View Full Version : bank account for ILR

30th April 2010, 20:40
Hello Everyone,
I would like to ask about enough money in our bank account to apply ILR....We dont have savings since hubby just got a job not a long time... And sometimes we do spend our arrange overdraft...Do you think it would be a problem? Im bit worried about this...I hope someone could give me any advices....

30th April 2010, 20:58
I had a small overdraft at the time of the ILR nothing dramatic due to some building work and we were coping just fine. From what i recall they are just interested your in a real relationship living as a couple. I ask on a Thai site which had some good people on there and they all said either from experience or theory that it no big issue.

30th April 2010, 23:25
nothing dramatic :icon_lol: how many people do you know who have a moat built around their house :doh

as andy says its more about your relationship than finances, but try not to send overdrawn statements

30th April 2010, 23:39
I think it was 100 n something out of a possible 4000 odd potential (you know those mad limits you used to get even if u did not need)

You only have one moat Joe:rolleyes:

From what i remeber and going in person I dont think they even saw my bank account so nothing to worry about.
All the lady was worried about was offcial paperwork with our full correct names and addressed and dated.