View Full Version : Dear Penis

20th April 2010, 16:08
EZ3lw-eNrFk&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ3lw-eNrFk&feature=player_embedded)

20th April 2010, 16:14

20th April 2010, 17:31
What a great song!:)

A man buys himself a new pair of boots and he can't wait to show his wife...

So he puts the boots on and runs up to her saying "Do you notice anything different about me?"

She says "No..":Erm:

So runs and takes off all his clothes!:yikes: Then runs up to her naked except for his new boots and says "You notice anything different now?":)

She says "Oh! Your th:icon_tonguew:ng! There's nothing different it's hanging down as always..I haven't seen a rise out of your th:icon_tonguew:ng for twenty years!"

He says "..It's hanging down cause it's taking a look at my lovely new boots!":D

She says "..Yeah well do me a favor, next time buy a damn hat!.."


21st April 2010, 01:27
:icon_lol: Nice one Nigel