View Full Version : England my England

28th May 2010, 12:37
England my England

Goodbye to my England , So long my old friend

Your days are numbered, being brought to an end

To be Scottish, Irish or Welsh that's fine

But don't say you're English, that's way out of line.

The French and the Germans may call themselves such

So may Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch

You can say you are Russian or maybe a Dane

But don't say you're English ever again.

At Broadcasting House the word is taboo

In Brussels it's scrapped, in Parliament too

Even schools are affected. Staff do as they're told

They must not teach children about England of old.

Writers like Shakespeare, Milton and Shaw

The pupils don't learn about them anymore

How about Agincourt, Hastings , Arnhem or Mons ?

When England lost hosts of her very brave sons.

We are not Europeans, how can we be?

Europe is miles away, over the sea

We're the English from England , let's all be proud

Stand up and be counted - Shout it out loud!

Let's tell our Government and Brussels too

We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue

Fly the flag of Saint George or the Union Jack

Let the world know - WE WANT OUR ENGLAND BACK !!!!


28th May 2010, 15:03
That's it, you blew it....:cwm23:

I am complaining to the race relation board, for hurting my foreign feelings....:rolleyes:


Agree with you there, mate....

28th May 2010, 15:52
The "Union Jack" or "Union Flag" is a composite design made up of three different national symbols:

The flag of England, St. George's Cross, (red cross on a white background)

The flag of Scotland St. Andrew's Cross (White diagonal cross on blue background)


The flag of Ireland St. Patrick's Cross, (red diagonal cross on a white background)


We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue

should have been, the red and white.

Arthur Little
28th May 2010, 16:36
England my England

Goodbye to my England , So long my old friend

Your days are numbered, being brought to an end

To be Scottish, Irish or Welsh that's fine

But don't say you're English, that's way out of line.

The French and the Germans may call themselves such

So may Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch

You can say you are Russian or maybe a Dane

But don't say you're English ever again.

At Broadcasting House the word is taboo

In Brussels it's scrapped, in Parliament too

Even schools are affected. Staff do as they're told

They must not teach children about England of old.

Writers like Shakespeare, Milton and Shaw

The pupils don't learn about them anymore

How about Agincourt, Hastings , Arnhem or Mons ?

When England lost hosts of her very brave sons.

We are not Europeans, how can we be?

Europe is miles away, over the sea

We're the English from England , let's all be proud

Stand up and be counted - Shout it out loud!

Let's tell our Government and Brussels too

We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue

Fly the flag of Saint George or the Union Jack

Let the world know - WE WANT OUR ENGLAND BACK !!!!


Well-composed, Jim! I may be a proud :Kilt: ... "Scotland the Brave" and all that ... but I find that sometimes the 'Jocks' can be a bit too bigotted towards the :engflag: And yes, it's good that we have our own Parliament up here; likewise the Welsh Assembly :wales: in the south. But I dread the thought of either Scotland or Wales becoming fully independent. Rather ... let's ALL remain under the ONE flag - the Union Jack! :unitedkingdom:

:Britain: for EVER!!!

28th May 2010, 17:27
I am proud to be english,I will never say im british as my country of birth is england,bits of me were not born in scotland,n ireland or wales:xxgrinning--00xx3:
And i will have large england flag outside window when w/cup begins:)

Arthur Little
28th May 2010, 17:58
Well-composed, Jim! I may be a proud :Kilt: ... "Scotland the Brave" and all that ... but I find that sometimes the 'Jocks' can be a bit too bigotted towards the :engflag: And yes, it's good that we have our own Parliament up here; likewise the Welsh Assembly :wales: in the south. But I dread the thought of either Scotland or Wales becoming fully independent. Rather ... let's ALL remain under the ONE flag - the Union Jack! :unitedkingdom:

:Britain: for EVER!!!

So where do the :irish: fit into my proposal in favour of retaining - and [hopefully] improving - the status quo. Well, mainland Scotland and England & Wales (as the latter's been called for centuries) are all part of the SAME landmass. And it's the same story with Northern Ireland and its Republican neighbour. In WHICH case, the people of NI have three distinct choices:

1. They can elect to remain part of the UK - in spite of being separated geographically by the Irish Sea,

2. They can sever all political connections with the 'United Kingdom' ... and become part of the Republic of Ireland, or

3. They can approach the Republican Government with a view to persuading members to abandon the old acrimonious feelings that provoked them into independence in the first place - hopefully paving the way for a revival of the former [pre-1949] Constitution comprising England, Scotland, Wales ... and the WHOLE of Ireland.

Like many folk, I'VE always thought of ALL Irish people as British ... and so this third arrangement would, in MY humble opinion, be ideal. :ARsurrender: What do others think? :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
28th May 2010, 18:28
I am proud to be english,I will never say im british as my country of birth is england,bits of me were not born in scotland,n ireland or wales:xxgrinning--00xx3:
And i will have large england flag outside window when w/cup begins:)

Well ... all I can say IS - that's YOUR prerogative - each to his/her own! :rolleyes: Personally, I prefer to view things from a more broad-minded perspective ...

Arthur Little
28th May 2010, 18:38
... except, conversely ... I have no desire for :Britain: to be a part of any future "United States of Europe" :NoNo: ... and the sooner we get the :censored: out of the EU - and be governed by our own, centuries'-old laws and traditions, the better!

28th May 2010, 19:20
to true but will never happen

28th May 2010, 19:29
The "Union Jack" or "Union Flag" is a composite design made up of three different national symbols:

The flag of England, St. George's Cross, (red cross on a white background)

The flag of Scotland St. Andrew's Cross (White diagonal cross on blue background)


The flag of Ireland St. Patrick's Cross, (red diagonal cross on a white background)


We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue

should have been, the red and white.

Thats true John, but it don't rhyme

28th May 2010, 19:34
I never understood that great dilemma about am I British or English :Erm: If I'm asked where I'm from I always say England, but when filling out forms I tend to write I'm British. I feel no great affinity to Britain or England really, they're just borders and landmass and a persons birthplace or country of residence doesn't determine who they are. Being English or British means different things to different folks in other countries. To some we're tea drinking snobs, to others beer swilling louts.

Very good poem though Jim :xxgrinning--00xx3: And you're right - it ain't what it used to be :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
28th May 2010, 19:40
Very good poem though Jim :xxgrinning--00xx3: And you're right - it ain't what it used to be :rolleyes:

:iagree: ... on BOTH counts!!

29th May 2010, 07:58

All national of the UK are British by nationality. By birth we are English, Scottish etc.

Ireland is part of the British Isles so they too could be said to be British although of course Irish by nationality.

I was born on London. My mother was born in Ulster. I have just discovered that makes me Irish (as far as the Republic is concerned) as well as British.

For Irish passport holders over 65 the passport is free. I have just enquired here in Spain how much it would cost for the Irish Consul to issue a cert to say that my wife and I are still married (she needs that when she renews her permanent Residencia) its will be 20 euros. Last year the UK consulate charged me 300 euros for the cert.

It will come as no surprise I am on the point of sending off my application for my free Irish Passport.

PS Not sure who I will support in future, England, Irland or Spain !!!!

Its easy of course for the Scots, they only support two teams:-- Scotland and the one playing against England !!!!

29th May 2010, 10:12
Im more for parentage deciding your nationality anyway.My parents were both english so even if I was born in australia I am english.