View Full Version : I very nearly ate Balut, ug!!!!!!

6th May 2010, 17:51
Hello all,:Wave:
I buy my eggs at a well known supermarket
The latest batch I have, were well in date I am very careful on that after having bad eggs in the past.

Last Sunday I was making a cooked breakfast and decided to have scrambled eggs
On breaking the first egg into a pan, I found the egg yolk had a strange bloom over the top of it and was a mixture of white and red/black.
There was a second form in the egg besides the yolk; it was a quarter of the size of a yolk and a very dark red/black colour.

I realise now I should have saved the egg to show someone but I felt so bad at looking at it I put it down the toilet.

I have been told it was an embryo growing inside the egg.
So I very nearly ate Balut, ug!!!!!!

I normally have boiled eggs; I would not have seen how the egg was?
I thought eggs went through a stage of being checked for quality.
How can my faith in eating eggs ever be restored again?

It might not have done me any harm, but the thought makes me feel sick!:action-smiley-082:

7th May 2010, 14:40
what's wrong with eating balut?? :Erm: Balut is so tasty and yummy :xxgrinning--00xx3: ....although I have to admit I don't eat balut during daytime:) ....but hey balut is so nutritious...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2010, 14:44
It puts lead in your pencil. get it down yer :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2010, 15:28
I find Balut's pubic feathers get stuck in my throat!!! :cwm24:

7th May 2010, 15:45
You're thinking of Bayot boss, not Balut :D

8th May 2010, 00:18
wow i really like balot..... its YUMMY

8th May 2010, 01:13
I find Balut's pubic feathers get stuck in my throat!!! :cwm24:

Ekkkk... :vomit-smiley-011: that happened to me when i first ate the "sisiw" of the balot...and then i never ate a sisiw again..hahaha..but i like balot! although i prefer penoy more..haha :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th May 2010, 01:23
Is that the only pubic material to stick in your throat :Cuckoo: :heartshape1:

8th May 2010, 01:30
Is that the only pubic material to stick in your throat :Cuckoo: :heartshape1:


9th May 2010, 17:46
I ate one spoonful of balut when I was drunk, and it tasted like salted excrement

9th May 2010, 18:21
I ate one spoonful of balut when I was drunk, and it tasted like salted excrement

Never tried salted excrement, hows it taste :Erm:

9th May 2010, 20:14
I ate a whole balut on my second day in Phils a couple of weeks ago, it's not so bad, if you never knew what it was it would be fine :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2010, 16:44
Last Sunday I was making a cooked breakfast and decided to have scrambled eggs
On breaking the first egg into a pan, I found the egg yolk had a strange bloom over the top of it and was a mixture of white and red/black.
There was a second form in the egg besides the yolk; it was a quarter of the size of a yolk and a very dark red/black colour.
I have been told it was an embryo growing inside the egg.
So I very nearly ate Balut, ug!!!!!

Chicken eggs are rated by their quality as AA, A, B, and Inedible. I guess you nearly have eaten "Inedible" chicken eggs but not embryo egg or balut.

An embryo egg(balut) is done in method:

Method #1

1. Prepare a big wooden box; line this with heated rice hull at the bottom about 6-8 inches thick.
2. Arrange the eggs in bags of about 20-50 pieces each, put them on the heated hull and cover again with the same thickness of heated hull.
3. Cover the box very well so as to prevent quick loss of heat.
4. Every morning inspect the eggs to see if the rice hull needs reheating. The hull must be about 38°C.
5. On the third day, examine the eggs against a bright light to see if the germ plasm has developed. This is the part of the egg that becomes the chick if the egg is fertile. If no germ plasm develops remove these eggs. These are sold as penoy. Put back into the heated hull those eggs with germ plasm.
6. On the 13th day examine again the egg against the light. Remove the eggs without germ pasm. At this stage, those with developing germ plasm are the “balut sa puti”.
7. On the 17th day the chicks will be growing little feathers. These may now be cooked.

10th May 2010, 17:54
Chicken eggs are rated by their quality as AA, A, B, and Inedible. I guess you nearly have eaten "Inedible" chicken eggs but not embryo egg or balut.

An embryo egg(balut) is done in method:

Method #1

1. Prepare a big wooden box; line this with heated rice hull at the bottom about 6-8 inches thick.
2. Arrange the eggs in bags of about 20-50 pieces each, put them on the heated hull and cover again with the same thickness of heated hull.
3. Cover the box very well so as to prevent quick loss of heat.
4. Every morning inspect the eggs to see if the rice hull needs reheating. The hull must be about 38°C.
5. On the third day, examine the eggs against a bright light to see if the germ plasm has developed. This is the part of the egg that becomes the chick if the egg is fertile. If no germ plasm develops remove these eggs. These are sold as penoy. Put back into the heated hull those eggs with germ plasm.
6. On the 13th day examine again the egg against the light. Remove the eggs without germ pasm. At this stage, those with developing germ plasm are the “balut sa puti”.
7. On the 17th day the chicks will be growing little feathers. These may now be cooked.

Hi, sars_notd_virus;221036. :Wave:
thanks for the information,
The egg had a seperate mass that looked like a smaller egg inside it but red/black in colour, I do think it was at "germ plasm has developed" stage.
I just hope I never find anouth like it, I have not bought any eggs since yet and wont for a few weeks.

I realise I am being fussy but thats how I am.
I have been asked to try "balut" while in the Philippines but refused.

11th May 2010, 00:07
Your Welcome Mick,,don't worry you'll get back eating chicken egg soon ...as they are high in protein and good for you (do i sound like a nutritionist):icon_lol:
Anyway,i also don't fancy eating balut ..(i hate the stare of the little embryo or little chick inside it whenever i crack one :cwm24:)

11th May 2010, 00:07
my hubby hasn't tried eating balut and never force him to eat one....maybe its too exotic for him to try :)

11th May 2010, 00:53

:Cuckoo: i suppose balot is like the pinoy equivalent of kebab, best eaten very drunk :Rasp:

11th May 2010, 12:09
i have been put off eating heinz chicken soup, well any make really.

i had a bad cold and made myself lunch and started to eat my soup only to spoon a big piece of fat into my mouth at which point i started to gag and have never had it since(chicken soup).

11th May 2010, 13:46
beep beep balut. They'll be coming past my window any minute now, and still I will resist :D

12th May 2010, 20:51
beep beep balut. They'll be coming past my window any minute now, and still I will resist :D

I like it when they call out "Balut! Balut!" Though I've only eaten it once. Wish I was out there now. :bigcry:...How long have you got left there triple?