View Full Version : Labour MP charged over expenses

23rd May 2010, 20:55
Another trough feeding leech charged :D I almost missed this one


Don't forget your toothbrush Eric :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
24th May 2010, 12:08
Another trough feeding leech charged :D I almost missed this one


Don't forget your *toothbrush Eric :icon_lol:

:omg: ... Bet :REGamblMoney01HL1: he claimed for an *electric one ... just in case ...!

24th May 2010, 14:56
I wonder if he will be found guilty there was a wonderfull moment when that wonderful yank lady got the disclosures when i wondered if we might not loose all of our wonderful politicians:D

I suppose the labour oiks havnt come up to speed yet on how to steal sucessfully:icon_lol:

25th May 2010, 23:45
I suppose the labour oiks havnt come up to speed yet on how to steal sucessfully:icon_lol:

maybe some tips from the philipines goverment will help :bigcry:

Arthur Little
26th May 2010, 18:04
:Erm: ... 'HARD labour' for these fraudsters would be one solution to the problem in MY opinion!