View Full Version : Britain's Got Talent - But Gordon Hasn't

27th April 2010, 19:29

27th April 2010, 20:14

In typical Daily Mail style, if there ain't a good story, you just make one up.

27th April 2010, 20:51
In typical Daily Mail style, if there ain't a good story, you just make one up.

I didn't make it up. Perhaps whoever did thought that the Bottler needed a bit more exposure as he's not featuring in 90% of socialist campaign leaflets. Doe's that mean the candidates are ashamed of him ?

28th April 2010, 10:06
I didn't make it up. Perhaps whoever did thought that the Bottler needed a bit more exposure as he's not featuring in 90% of socialist campaign leaflets. Doe's that mean the candidates are ashamed of him ?

I notice that there ain't many tories talking about Cameron's "big society". Maybe it's because deep down they all still believe as Maggie did that "there is no such thing as society, just individuals".

28th April 2010, 10:48
:NoNo: Ladies, give it it a rest. :xxgrinning--00xx3: