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19th April 2010, 18:46
i applied for fiance visa earlier this year and been refused for a reason that i am still married here in Philippines and i was only with my bf for 6 days..i am divorced in Japan with my Japanese exhusband last year around October.i found out that i still have to have my divorced recognize here in Philippines..the embassy stamped something at the back page of my passport and i don't know what it is..it has UK-Manila and then some numbers...my bf planned of marrying me here in Philippines this coming August but i know that's not possible since legally i'm still married here...i am working now on my divorce abroad be recognize here in Philippines and i'm really confused...seems like my situation is all messed up..if i can get a writing from a lawyer or a judge saying that decree absolute will be issue in 6 months i am planning of reapplying for a fiance visa rather than marrying in August..i don't want to take the risk of losing all our plans just because of some wrong decisions...and also we are planning of visiting the UK embassy to seek for advice.....any comments on this guys.......:Help1:

Arthur Little
19th April 2010, 19:34
i applied for fiance visa earlier this year and been refused for a reason that i am still married here in Philippines and i was only with my bf for 6 days..i am divorced in Japan with my Japanese exhusband last year around October.i found out that i still have to have my divorced recognize here in Philippines..the embassy stamped something at the back page of my passport and i don't know what it is..it has UK-Manila and then some numbers...my bf planned of marrying me here in Philippines this coming August but i know that's not possible since legally i'm still married here...i am working now on my divorce abroad be recognize here in Philippines and i'm really confused...seems like my situation is all messed up..if i can get a writing from a lawyer or a judge saying that decree absolute will be issue in 6 months i am planning of reapplying for a fiance visa rather than marrying in August..i don't want to take the risk of losing all our plans just because of some wrong decisions...and also we are planning of visiting the UK embassy to seek for advice.....any comments on this guys.......:Help1:

Hmm ... I think it was suggested on a previous thread that, with divorce per se not being recognised under Philippine Law, it mightn't be such a good idea to proceed with any wedding plans until the question of your ANNULMENT is clarified in the Phils. :NoNo: And, since this is likely to take some time to arrange, I believe you would, likewise, be ill-advised to reapply for a fiancee visa at the present stage - given the very REAL financial implications of a possible further refusal. :rolleyes:

:ARsurrender: I'm sorry to say, I don't know the significance of the Embassy stamp on the back page of your passport ... and I really wish I COULD offer you more hope in your particular situation. Maybe someone else here CAN, though ... so please stay tuned.

19th April 2010, 20:59
and i was only with my bf for 6 days..

i am divorced in Japan with my Japanese exhusband last year around October.i found out that i still have to have my divorced recognize here in Philippines..the embassy stamped something at the back page of my passport and i don't know what it is..it has UK-Manila and then some numbers.

even thou immigration law states you must have met, after 6 days of being together you both decide to apply for a fiancée visa, it's not very long to show your relationship is genuine.

the number will i think either be a case number or less likely the ID number of the case worker who dealt with your app..

best thing to do is sort your divorce out, if your b/f has money you could try and apply for a student visa, or even a tourist visa to the UK..

20th April 2010, 06:09
I take it you were married in Japan?

20th April 2010, 07:03
Yes, sad to say you need to annul your marriage in the Philippines but you still have some alternatives like what have had Joe said. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2010, 03:48
I take it you were married in Japan?

i was married here in Philippines...my marriage was registered in Japan and so when i left my exhusband and never go back to Japan for a year he divorced me....

21st April 2010, 08:52
So you just need proof of the divorce in Japan to marry in the UK.

21st April 2010, 08:57
Or you have to registered your divorce paper to City hall,where ever your municipality is..but that is still ages to sort, best thing to do is (for my opinion) wait for the decree absolute in 6 months that is really the best thing to do....WAIT !!!

22nd April 2010, 08:21
So you just need proof of the divorce in Japan to marry in the UK.

i already have with me my divorce paper from Japan written in Japanese language and i had it translated to english...in British Law i am considered divorce but not here in Philippines yet..my bf said that i can already remarry if they will consider my divorce in Japan but i think i still have to have my divorce recognize here in able for me to remarry...if only they will consider my divorce abroad since i am going to marry in UK and not here in Philippines....tough....

23rd April 2010, 03:48
i already have with me my divorce paper from Japan written in Japanese language and i had it translated to english...in British Law i am considered divorce but not here in Philippines yet..

Hi Nayumi , u can file a petition in court here in philippines for the recognition of divorce from a foreign national

23rd April 2010, 08:06
Hi Nayumi reading your post I can relate a bit just different way around it was my fiancé case. I advise you to sort out your case first, I agree to Joe, you can apply Tourist or Student visa or else he could visit you again here in Phil.

It’s hard to wait but if you both feel very in love there’s no way stopping you, you could finally get there. A strong determination and patience has a big role so cheer up and don’t let yourself to feel down…Stay in love and be positive!
Good Luck!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th April 2010, 11:14
this is really really bad...i went out today to the local city hall where my marriage was registered but unfortunately some lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines..i was married here in Philippines and just had my marriage registered in Japan so my divorce abroad is useless and i can't have it recognize here...i only have one option so i can remarry and that is to file annulment which will take long time to be granted plus it should be attended by both parties and it should have a ground...:cwm23:well she told me to try to reapply using my foreign divorce decree...can anybody tell me what should i do????:NoNo:i don't really know what to do with this....:NoNo:

26th April 2010, 11:46
You have to annul it in the Phil before doing anything else. Someone on here got it done in about a month, try searching. Speak to different lawyers about timescale/price, and make it clear you want it done quickly.... as for a reason ... "he was sleeping with other women" ... "madness" .... he doesn't have to attend.

26th April 2010, 12:23
this is really really bad...i went out today to the local city hall where my marriage was registered but unfortunately some lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines..i was married here in Philippines and just had my marriage registered in Japan so my divorce abroad is useless and i can't have it recognize here...i only have one option so i can remarry and that is to file annulment which will take long time to be granted plus it should be attended by both parties and it should have a ground...:cwm23:well she told me to try to reapply using my foreign divorce decree...can anybody tell me what should i do????:NoNo:i don't really know what to do with this....:NoNo:

If you get a good attorney you could try to file for Presumptive Death. From what I hear, most of the clever attorneys in the Philippines can usually make it work whether it is genuine or not and it's usually both faster and cheaper than an annulment. http://jlp-law.com/blog/presumptive-death-of-a-spouse-for-subsequent-marriage/

26th April 2010, 13:23
this is really making me crazy....can't imagine my life is all messed up just because of one failure marriage....:Brick:my mind is all messed up......i want to just give up......

26th April 2010, 13:24
this is really really bad...i went out today to the local city hall where my marriage was registered but unfortunately some lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines..i was married here in Philippines and just had my marriage registered in Japan so my divorce abroad is useless and i can't have it recognize here...i only have one option so i can remarry and that is to file annulment which will take long time to be granted plus it should be attended by both parties and it should have a ground...:cwm23:well she told me to try to reapply using my foreign divorce decree...can anybody tell me what should i do????:NoNo:i don't really know what to do with this....:NoNo:

get an anulment or apply for a student visa, live with your b/f for 2yrs and apply for an unmarried partner visa

26th April 2010, 15:25
get an anulment or apply for a student visa, live with your b/f for 2yrs and apply for an unmarried partner visa

how does student visa work?

26th April 2010, 17:34
how does student visa work?

The school/college/university has to be an approved education provider, licenced to bring students to the UK under the Tier 4 category.

must also show that you have sufficient funds to pay for the first year's tuition (for courses longer than 9 months) and sufficient funds to maintain yourself without recourse to public funds. This amount outside of London £600 per month and you will need to show you have at least 9 months funds available i.e. £5,400 or more

n London this amount would have to be £7,200 plus the first year's tuition fee, so it could easily be £10,000 or more needed to have in your account.

If the visa is granted, this will allow you to work a maximum 20 hours per week during term time.

for more information check uk border agency..http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/studying/t4-qanda-students.pdf

Arthur Little
26th April 2010, 23:01
this is really making me crazy....can't imagine my life is all messed up just because of one failure marriage....:Brick:my mind is all messed up......i want to just give up......

DON'T give up, my friend ... please! Keep in mind that even although your marriage didn't work out in the way you would've hoped, it most assuredly DOESN'T mean YOU have failed as a person; :NoNo: ... it's the :crazy: System that's at fault here, as far as I can detect. As I implied earlier on in this thread, I just wish I could wave a magic wand and put an end to your difficulties. :wizardkl: But believe me they WILL be resolved ... in time. Have faith! :pray:

And on another note, :68711_thanx: to whoever saw fit to add rep to the previous post mentioned above!

27th April 2010, 10:28
Don't look at ways of trying to get around the system, if it goes wrong you've wasted a lot of time and money and may be blacklisted from the UK. Always do everything the right way from the start.

Annulment then marry again. Simple as that.

27th April 2010, 15:14
Hi Nayumi , u can file a petition in court here in philippines for the recognition of divorce from a foreign national

i went to the city hall where my marriage is been registered but some lawyer told me the divorce decree i have from Japan is not valid here in Philippines since we don't have divorce here in Philippines and i got married here in Philippines and not in Japan....she told me i can't have that divorce recognize here...:doh i just don't understand why she said that to me when the person from DFA gave me the instructions on what i have to do and in the first place the DFA staff knew i was married here in Philippines....i wish i can just get a lawyer and pay and have it done the quickest way possible but i am not rich neither do my bf is.....so much problem...i was really hoping i could do it in easy way that don't need to spend lots of money as that's what we don't really have but unfortunately i can't.....:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

27th April 2010, 16:20

27th April 2010, 19:32
i went to the city hall where my marriage is been registered but some lawyer told me the divorce decree i have from Japan is not valid here in Philippines since we don't have divorce here in Philippines and i got married here in Philippines and not in Japan....she told me i can't have that divorce recognize here...:doh i just don't understand why she said that to me when the person from DFA gave me the instructions on what i have to do and in the first place the DFA staff knew i was married here in Philippines....i wish i can just get a lawyer and pay and have it done the quickest way possible but i am not rich neither do my bf is.....so much problem...i was really hoping i could do it in easy way that don't need to spend lots of money as that's what we don't really have but unfortunately i can't.....:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

I maybe wrong and if I am them perhaps someone here will correct me, but I thought that if you were were married in the Philippines to a foriegn spouse who subsequently divorced you in their own country, ie Japan, UK etc, then you could apply to have that divorce recognised in the Philippines, whereas if it was the Philippine citizen who instigated divorce proceedings in another country, then that divorce could not be recognised in the Philippines and the divorce would have to be annulled in the Philippines before the Filipino citizen would be free to marry.

28th April 2010, 03:59
I maybe wrong and if I am them perhaps someone here will correct me, but I thought that if you were were married in the Philippines to a foriegn spouse who subsequently divorced you in their own country, ie Japan, UK etc, then you could apply to have that divorce recognised in the Philippines, whereas if it was the Philippine citizen who instigated divorce proceedings in another country, then that divorce could not be recognised in the Philippines and the divorce would have to be annulled in the Philippines before the Filipino citizen would be free to marry.

i even thought of that also....i just don't understand why that lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines wherein the staff in DFA told me i can...i know we don't have divorce here in Philipines and i'm not applying for divorce neither annulment,,i just want my divorce be recognize here in Philippines....simple as that but they are making it so hard for me......some bloody public lawyer....:xxaction-smiley-047

28th April 2010, 08:20
Don't look at ways of trying to get around the system, if it goes wrong you've wasted a lot of time and money and may be blacklisted from the UK. Always do everything the right way from the start.

Annulment then marry again. Simple as that.

i agree with boss keith...you have a fiance visa refusal already before..to get a student visa is really a bad option and a waste of money it could turn out bad...i think the best thing to do is to find a good lawyer who could help you out and for you to find out how much the cost and how long it could take....think positive for sure in time everything will be alright and you will be with your mahal...:heartshape1:

28th April 2010, 08:32
i even thought of that also....i just don't understand why that lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines wherein the staff in DFA told me i can...i know we don't have divorce here in Philipines and i'm not applying for divorce neither annulment,,i just want my divorce be recognize here in Philippines....simple as that but they are making it so hard for me......some bloody public lawyer....:xxaction-smiley-047

A Petition for the Recognition of a Foreign Judgment of Divorce at the Regional Trial Court needs to be filed to a marriage in the Philippines dissolved.

28th April 2010, 12:51
some bloody public lawyer....:xxaction-smiley-047

A Petition for the Recognition of a Foreign Judgment of Divorce at the Regional Trial Court needs to be filed to a marriage in the Philippines dissolved.

Now that you know what the legal procedure you need to go through is called, I suggest you look for an attorney who will carry out this work for you. Be sure to shop around and find out what is a reasonable price for doing this kind of work and then find an attorney who will do it for you both at a reasonable price and also within a reasonable timeframe.

16th June 2010, 07:11
i applied for fiance visa earlier this year and been refused for a reason that i am still married here in Philippines and i was only with my bf for 6 days..i am divorced in Japan with my Japanese exhusband last year around October.i found out that i still have to have my divorced recognize here in Philippines..the embassy stamped something at the back page of my passport and i don't know what it is..it has UK-Manila and then some numbers...my bf planned of marrying me here in Philippines this coming August but i know that's not possible since legally i'm still married here...i am working now on my divorce abroad be recognize here in Philippines and i'm really confused...seems like my situation is all messed up..if i can get a writing from a lawyer or a judge saying that decree absolute will be issue in 6 months i am planning of reapplying for a fiance visa rather than marrying in August..i don't want to take the risk of losing all our plans just because of some wrong decisions...and also we are planning of visiting the UK embassy to seek for advice.....any comments on this guys.......:Help1:

Hi Nayumi!
Im sorry to hear about your visa application.
I understand your situation. Is your previous marriage was also registered here in the Philippines? And did you have a marriage certificate from the National Statistics Office? If so you will need to have your marriage contract from the NSO with the annotation saying that your previous marriage has been dissolved.
You will need to ask the NSO what documents they will need and i think it takes about 4 weeks to get the copy of your annotated marriage contract.
Try asking a good lawyer on how to get your divorce recognize. Because i think as soon as you got it you will have to have a certification from the civil registrar where you got married. And thats one of the documents that the NSO will ask from you.
Ive been thru the annullment and it took me 3 to 4 months that includes all the registering and getting certifications from the court where i filed my annullment and from the civil registrar where i got married. You will need a lot of patience and effort. This is Philippines and you will not get what you have qeued up in just a day. And that will make you busy and you wouldnt realize time goes quick and you will soon be with your mahal. Never ever give up. We just have to go thru difficult times and you should prepare yourself. Life is not easy. The last time i was worrying about was my annullment, my lawyer said that i was the worst client he ever had from chasing him almost everyday. And the next one was our wedding. I was doing it on my own as my husband was still in the UK working and came to Philippines 2 weeks before our wedding. But that was the most exciting part for me. And now is the preparation applying for a spouse visa.
Goodluck and Godbless!
Hope that gives u a bit of help.

17th June 2010, 18:13
this is really making me crazy....can't imagine my life is all messed up just because of one failure marriage....:Brick:my mind is all messed up......i want to just give up......

Your life is not 'messed up':NoNo:
Many worse off than you.
You just got some paper problems, you got a western fiance who can 'grease the wheels' to get things moving for you:D.
Like other have said, it can all change in your favour very quickly:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You have been given very sound and advice, you see!, you luck has changed already.
My advice is, stop feeling sorry for yourself and start thinking of the years you got ahead.
It really will work out for you so, smile:D

18th June 2010, 10:11
this is really really bad...i went out today to the local city hall where my marriage was registered but unfortunately some lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines..i was married here in Philippines and just had my marriage registered in Japan so my divorce abroad is useless and i can't have it recognize here...i only have one option so i can remarry and that is to file annulment which will take long time to be granted plus it should be attended by both parties and it should have a ground...:cwm23:well she told me to try to reapply using my foreign divorce decree...can anybody tell me what should i do????:NoNo:i don't really know what to do with this....:NoNo:

You need to file Annulment.. This has been the case of my friend who was divioced by her husband in Dubai. They were married in the Phlippines, the divorced was useless as she still needs to file annulment here.. I know it is really hard.. Annulment is a long process...

19th June 2010, 16:15
welcome to the forum nayumi and hope you get things sorted out and that all goes well for you :)