View Full Version : finances, savings, job offers et al

18th May 2010, 21:59
Hi :)
do u reckon the follwoing is enough to sort bringing my wife & 2 kids here to UK:
* 13k savings (gift from mother)
* indefinite rent free accom & no bills for the 4 of us at my sisters house (with all supporting docs & local council positive house inspec report saying all ok)
* genuine real job offer for me & contract of employment (20k/year ..mmmm-- will start in a month or so but it is for a 2 year contract)
* genuine real p/t (10 hours / month) job offer for wife (200 pounds month, 2 year employment) as an accounting consultant with opportunity to increase hours
* full on relationship portfolio & all evidences
..... obviosuly we dont have 3 to 6 months bank statements yet showing salary for my job as not started ...but it would make it a year+ of being apart if we wait for 6 months & then go through waiting for visa application process after that..... right now are the savings, accom & job offer/contract of employment enough to make a positive result for us if we submit next week?

18th May 2010, 22:28
I don't know, whether it's enough to satisfy them? but with all you've mentioned, I'd definately risk it.
A year is too long & I feel I'm heading in that direction. :NoNo:...It's not good.

18th May 2010, 23:44
i take it your in the phils..
if so it would be better if you came on your own and had at least 3 bank statements and pay slips b4 applying

19th May 2010, 00:07
a lot to weigh up ! :yikes:

19th May 2010, 00:22
hi joe :) ...am in uk ...since january ...will start work in 3 weeks or so ....i was hoping that the surely big enough savings/accom/ and me just starting a decent enough job would be good enough rather than doing 3 to 4 months working for payslips ..then applying & then awaiting outcome---long tiiiimmmmeeee:yikes:......ive heard 3rd party support is allowable nowadays and maybe our case far stronger than a 3rd party type isnt it......
life never that simple is it:Help1: hehe ....what shall we do!! :heartshape1:

19th May 2010, 00:53
hi joe :) ...am in uk ...since january ...will start work in 3 weeks or so ....i was hoping that the surely big enough savings/accom/ and me just starting a decent enough job would be good enough rather than doing 3 to 4 months working for payslips ..then applying & then awaiting outcome---long tiiiimmmmeeee:yikes:......ive heard 3rd party support is allowable nowadays and maybe our case far stronger than a 3rd party type isnt it......
life never that simple is it:Help1: hehe ....what shall we do!! :heartshape1:

yes 3rd party support was allowed at a AIT case, but whether its been accepted by all case workers i don't know..

your problem is you have 13k savings which was a gift, and you have no job at the moment and are relying on your sister for accommodation, also you dont have any bank statements ? or pay slips. it doesn't look good does it ?

if i was you i would wait til your working and have some bank statements and pay slips,then you wouldn't have to mention where your savings came from, i think if you dont have any bank statesments your going to have to explain where your money came from ..

but you could apply, but it looks risky to me..

19th May 2010, 03:52
Hello shalona!!
I can see you are all set to lodge your application..goodluck
I am also from Batangas City ...where does your wife lives here??

19th May 2010, 10:22
hi ... we're @ banaba ...where r u in bats city? ..its v hot right now isnt it i hear

19th May 2010, 10:50
thanks joe !! :) ,,,your feedback is so good & helpful ..really kind of you .... the ias said that the accom was a strong point as is solid for long term future (and we don't have any other likely option anyway)& that the big savings were good too (they also say i should show paper trail to where the money originally came from) ... mmmm -- i wonder if even 1 month of payslips is ok , especially if the probation period is 1 month only & that the Directors will give their direct contact details and support letter for an eco to confer with them (i already been volunteering for several months with this community company employer & am an integral part) ...actually I tend to agree with your train of advice but am a little confused on the other counsel we have as is certainly different in crucial areas of accom & savings gift … in some ways we are willing to take a risk if its got a fair chance soon ...but am also wondering that if ever we did that and then failed how soon we could re-apply again (I.e. would do immediately & with 3 or 4 months pay slips on the 2nd attempt) and if it would be detrimental against us to re-apply so soon again/if it's allowed etc ….... big thks from me & mine :)

yes 3rd party support was allowed at a AIT case, but whether its been accepted by all case workers i don't know..

your problem is you have 13k savings which was a gift, and you have no job at the moment and are relying on your sister for accommodation, also you dont have any bank statements ? or pay slips. it doesn't look good does it ?

if i was you i would wait til your working and have some bank statements and pay slips,then you wouldn't have to mention where your savings came from, i think if you dont have any bank statesments your going to have to explain where your money came from ..

but you could apply, but it looks risky to me..

19th May 2010, 16:14
hi ... we're @ banaba ...where r u in bats city? ..its v hot right now isnt it i hear

thanks shalona....banaba? south,east or center? I'm in alangilan..
yeah still very hot in any part of the philippines

24th May 2010, 14:00
yea - in banaba west ...fiesta soon :)

24th May 2010, 14:21
Shalona Joe always gives good advice here and its created a situation where the sucsess rate is very high advise tends to leans towards conservative my view is that you somtimes have to listen to ALL advice from every quarter and your heart and then go for whatever feels right to you if the situation was reversed I would apply in a heart beat and if declined appeal the alternative with its almost garantee is as Joe says

Best of luck:xxgrinning--00xx3: