View Full Version : Mahjong pad

18th May 2010, 17:39
Anybody know where you can buy a mahjong pad in the uk?

Arthur Little
18th May 2010, 18:17
Anybody know where you can buy a mahjong pad in the uk?

:Erm: ... what's a mahjong pad?

18th May 2010, 18:40
its a big square pad of paper backed by cardboard that gets put on the mahjong table and a player sits at each cardinal point N, S , E , W.

scores get written on the paper which i assume gets discarded and ther next sheet used.
My wife was asking if you can get them in the UK but i am noit siure how essential it is to play the game with or without a pad. I was hoping to get more information here!

Arthur Little
18th May 2010, 19:09
its a big square pad of paper backed by cardboard that gets put on the mahjong table and a player sits at each cardinal point N, S , E , W.

scores get written on the paper which i assume gets discarded and ther next sheet used.
My wife was asking if you can get them in the UK but i am noit siure how essential it is to play the game with or without a pad. I was hoping to get more information here!

Ah ... :rolleyes: I [think] I see! :68711_thanx: for enlightening me. Perhaps some of our Filipino ladies/gents who've settled in the UK may be able to help you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th May 2010, 19:19
its a big square pad of paper backed by cardboard that gets put on the mahjong table and a player sits at each cardinal point N, S , E , W.

scores get written on the paper which i assume gets discarded and ther next sheet used.
My wife was asking if you can get them in the UK but i am noit siure how essential it is to play the game with or without a pad. I was hoping to get more information here!

TRY EBAY :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
18th May 2010, 19:57
TRY EBAY :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:rolleyes: ... now there's an :idea: ... never thought of ebay. :ARsurrender:

19th May 2010, 12:53
try chinatown, i bought a mahjong table there lols

19th May 2010, 15:33
buy a roll of cheap linning wallpaper use that