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john sergison
20th May 2010, 20:19
my stepdaughter is living here in UK with her mum and me , she is 12 years old , on her birth certificate the name of the father was not entered.

has anyone adopted their step children and any idea of the process here and what needs to be done at the philippine end.


20th May 2010, 20:24
many will share with you John, you will be much the wiser. I can't, apart from wishing you all well:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st May 2010, 08:03
my stepdaughter is living here in UK with her mum and me , she is 12 years old , on her birth certificate the name of the father was not entered.

has anyone adopted their step children and any idea of the process here and what needs to be done at the philippine end.


I also have a step-daughter who is almost 12 years old and I did look into this at one time. We changed her name by deed poll which is easy enough to do and also inexpensive, but deed poll is not recognised in the Philippines and now that she has British citizenship and a British passport in her new name, we find that we are unable to to apply for dual Filipino/British citizenship for her and unless we go through a full adoption process in the Philippines, she will lose her Filipino citizenship completely.

At only 12 years old I don't suppose this matters much, but who knows what the future holds, she may one day want to live, work and own land in the Philippines which she will be unable to do as things stand at the moment. Unfortunately it would be very difficult to go through the adoption procedure in Phils when your living in the UK and when it comes to the cost, because your from the UK the attorneys out there seem to just think of ludicrous figure and then double it.

john sergison
21st May 2010, 08:30
thanks ian, what you say is more or less what i suspected.
its not a big issue in our family and as far as my daughter is concerned i am her dad and that is that.

it just seems to be nice to be all together legally.

i think we will stay as we are ,,also i just came back from phil after looking at the land i buy and if me and my wife die maybe there would be issues of transfer of ownership to my step daughter.

so yes we stay the same as now,,thanks for the reply

21st May 2010, 11:02
we find that we are unable to to apply for dual Filipino/British citizenship for her and unless we go through a full adoption process in the Philippines, she will lose her Filipino citizenship completely.

shes still got her filipino passport ? how does the phil gov know she has changed her name by deed poll in the UK?

I thought about adopting my stepson, didnt bother, it was never a problem him having a different surname, he got ILR as a dependant of his mom, hes over 21 now, so he can live in the uk or the phils. no problems..

21st May 2010, 12:45
Legal adoption is just a piece of paper.... it's what the kid thinks, loves and knows who her dad is that matters.

21st May 2010, 12:53
Legal adoption is just a piece of paper.... it's what the kid thinks, loves and knows who her dad is that matters.

21st May 2010, 15:11
shes still got her filipino passport ? how does the phil gov know she has changed her name by deed poll in the UK?

I thought about adopting my stepson, didnt bother, it was never a problem him having a different surname, he got ILR as a dependant of his mom, hes over 21 now, so he can live in the uk or the phils. no problems..

Her Phils passport is still valid and I suppose that when it's due to expire we could just go to the Phils embassy in London and renew it. As you say, how would they know.