View Full Version : Cdo

Doc Alan
25th April 2010, 13:18
CDO...that's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder...in alphabetical order...which is how it should be :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th April 2010, 13:45
Oh? :Erm: I was expecting a thread about Cagayan de Oro. :bigcry:

Arthur Little
25th April 2010, 17:05
Oh? :Erm: I was expecting a thread about Cagayan de Oro. :bigcry:

:icon_lol: ... that's what I imagined it to be too!!

25th April 2010, 17:16
hahaha! and dont forget, it is also a hotdog brand name here - cdo hotdogs! :icon_lol:

Doc Alan
25th April 2010, 21:16
hahaha! and dont forget, it is also a hotdog brand name here - cdo hotdogs! :icon_lol:
It WAS in the jokes section, and I CAN lighten up once you've read my health advice for the week:D
Juliet and Mercy Sonot, lead vocalists from Aegis Band, also come all the way from Cagayan De Oro City ...and to know that detail requires an "obsessive compulsive disorder" :laugher:

26th April 2010, 14:55
It WAS in the jokes section, and I CAN lighten up once you've read my health advice for the week:D
Juliet and Mercy Sonot, lead vocalists from Aegis Band, also come all the way from Cagayan De Oro City ...and to know that detail requires an "obsessive compulsive disorder" :laugher:

Well, I thought it is CDO too :doh but hmmmm... mean it is OCD :Cuckoo: .. Yes, they are one of the famous band here in CDO and it is good to know that you keep updating for them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
26th April 2010, 15:04
hahaha! and dont forget, it is also a hotdog brand name here - cdo hotdogs! :icon_lol:
Cool Diagnosis Obviously ! :)

Doc Alan
26th April 2010, 15:07
Yes, they are one of the famous band here in CDO and it is good to know that you keep updating for them :xxgrinning--00xx3:... which means at least 3 beautiful women from CDO City :xxgrinning--00xx3:(you + Aegis Band singers:)

26th April 2010, 17:52
Well, I thought it is CDO too :doh but hmmmm... mean it is OCD :Cuckoo: .. Yes, they are one of the famous band here in CDO and it is good to know that you keep updating for them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

... which means at least 3 beautiful women from CDO City :xxgrinning--00xx3:(you + Aegis Band singers:)

I can certainly vouch for that Alan. :xxgrinning--00xx3: :Hellooo:
I'm not biased, it's true. :heartshape1: