View Full Version : A Few Questions at last

15th May 2010, 02:49
Im coming back to the Phils in late Sep to stay for six months plus and get married in Jan/Feb we would then Ideally like to apply for a spouse visa for arrival UK in Sep 2010 this is because im away a lot with my work in summer and so not a good time for arrival earlier

My questions are my C. of N.I. exchanged in Manila is good for how long? or can I get it whilst im here nearer the wedding time?

Is it possible to apply for the spouse visa to start from Sep even if the application is in say March(as I will be able to fill it in whilst im here with Jhean)? If not what are the implications for the next UK visa?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th May 2010, 06:05
CNI is valid for 3 months .You could apply for spouse visa once you already gather all the documents e.g marriage certificate.

15th May 2010, 06:19
damn pressed the reply button instead of 'post quick reply' :yikes: :doh
reply lost in cyberspace..
i think the embassy can put the start date of the visa upto 3 months after the actual date they grant and stick the settlement visa in her passport.
your misses will be granted a 27 month visa, she needs to be in the uk around 23 months to apply for ILR. so she could stay in the phils upto 4 months after the visa start date (but make it a max of 3 so you dont have any problems)
if she did stay longer in the phils, say 6 months after the start date of her visa, she probably would have to apply for FLR first before ILR, as she needs to be in the UK 2yrs - upto 28 days (23 months).

so what ever you do, there are different options.

and congrATS :wedtoss: is dom getting commission or is it a different lady :doh.... :xxparty-smiley-004::icon_eek:

15th May 2010, 07:19
CNI is valid for 3 months .You could apply for spouse visa once you already gather all the documents e.g marriage certificate.

ThanksThere is the cni i bring from UK right is this valid 3 months and then the exchange toin Manila? cos if im in the Phils 5 months befor the marriage how do I do that then ?

Thanks Joe not sure about the commision yet :D

15th May 2010, 13:05
ThanksThere is the cni i bring from UK right is this valid 3 months and then the exchange toin Manila? cos if im in the Phils 5 months befor the marriage how do I do that then ?

I think I read (or maybe mis-read) somewhere that it is possible to apply for a CNI (rather than exchange a CNI) at the British Embassy in Manila.

15th May 2010, 13:14
I just found the official document I thought I remembered and I was correct, the relevent section reads,

"If you have not obtained a CNI issued by the local Registrar of Marriages in the United Kingdom you will have to comply with the Marriage with Foreigners Act 1906. This requires that you reside in the Philippines for 21 clear days before giving notice of your intended marriage and this period of residence must be immediately prior to acceptance of the Notice. Twenty-one clear days means that the day you arrive in the Philippines or the day you submit your Notice of Intention to Marry may not be counted. When the notice is accepted, your physical presence in the Philippines is not required.
When you give notice of your intended marriage, you will be required to swear an Affidavit before a Consular Officer to the effect that you are not aware of any impediment to the marriage (including previous marriages). Your Notice of Marriage will then be displayed in a public place in the Embassy for a further 21 clear days (excluding the day you swear the Affidavit). The CNI will be issued the day after the 21 clear day period has elapsed and you should collect it from the Embassy as soon as possible thereafter. The CNI must be used within 3 months of date of issue. This whole process therefore takes 42 DAYS to process."

You can download the complete document here,


16th May 2010, 03:30
thanks Ian thats great i wonder if i can do that in cebu with the consul i will ask cheers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

P.S. ive emailed the consul here in cebu i will post the result

16th May 2010, 08:45
thanks Ian thats great i wonder if i can do that in cebu with the consul i will ask cheers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

P.S. ive emailed the consul here in cebu i will post the result

Good luck with that, the consulate in Cebu are not really known for being responsive or helpful from what I've heard from various sources in the past.

16th May 2010, 17:46
But I sent such a charming email:icon_lol:

17th May 2010, 02:44
Good luck with that, the consulate in Cebu are not really known for being responsive or helpful from what I've heard from various sources in the past.

Lucky I graduated charm school ian

Here is the reply from the Consul in Cebu

Mr Angel
It is actually longer than 21 days. The day you arrive in the Philippines is not counted, and you can complete the documents on the 22nd day after that. The Notice of Marriage goes on the notice board for another 21 days, starting the day after you completed the documents.

Please find attached the requirements for marriage in the Philippines and you may also look at our website, details below.

The present Embassy exchange rate is P72 to GBP1.00. The cost of a CNI is GBP64.80 and the NOM is the same. If you are divorced/widowed please produce the necessary documents. The person you are marrying needs a CENOMAR which should not be over three months old when you apply. Please supply good photo copies of these documents. Please also have your current British passport with you.

You may complete the process at this consulate.

Although im not sure she is correct about the devorce papers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2010, 09:40
Although im not sure she is correct about the devorce papers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you are divorced then I think you will need your divorce decree absolute document anyway, when you apply for your marriage licence....... even though you have a CNI which should be enough, you will be asked for your decree absolute and probably your birth certificate as well.

17th May 2010, 13:21
Ive got it anyway but thats good news for folk who dont want to go hanging about in Manila:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th May 2010, 10:24
Hi KeithAngel - and congrats on your successful trip to the Philippines!
i applied for my CNI in Manila and it was pretty straight forward - but my husband-to-be needed to have a CENOMAR first (certificate of no marriage) from the NSO - so your lady will need this before you can apply for your CNI - they just post it up on the office wall for 21 days for objections to be made - then you go get your marriage licence

18th May 2010, 10:26
Hi KeithAngel - and congrats on your successful trip to the Philippines!
i applied for my CNI in Manila and it was pretty straight forward - but my husband-to-be needed to have a CENOMAR first (certificate of no marriage) from the NSO - so your lady will need this before you can apply for your CNI - they just post it up on the office wall for 21 days for objections to be made - then you go get your marriage licence

Yes thanks for that its just getting the timing right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
18th May 2010, 13:16
Im coming back to the Phils in late Sep to stay for six months plus and get married in Jan/Feb

:heartshape1: ... Congratulations, Keith & Jhean; I wish you both every happiness for your future together.

18th May 2010, 15:18
Cheers Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3: