View Full Version : Promise you wont laugh?

2nd May 2010, 08:29
A man visits his doctor and says "promise me you wont laugh, but I have this problem...?"

The Doc says "I can assure you I am a serious professional and I will not laugh."

So the man drops his trousers and reveals he has a w:icon_tonguew:lly so small it could be a matchstick!

The Doc laughs :laugher: and laughs :Giggler: he just can't contain his laughter!:laughitupsmilie: And then he calms himself down and says "I am truly sorry..:icon_sorry:.. I promise I will not laugh again, now what is the problem?"

The man says ................................

"It's swollen!"


24th May 2010, 15:31
You didn't like this one then?:Erm:

24th May 2010, 15:47
I did yes :icon_lol::laugher: sorry for not commenting earlier :D

24th May 2010, 18:35
I did yes :icon_lol::laugher: sorry for not commenting earlier :D

Hi, :Jump:
I liked it too but never saw it when first posted, I must have been asleep, :doh

27th May 2010, 19:24
I laughed out loud:laugher::D

Arthur Little
27th May 2010, 23:03
:bigcry: Do I LOOK like I'm laughing? :NoNo: Poor chap :cwm24: ... "eunuch said!"