wake-up it seems Willie Walsh and me were right all along :) .... I never trusted the only scientific theoretical model they used with no physical test data to back it up.

19th April 2010, 17:34
The F16's only one was damaged out of the 'flock', and they actually flew through the cloud ... not the dispersed cloud that is over the EU..... and now the bans are being lifted as officials wake-up it seems Willie Walsh and me were right all along :) .... I never trusted the only scientific theoretical model they used with no physical test data to back it up.

No doubt Iain will be pleased to give us the official politburo line on the crucial role Gordon Brown played in leading Europe out of this crisis.

There I was thinking Pa Broon was a gutless, indecisive, bottler unable to take decisions

Arthur Little
19th April 2010, 18:13
I think I would prefer to put my trust in the opinion of the aforementioned "military sources" rather than that of Willie Walsh.

So Willie Walsh is mug enough to risk his own life, that of the crew and also the loss/damage to a multi million pound 747. How about the risks taken by Dutch & German airlines ?

:omg: ... you two guys STILL :xxsport-smiley-002:??

19th April 2010, 20:10
:omg: ... you two guys STILL MARRIED??

19th April 2010, 22:15
No doubt Iain will be pleased to give us the official politburo line on the crucial role Gordon Brown played in leading Europe out of this crisis.

No I won't be doing that because unlike both yourself and the DM, I see absolutely no benefit in distorting the facts just so that they appear to justify my own political beliefs.

There I was thinking Pa Broon was a gutless, indecisive, bottler unable to take decisions

The decision to ground planes was not Gordon Brown's so I would be very surprised if he tried to take credit for getting them back in the air.

19th April 2010, 22:42
No I won't be doing that because unlike both yourself and the DM, I see absolutely no benefit in distorting the facts just so that they appear to justify my own political beliefs.

:laugher: We can soon see what slant Alistair Campbell and the Daily Handwringer put on it

The decision to ground planes was not Gordon Brown's so I would be very surprised if he tried to take credit for getting them back in the air.
Yet another process he is careful to distance himself from and deny any involvement. He refused to admit any responsibility for the economic crisis yet is very happy to brag that he's not only leading Britain out of it but the rest of the world too.

20th April 2010, 06:03
Well Bottler Brown finally has pulled his finger out and done something about it - too little too late. 3 Royal Navy ships have been mobilised. .

Agreed the entire Royal Navy should have been mobilised to sink Iceland before they had time to erupt the volcanoe :rolleyes:

20th April 2010, 08:14
Agreed the entire Royal Navy should have been mobilised to sink Iceland before they had time to erupt the volcanoe :rolleyes:


If he had done that Dedworth and the DM would have brought up the cod wars and said it was all Harold Wilson's fault because he didn't blow Iceland out of the water back then. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

20th April 2010, 18:55
Why should the Government have done something earlier?
Is it Dunkirk 2010?
The Navy has to go and help?
Who`s in danger?
I agree that any medical emergencies should be taken care of as a priority but for :censored: sake come on. I`d have loved to be trapped in Phil with my missus for an extra week or so!

20th April 2010, 20:00
Why should the Government have done something earlier?
Is it Dunkirk 2010?
The Navy has to go and help?
Who`s in danger?
I agree that any medical emergencies should be taken care of as a priority but for :censored: sake come on. I`d have loved to be trapped in Phil with my missus for an extra week or so!

On a personal basis I'd agree with your last sentence. Absent employees will have a serious effect in this country Healthcare workers missing eg Ambulance Drivers, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, a local school was locked out yesterday cos the caretaker was stuck in Spain, the list is endless.

The Government should have got a grip on it earlier but it is the usual too little too late including the Phantom Madrid Coach Fleet

21st April 2010, 01:01
On a personal basis I'd agree with your last sentence. Absent employees will have a serious effect in this country Healthcare workers missing eg Ambulance Drivers, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, a local school was locked out yesterday cos the caretaker was stuck in Spain, the list is endless.

The Government should have got a grip on it earlier but it is the usual too little too late including the Phantom Madrid Coach Fleet

Caretakers stuck in Spain outrageous we are obviously paying these public servants to much !! they should be fined and have there pension funds docked passports withdrawn untill they show remorse at having ideas above their station !!!

Only we captains of industry should be able to make frivalous overseas journeys lets hope our dear leader to be will tackle this nonsensence as a matter of urgency I think I will write a stiff letter to the Times:ReadIt: