View Full Version : money in bank account

23rd April 2010, 14:58
Hi everyone:Wave:

Just a quick question about finances with regards to visa application.

Is it correct u need a minimum of £2k in ur account for 6 month period before applying for spouse or fiancee visa? Cos my account was low in jan after long holiday in philippines:) under £1k but now over £10k,i have regular job etc but should i delay any possible application?

Thanks for any advice in advance:Wave:

23rd April 2010, 15:23
We applied, and got my wifes Spouse Visa in February of this year. At the time of our application I had only about £500 in the bank but I explained in my covering/sponsorship letter that because of our wedding, visa fees and my 4 rips in 5 months to the Philippines I had a spent a lot of money and my savings were low. I think they are more concerned that you have not been overdrawn in the last 6 months and just explain it in your letter.
Bye the way, good luck with the visa!

23rd April 2010, 16:16
Their is no actual fixed figure, but we know £3000 passes the test with flying colours, and you should be fine.

23rd April 2010, 17:48
my account was low in jan after long holiday in philippines:) under £1k but now over £10k,

can you save more than £2k a month from your wages :Erm:???

if not then disproportionate deposits and withdrawals in the bank statements should be explained in the sponsor's letter.

if you've borrowed money from a friend/family, bank loan , credit card etc its wise not to send those bank statements with the money going in..

25th April 2010, 00:55
thanks everyone for the replies very helpful.I guess we should be ok if i explain the changes in my account and the long holiday in January,i spent more than i thought i would:)and am now back working in the uk to save again.

All my account is funded from my work at the moment so no need to borrow at the present time which is fortunate.Next trip pencilled in for end of may:)

thanks again

Arthur Little
25th April 2010, 01:49
You certainly seem to have ample proof of the existence of a genuine, ongoing relationship ... and if you follow the wise cousel given here, everything will, I'm sure, work out fine for the two of you! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th April 2010, 03:14
My wife got her visa ok with my bank account showing no savings as such, just that the account was not in default and always in credit seemed to be enough to satisfy it.

25th April 2010, 03:52
can you save more than £2k a month from your wages :Erm:???

if not then disproportionate deposits and withdrawals in the bank statements should be explained in the sponsor's letter.

if you've borrowed money from a friend/family, bank loan , credit card etc its wise not to send those bank statements with the money going in..

i believe saving 2k a month from wages is possible :)

25th April 2010, 09:06
My wife got her visa ok with my bank account showing no savings as such, just that the account was not in default and always in credit seemed to be enough to satisfy it.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: you should always minimise any risks of refusal, if you have no savings the ECO could say you can hardly support yourself never mind your wife and refuse you because they believe she would need recourse to public funds.

:nono-1-1: no savings and overdrawn statements.

the last thing you want is a refusal because you had to send over drawn statements or because you didn't have a bit of savings, an appeal with take months, more paper work and more :bigcry:

having savings does make a difference, especially if the ECO considers your case a borderline case, and each case is judged on its own merits, so you cant always compare 2 visa apps or the result.

14th May 2010, 13:06
will it be okay if i have 500$ each month for my bank( spent a lot for holidays!) hubbie will have his bank statement to be shown but i would like to enclosed my bank statement as well for the embassy not to think that i am only getting support from my husband? anyway i am also working.
Thank you