View Full Version : Yet another ghost from the past........

5th June 2010, 13:24
Hi, a few months ago I posted a thread on this section about some past Pinay gf who would suddenly reappear and try to approach me again. Well, this happened again and this time I was amazed because the story was more than one year old and I thought she would hate me for eternity ever since. At the time, I had shared the experience and this is the old thread:


She initially sent me a short message and I responded, and now we engaged in a friendly correspondence. Of course, I am trying to guess why she suddenly contacted me, and perhaps she gave me the answer herself:

"mom and aunt are getting old, they are so tired of working but one thing that holds them is that they still have to pay the mortgage of the house. I should be the one doin it for them but i don't also have a good paying job. But i see to it i help them with the bills and i am the one who bought food at home. little things to help them. Mom is goin walking with me at weekends, she complains of foot ache her ankles are swollen she went to several doctors for that but it alleviates with the meds and then gets back again. Auntie though its obvious that she has some lump in her armpit coz of the way she walks raising her hand when i asked her to let me see it and to have it check with the doctors, claims that she is fine. she is old enough to know if she is seek or not..she gone mad with me .When mom told me that there must be something wrong with auntie and after i confronted her i was crying all night and that week made me realize that i will not have much time to spend with them,whether i like it or not i will loose them. While i was thinking about it i am so afraid that when that day comes what will i do, i have no one to run to i am just alone...my plan is to get a memorial plan when i have extra money so as to prepare myself coz if thats goin to happen what will i do? i have no siblings whom i can ask for help. now im still saving for that, not lucky with the economic situation here... it sucks! Still im praying hard that God will heal auntie and will strengthen me and mom in whatever that may happen in the future.."

Still this time I want to be careful and avoid being judgmental and refrain from thinking she just wants a safe and hassle-feee future, but at the same time I feel like I should keep cool and not rush again in a tricky situation! And in case you'd wonder what she looks like:

(on the group picture she is on the left)



Of course comments are most welcome!!!

5th June 2010, 15:24
I can understand your feeling about these kind of e-mails, but I don't think its fair to put this ladies photo here publically. If your suspicions are what you believe thats one thing, but really don't know what the background is, what the real situation is, and whether this is someone who is desperately finding a way out of poverty by looking for a foreign boyfriend/husband. I'm not saying what she is doing is right, far from it, but this is a different culture and I think humliating her with the photo is unneccessary for people to give opinions on your personal communication...

This isn't Jeremy Kyle....

5th June 2010, 15:56
Actually it was totally out of my mind to humiliate her by putting her photo, in fact she does not look at all like a gold digger or a bad girl and I had rather something positive in mind by adding these photos to the post itself. From what I know she is hard-working and very decent, unfortunately things turned wrong more than a year ago because of me and I was just wondering what her expectations would be with me now, knowing she said she had forgiven me for that stupid ending....

5th June 2010, 16:03
Sorry, my apologies. I think i jumped the gun and misunderstood the post.

5th June 2010, 17:38
I would offer some help, one time only, after that if the quest continues then I would ask some questions. Helping people in need is always good.

If you think this gf is worth to continue your correspondence, you should give a try.

5th June 2010, 18:32
Actually so far she has not asked for anything. She just opened up and of course considering her situation I can understand her fears for the future. Like many fully licenced nurses she cannot find a job in a hospital and earns a living in a totally different area. So I am corresponding with her as a friend and of course be careful not to rush into anything too specific.

5th June 2010, 20:31
Girls with rounded cheekbones usually put on weight later in life :rolleyes: .... not that it has anything to do with anything :Erm:

6th June 2010, 09:23
good advice that boss will make sure i look at the gf closer next time

6th June 2010, 12:26
Girls with rounded cheekbones usually put on weight later in life :rolleyes: .... not that it has anything to do with anything :Erm:

Not if you chain them to the sink and move the fridge next to your armchair :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2010, 12:28
Not if you chain them to the sink and move the fridge next to your armchair :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Was this part of a controlled research project? :D

6th June 2010, 12:29
@PE looks like a blatant HINT. I didn't get past the first few lines, had a kind of ring to it that said... SEND MONEY FOR MY PROBLEMS :cwm24: Wouldn't be surprised if the same email went out to everybody on her contacts list, especially as she hadn't been in contact for awhile.

6th June 2010, 15:16
a good filipina wont even mention money until you both are gf/bf.

any time a filipina i chatted to and mentioned money after a few chats soon stopped, its gets very tiresome after a while :Help1:

theres nothing wrong in being open to each other as friends but what are you looking for? :Erm:

6th June 2010, 16:55
Hi pacificelectric,
I think you're smart enough to realise she made so many hints for you to send her money with all the hardships she has.

It all depends on what you feel for her.

Seems like both of you have not got off on the right foot right from the start.

She obviously still interests you a lot.

Time to act, or to politely send her a message telling her you have moved on.

6th June 2010, 17:08
@PE looks like a blatant HINT. I didn't get past the first few lines, had a kind of ring to it that said... SEND MONEY FOR MY PROBLEMS :cwm24: Wouldn't be surprised if the same email went out to everybody on her contacts list, especially as she hadn't been in contact for awhile.

Have to agree...Why else would she suddenly contact you after a year? :Erm:

6th June 2010, 17:12
Was this part of a controlled research project? :D

Yep, but still waiting for funding from the UKs leading think tanks. :rolleyes:

7th June 2010, 00:36
Have to agree...Why else would she suddenly contact you after a year? :Erm:

well maybe, after eating dried fish all these years frog legs and snails dont seem so bad :)

7th June 2010, 07:32
well maybe, after eating dried fish all these years frog legs and snails dont seem so bad :)

I never looked at it from that angle, may be you are right? :D