View Full Version : what is the best things to do?

hannah sheila
13th May 2010, 09:00
hello everyone

I am pregnant now and the baby due on august, i am here in cebu while my fiancee live in england but he come over on august when baby born. :cwm3:
My question is....
1. Can we change the baby citizenship to british even thought baby born in the philippines?? How ??
2. That the baby can use the surname of his father even we are not yet married??

My fiancee is not yet finally divorce but his waiting now to the solicitor's paper. And we are hoping it will done in august. So that we can start our life's and i can apply my visa.
My question is.....
1. What is the easy way of applying visa ?? fiancee or spouse visa??
2. What if we get married in cebu as a civil wedding, yes i use spouse visa. Is that easy way that soon baby and i can come over to england??

Hope i can get more idea's ..... and thanks for the advices..



13th May 2010, 09:44
Hi Hannah your pregnant!! really I thought you were just bocky ko:icon_lol:

But really your baby will have dual citizenship I know Len will be there so you can make sure his name is on the birth certificate and he can register the birth at the embassy in Manila or maybe the british consul in Cebu and you will be able to apply for a UK passport Len can ask here about the name on the passport

As to when and where you get married I guess that depends on the devorce if its soon maybe you can do the wedding and the birth in august otherwise you have to decide if its better for len to come back and marry you or applly for a fiance visa

Either way I wish you both an easy and quick result:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2010, 09:50
Hi hannah,

hope all your questions are answered in this thread



hannah sheila
13th May 2010, 11:43
hi keithangel thanks 4 ur advice....:Jump: that was so lovely....
Hope to see u again both...

Send my regards to ur girlfriend jhean..:omg:

hannah xxxxx

hannah sheila
13th May 2010, 11:45
thanks sars 4 ur kind...:)