View Full Version : New vB4

30th April 2010, 11:07

You can now select different styles by using the drop-down menu in the bottom left. If you are on a small 800px screen you must select FIXED. For those with larger screens FLUID is the best option. Do not select Mobile unless you are on a mobile :Rasp:

The sidebar on the right can be collapsed by clicking the 3739

30th April 2010, 11:19
The sidebar doesn't seem to update unless i right click while over the particular box n refresh

30th April 2010, 14:25
Please be aware that some pages will be slow to load when you first visit them as the cache is updated on your computer.

30th April 2010, 14:30
yeah just replying to a post and i got a 404 page not known but the pot was made.

But still very smooth overall sir:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2010, 16:27
Google Chrome seems to revert me back to the log in page, though firefox is fine and logs me in without problems...

Otherwise, I think this looks a lot better:D

And lost some blobs, but I knew that would happen...

30th April 2010, 17:21
Weird... it displays slightly different on my PC IE8 than on the laptop IE8 :Erm:

30th April 2010, 18:31
I got this page boss : http://filipinaroses.com/forum.php

At least it's not 404 ehehehhe:D:Wave::Wave::Wave::Wave::Jump:

30th April 2010, 18:51
If I need any website help I'll just ask you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2010, 19:00
How come a student can help?:omg:
I can make you flash photos in minutes.:icon_lol: :laugher:

Boss, why icons covered the Post Quick Reply button? I accidentally clicked wave icon.:D at least it is not the sex icon in the middle lolsssssssss.

30th April 2010, 19:24
SHould be OK now

30th April 2010, 19:59
Change your Default Style in your USERCP settings :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm using Green Island :)

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