View Full Version : Botox, and other 'beauty' treatments....

25th May 2010, 10:48
Come on girls (and boys!!), how many of you use 'magic' beauty products like Botox, wrinkle remover, etc?

I've had botox once, but that's another story ;)

25th May 2010, 12:19
I have monthly appointments with my dermatologist..Glycolic peel and diamond peel usually..and just weekly intake of isotretinoin capsule...all just purely maintenance so my pimples won't go back..hehehe :P been doing it for 3 years already...:D

I'm planning to get some IPL treatment (permanent hair removal) in some body parts, especially underarms! But I still need to save money! hahahaha :D

Arthur Little
25th May 2010, 12:56
Well, since I shaved off my goatee beard & moustache - after nearly 13 years - at my wife's behest, :shemademe: I've discovered "jowels" :cwm24: I never realised I HAD! Yet, for all that ... SHE thinks I have actually looked much YOUNGER since! Younger, perhaps ... but kinda chinless - and FATTER facially, too!! :Erm: ... on reflection [despite an ever-declining tendency to glance at myself in the mirror, these days!] maybe it's because she's feeding me so well (after my seventeen years of widowhood). However, I've made it clear I intend restoring my "cover-up" come the winter months!

Meanwhile :ARsurrender: - pass me the Botox ... please!

25th May 2010, 14:55
Just be glad she hasn't made you shave anywhere else ;)

Arthur Little
25th May 2010, 17:17
Just be glad she hasn't made you shave anywhere else ;)

:reaction: ... perish the thought!

25th May 2010, 18:24
i use carbolic soap does that count

25th May 2010, 19:47
i use carbolic soap does that count

:Erm: I never knew cars had them!

25th May 2010, 22:05
I've made it clear I intend restoring my "cover-up" come the winter

just in time for xmas santa :olddude: :Erm:

Arthur Little
25th May 2010, 23:51
just in time for xmas santa :olddude: :Erm:

You're right, my friend! But alas ... :bigcry: ... I've never been asked to play the :santa: role - and, as an :olddude: with white whiskers, I'd be a "dead ringer" for it ... hohoho!

26th May 2010, 05:44
Some facial treatment from my dermatologist and I am using a soap and cream recommended by her :D

26th May 2010, 08:35
..... cream recommended by her :D

'Fresh'? :Erm:

26th May 2010, 12:54
Nivea for men facewash is about it, if that counts.