View Full Version : George Osborne Angers children's charity boss with joke about Gordon Brown

3rd May 2010, 00:42
Shadow chancellor George Osborne has angered the head of a children's Charity for the blind and visually impaired after a joke about the Prime Minister Gordon Brown keeping his eye on the economy, noting how the Prime minister is blind in one eye. Carolyn Fullard who is the Chief Executive of the National Blind Children’s Society, has expressed anger and concern over remarks made by Mr. Osborne earlier today whilst speaking to local supporters in Luton. The Shadow Chancellor has caused uproar before with a joke about Gordon Brown being "a little autistic".

Lord Mandleson has called upon David Cameron to condemn these remarks as an outright attack on decency and civility, whist the conservatives brushed off the remarks as "simply a Joke". Mr. Brown, still reeling from the uproar of being the first sitting Prime Minister to be censored on Live television for swearing has called this new episode a "dark day for politics". referring to Mr. Osborne's comments, The Prime Minister has said "that posh little :censored: can go and :censored: himself".

Full Story Here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1270459/George-Osborne-angers-charity-for-blind-chldren.html)

3rd May 2010, 09:40
...and it's humourless muppets like Carolyn Fullard who have helped with the downfall of this country :action-smiley-081:

3rd May 2010, 12:16
Lord Mandleson ...decency

He who was sacked twice from the government, then as a reward was made a Lord, then Business Secretary. :icon_lol::NoNo:

3rd May 2010, 13:51
Roll on friday cantwait for them all to shut up:D