View Full Version : Pregnancy Health grant

5th June 2010, 21:42
On my 27th week of pregnancy.My midwife gave me the form already to claim my £190 Pregnancy grant, now....I dont know if i am really entitled with this though im in FLR status..to make it sure i called the HMR hotline but they told me that I need to send the form first for them to know if I can claim the grant, hmmm...crossing my fingers..coz it will help me and my husband a lot to buy some things for my baby. Another concern,i dont have my bank account yet, my prob is if they will send me a check,it will be on my married name,my ID's so far right now is still on my maiden name. ::sigh::...that's why im trying my best now to open my bank account. I'm confused ...i dunno what to do...

5th June 2010, 22:40
is your husband a brit ?

if so you should be eligible because your partner is British, so therefore it will not be classed as "recourse to public funds" when applying for ILR, etc..

if you both were subject to immigration control then i think it would be classed as public funds..

6th June 2010, 09:11
Hi Joeboggs, yeah my husband is a brit and my status right now is on 'Leave to remain' as a spouse, it says on my identity card that no recourse to public funds.

6th June 2010, 09:31
is your husband a brit ?

if so you should be eligible because your partner is British, so therefore it will not be classed as "recourse to public funds" when applying for ILR, etc..

if you both were subject to immigration control then i think it would be classed as public funds..

I have a feeling though that this can only be claimed by the mother. I completed one for my wife (who is a British citizen now anyway) a few months ago but can't remember what was on it as a lot has happened since then.

This page specifically lists it as a public fund though I have a feeling it is a recent addition.


6th June 2010, 13:03
hi congrats...

yes you can claim it ... would be better if youve got your own/joint bank account. Dont worry about ur id's as you can always take with you your MC when you take the check to the bank.


6th June 2010, 14:16
hi congrats...

yes you can claim it ... would be better if youve got your own/joint bank account. Dont worry about ur id's as you can always take with you your MC when you take the check to the bank.


Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')

6th June 2010, 22:41
Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')

i'm sure you can, but check with the help line if your married to a brit.

but yes they've changed the web site. naughty naughty :NoNo:

from an archived version ...

Having a 'right to reside' in the UK

You have a right to reside in the UK if you're:

* a UK national - or from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland
* someone from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and you're working for an employer or are self-employed in the UK
* someone from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re actively looking for work and are registered with Jobcentre Plus
* from outside the EEA but you've got permission to enter or remain in the UK
* the partner of an EEA or Swiss national who has a right to reside

If you’re from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re not working or actively looking for work you may not have a right to reside in the UK - unless you can support yourself.

and from the web site now ..

Having a 'right to reside' in the UK

You've got the right to reside in the UK if you're:

* a UK national or from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland
* someone from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and you're working for an employer or are self-employed in the UK
* someone from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re actively looking for work and registered with Jobcentre Plus
* from outside the EEA but you've got permission to remain in the UK

If you’re from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re not working or actively looking for work you may not have a right to reside in the UK – unless you can support yourself.

7th June 2010, 07:40
So it seems like they've now purposely updated the rules to stop the non-eu spouses of british citzens without ILR from claiming the health in pregnancy grants and child benefit.

Rules change all the time, so always need to check official sources of information.

7th June 2010, 11:05
So it seems like they've now purposely updated the rules to stop the non-eu spouses of british citzens without ILR from claiming the health in pregnancy grants and child benefit.

Rules change all the time, so always need to check official sources of information.

i'm pretty certain you can still claim child benefit and put the money in your bank account, even if your from outside the EU as long as your married to a brit or qualifiying European in the UK. (thou probably wise for the money to go in the Brits bank account), as some case workers dont know the rules and you want to minmise any hassle :doh


but someone needs to phone the help line and check :D

7th June 2010, 16:32
Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')

If you are married to a british national yes you can darren. Many of my friends who are on flr were able to claim it. SO thats the proof....

7th June 2010, 17:09
If you are married to a british national yes you can darren. Many of my friends who are on flr were able to claim it. SO thats the proof....

If you read mine and Joe's comments you will see that they have changed the rules recently. Therefore someone claiming it last month is not proof that you can claim it now. And the real proof is not actually claiming it, it's when you come to apply for ILR.

7th June 2010, 18:02
If you read mine and Joe's comments you will see that they have changed the rules recently. Therefore someone claiming it last month is not proof that you can claim it now. And the real proof is not actually claiming it, it's when you come to apply for ILR.

got you ...didnt read the recent comments my mistake:) it was just last week when the money was in her bank so i just based my opinion thru peoples exp..

8th June 2010, 12:05
Hi Anna, really you do have a friend in FLR status who just got their pregnancy grant?? HOw did it goes? Im planning to send my form this week together with the photocopy of my Identity card so that they can have the idea what is in my identity card.Just want to know how did it go??? did they call ur friend to ask some info? Thanks..

8th June 2010, 15:25
Hi Anna, really you do have a friend in FLR status who just got their pregnancy grant?? HOw did it goes? Im planning to send my form this week together with the photocopy of my Identity card so that they can have the idea what is in my identity card.Just want to know how did it go??? did they call ur friend to ask some info? Thanks..

Hi Evo76 yup ... aye would be better if you send them a copy. She just sent the form. And another friend also sent the form last month she received a letter asking her to send her passport ( they got married in the PI so the visa is in her passport i would assume ur id would be enough evidence as youve got all the details on it).

Aye applied mine as well last year i just sent the form they never asked any details on me although i was on ILR visa at that time. But then again yours should be fine. Just send the form.

Goodluck :)

8th June 2010, 16:39
Okidoki Anna..I think that's much better if i'll just send them a copy of my identity card, thanks for the info,now time to think how to open an account,my husband transfered our electricity and water in my name,just waiting for th bill.Thanks to all of you,...wish me luck ..hope evrything went well.

8th June 2010, 17:17
Okidoki Anna..I think that's much better if i'll just send them a copy of my identity card, thanks for the info,now time to think how to open an account,my husband transfered our electricity and water in my name,just waiting for th bill.Thanks to all of you,...wish me luck ..hope evrything went well.

Have you got council tax bill..that should be enough in opening an account together with your passport/id. Or your husband can add you to put your name and have a joint account i find it easier though in my case.


8th June 2010, 18:54
I dont have council tax bill yet...regarding joint account, we've asked barclays how will my husband add my name in his account and they said that i should still have billing address, ::sigh:: opening an account is really giving me headache,but can't blame them that's a banks regulations. Thanks.

8th June 2010, 22:21
Same situation like you.I got my Flr approval together with the foreign identity card last May 5th 2010. I got married to my british citizen husband last Jan.9th (this year).so we submitted the flr documents before it expires last March 7th.
My identity card is still on my maiden name too (single surname).I am 27 weeks pregnant now to our first baby.And my midwife gave me also ,pregnancy grant certificate.As far as i know,we can claim the one time pregnancy grant £190,in flr status as stated in Immigration letter when they issued the Identity Card.They say,that i need to report of marriage to the Philippines Embassy-Uk first(which i need to do so), then to change the passport to change my married surname.My problem is,i havent change my passport yet.(my single surname stlill).Is it true,if i accomplished all of this.I can ask the Uk Immigration to change to new my Identity card into my married surname?Pls.advice.im confused.
Thank you very much!:)

On my 27th week of pregnancy.My midwife gave me the form already to claim my £190 Pregnancy grant, now....I dont know if i am really entitled with this though im in FLR status..to make it sure i called the HMR hotline but they told me that I need to send the form first for them to know if I can claim the grant, hmmm...crossing my fingers..coz it will help me and my husband a lot to buy some things for my baby. Another concern,i dont have my bank account yet, my prob is if they will send me a check,it will be on my married name,my ID's so far right now is still on my maiden name. ::sigh::...that's why im trying my best now to open my bank account. I'm confused ...i dunno what to do...

8th June 2010, 22:40
Hello Kenny...yeah we do exactly have the same situation, got married Jan 13 this year and got my Identity card last March, yeah we need to report our marriage to the Philippine embassy and renew our passport then the husband's name on it then we need to report it to the Home office for the change of name in our indentity card, can't do it right now coz im pregnant having a hard time to travel to London for passport renewal then change of name in ID, might do it maybe next year. Regarding Pregnancy Grant..did you file the certificate already?? were you able to open an account?? how many weeks did it take??

Arthur Little
9th June 2010, 00:52
To Evo & Arlene: Ladies ... wish I could answer your respective questions "off the cuff", as it were. However, there has already been so much conflicting advice given on this thread - not helped by a recent overhaul of the Rules - I wouldn't even know where to begin. And, as you'd imagine ... well ... Pregnancy Health Grants and Child Benefit are hardly issues likely to concern someone within my advanced age range in the NORMAL course [there aren't too many 'Charlie Chaplins' around nowadays!!] :lol2:

So, instead ... I suggest contacting an appropriate Helpline, as Joe Bloggs mentioned previously. From my research, I'd recommend calling 0845 302 1444 (chargeable al 'local rates') ... lines are open between the hours of 8am and 8pm - seven days a week. Strange as it may seem, this is a branch of HM Revenue & Customs. But apparently there's a section that deals specifically with Child Benefit and related enquiries.

Definitely worth a try! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th June 2010, 21:22
Hi, im rose and married to a british man, i am 6months pregnant and have that leaflet says £190 grant, but i am not sure if i am able to get that coz even im in spouse visa, but it says NO RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS... i just arrive here in u.k MAY 7, 2010 we are living here in liverpool.. and i dnt know what to do next do i need to apply for anything to extend my visa? it says my visa is valid until july 12, 2012... i am confuse coz they mention about identity card... do i need to apply for that??? when??? pls i need your help and advice.... hope to hear from you asap.... thank u...

11th June 2010, 13:35
Hi georose, as far as i know you need to apply for ILR 28 days before your spouse visa expires, you can see the application form and requirements needed on this site www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk.

Just want to update, was able to open an account already:xxgrinning--00xx3:in HSBC and had joint account with my husband...at last, now i've mailed the pregnancy health grant form to HMR too with all the photocopy of my passport,fiance visa and identity card.Time to wait for the result. crossing my fingers now. will update again. Thanks.:Wave:

11th June 2010, 14:05
Hi georose, as far as i know you need to apply for ILR 28 days before your spouse visa expires, you can see the application form and requirements needed on this site www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk.

Just want to update, was able to open an account already:xxgrinning--00xx3:in HSBC and had joint account with my husband...at last, now i've mailed the pregnancy health grant form to HMR too with all the photocopy of my passport,fiance visa and identity card.Time to wait for the result. crossing my fingers now. will update again. Thanks.:Wave:

mine took less than 3 weeks but then again it depends....

Good that you sorted it out and Goodluck:)

11th June 2010, 14:53
Ladies ... wish I could answer your respective questions "off the cuff", as it were.

have you not got your wife pregnant yet and tried to claim :Erm:

Arthur Little
11th June 2010, 19:06
have you not got your wife pregnant yet and tried to claim :Erm:

:NoNo: ... how about YOU?

12th June 2010, 16:10
hi evo76, thanks for the message... where r u in u.k??? are u far from liverpool??? i am hopinf to meet new filipina friends here in this site while i am pregnant... hehehe we go out but mostly only white people i saw in town or shopping markets.. by the way we are having a little boy in 3more months... how about you???? do u know if its boy or girl yet???? take care!!!

12th June 2010, 16:13
hi evo76, thanks for the message... where r u in u.k??? are u far from liverpool??? i am hopinf to meet new filipina friends here in this site while i am pregnant... hehehe we go out but mostly only white people i saw in town or shopping markets.. by the way we are having a little boy in 3more months... how about you???? do u know if its boy or girl yet???? take care!!!

Congrats:) And goodluck ....:)

12th June 2010, 20:09
Hi georose,im too far from you, im from Chatham Kent, me too looking for some filipina friends.....we are having a baby girl, first baby! that's why im excited. hehehe. By the way my husband supports Liverpool.How long have you been here in uk?? where u able to file your pregnancy health grant yet?

12th June 2010, 20:50
Have you got council tax bill..that should be enough in opening an account together with your passport/id. Or your husband can add you to put your name and have a joint account i find it easier though in my case.


If you do use the council tax bill to open a bank account, make sure the council tax bill is valid.
I made the mistake in taking in an out of date council tax bill into my Lloyds bank, they would not accept it:NoNo::NoNo:
Needless to say, we were not amused:NoNo:
We had to go back and get the one what is up to date. Don't forget your passport:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th June 2010, 14:55
my wife and I got married in Jan 2010, she is 30 weeks pregnant and she was today refused the grant.
this link makes it fairly clear she is not entitled to it:

where do I figure though? - Ive paid my taxes for over 25 years, I would of thought I could have claimed at least £95....then again thats the way this shitty country works.

17th June 2010, 20:00
my wife and I got married in Jan 2010, she is 30 weeks pregnant and she was today refused the grant.
this link makes it fairly clear she is not entitled to it:

where do I figure though? - Ive paid my taxes for over 25 years, I would of thought I could have claimed at least £95....then again thats the way this shitty country works.

what bit says she can't claim it ? maybe the right to reside in the uk... why did they say she can't claim it..right to reside and Ordinarily resident can mean different things to different people .

i think this is a bit of a grey airea.

17th June 2010, 20:49
Is your wife under FLR also??? Did they give u the reason why they didnt give the grant??? How many days did it take for you to know??
hmmm...that's a bit bad news for me...well if that's the case, no need to expect anything from them anymore. That's ok, we need to follow their rules. Thanks for the info anyways.

18th June 2010, 07:17
what bit says she can't claim it ? maybe the right to reside in the uk... why did they say she can't claim it..right to reside and Ordinarily resident can mean different things to different people .

i think this is a bit of a grey airea.

If though you follow the link through to "New arrivals to the UK and Child Benefit " then it talks about immigration control and recourse to public funds.

22nd June 2010, 13:30
we actually just received another set of forms requiring further info.....so maybe the door isn't completely closed.
I will keep you's posted!

22nd June 2010, 18:37
If though you follow the link through to "New arrivals to the UK and Child Benefit " then it talks about immigration control and recourse to public funds.

if your wife has been here many months, she's not exactly a new arrival. and the payment can be made into a joint account,

but they have recently added it to what is classed as public funds. :NoNo:

but then child benefit and tax creds are classed as public funds, yet we know many can be claimed if one person has at least ILR.

so who knows :doh

we actually just received another set of forms requiring further info.....so maybe the door isn't completely closed.
I will keep you's posted!

keep any letters just in case there are problems, anyway I think the question on the ILR asks if your claiming any benefits classed as public funds, and doesn't ask if you claimed them in the past :doh

22nd June 2010, 19:55
Health in pregnancy grant is actually mentioned on the ILR form by name now, though you are right it says receiving rather than received so could probably avoid ticking the box next to it.

But can they trace what someone has claimed in the past?

22nd June 2010, 20:58
It's been 2 weeks now, but haven't received any feedback yet from HMR about the Pregnancy grant, thanks littlefingers, please continue for keeping us posted.

22nd June 2010, 21:02
they probably could if they could be bothered to, if i remember correctly HM Customs and Excise, inland revenue and the UK border force are all in the same dept now :yikes:

and when i cancelled my tax creds, they had access to credit reference info, because they asked me how many years my loan was with my bank :omg:

23rd June 2010, 10:34
The grant is going to be abolished as off April 2011, not sure if they will become stricter until then on who can claim it.

26th June 2010, 07:16
the Health in Pregnancy Grant is one of the public funds which is included on the list of exceptions which can be claimed by the family members of EEA nationals (including UK nationals).


see pages 14 and 15 about exceptions and i've read that HIPG will be added to these exceptions ..

26th June 2010, 18:55
Thanks Joeblogs, it is really a big help.
By the way to update everybody, just called the HMR hotline this morning regarding my pregnancy grant which is mailed 2 weeks ago and according to them they don't have feedback yet, give them 1 more week then follow up again, as they process papers within 4 weeks. Still keeping my fingers crossed.:)

29th June 2010, 10:29
still no word............

2nd July 2010, 17:53
Just an Update...received set of forms also from HMR today, need to answer some questions for further info and will send also my passport, i think this the same forms that littlefinger received...hmmm..

2nd July 2010, 18:09
I'm sure you will get it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2010, 18:15
Just an Update...received set of forms also from HMR today, need to answer some questions for further info and will send also my passport, i think this the same forms that littlefinger received...hmmm..

thats the same form my friend was asked to... at the end she'd recieved her grant .

2nd July 2010, 19:19
Thanks joebloggs and anna07, will update you again guys...

16th July 2010, 13:30
Just want to update you guys, HMR & Customs sent back my passport and identity card already with a small paper saying that they will write me again as soon as they made a decision about my claim. ::sigh:: seems like this is still a long wait for me.

16th July 2010, 19:15
with a small paper saying that they will write me again as soon as they made a decision about my claim. ::sigh:: seems like this is still a long wait for me.

:icon_lol::crazy: fools they dont even know if you can claim it...

i'm sure you can thou, surer than they are :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th July 2010, 22:59
Yeah joebloggs that's what makes me think why these people still have to figure out if i can get the claim or not eventhough i've sent all the documents already.whew! I presume it's not that hard to make decision as this is their job.

31st July 2010, 10:12
Still no feedback until now from HMR reg pregnancy health grant...i dont know with littlefingers..

31st July 2010, 10:20
Just an Update...received set of forms also from HMR today, need to answer some questions for further info and will send also my passport, i think this the same forms that littlefinger received...hmmm..

I sent photocopies of my wife's passport with her form.
We wanted to keep her passport in case we travel soon.
We'll see :Cuckoo:

31st July 2010, 12:49
In our case Shei was refused the NINO, and refused the HIPG.

On another topic, I have been claiming child benefit for her daughter - the HMRC told me I was entitled to it. However, I followed this up with the UKBA and they have told me (in two separate calls, one referred to a manager), that we were not entitled to make that claim, but I could claim for our UK born son.

We are on an FLR visa - I think it's a different story for ILR. The HMRC have now stopped our child benefits whilst they investigate further. Personally, I would rather go without the benefit than to risk their status in the UK. Remember, if you claim benefits that you are not entitled to - you are in breach of your visa conditions and may be sent home.

The annoying part is - UKBA say one thing, HMRC say another. Joined up Governement hey! My feeling is I can probably claim, but cannot due to inconsistencies in the information provided from both agencies - better to play safe. Also, just thinking of the fact I must prove I can support them without recourse to public funds.

It's annoying - I have never claimed any benefits before, and there's a girl (19 years old at most) in our street with 3 kids, never worked, has a house, and get's everything she wants. It seems I get nothing because my wife is from overseas??? But, I continue to pay taxes to keep this girl in her 50" plasmas and 2 weeks in Benidorm every year.

31st July 2010, 16:32
Hi Ady, sorry to hear about that, well it is really dissappointing to know that this TWO government agencies says different things...How come? grrrr...they are just confusing people who's been relying on what will they say as these things are their job, if you'll think about it, it's their negligence but still you and your wife's status is the one suffering.why don't you make a complaint about it?? in the frist place it's them who gave you the signal that you can have the claims:cwm23: really really annoying...they should study their policies again!!!

31st July 2010, 16:34
They will still ask for the Original and let you answer some questions and let you wait for looooooooong result.

1st August 2010, 08:16
In our case Shei was refused the NINO, and refused the HIPG.

On another topic, I have been claiming child benefit for her daughter - the HMRC told me I was entitled to it. However, I followed this up with the UKBA and they have told me (in two separate calls, one referred to a manager), that we were not entitled to make that claim, but I could claim for our UK born son.

We are on an FLR visa - I think it's a different story for ILR. The HMRC have now stopped our child benefits whilst they investigate further. Personally, I would rather go without the benefit than to risk their status in the UK. Remember, if you claim benefits that you are not entitled to - you are in breach of your visa conditions and may be sent home.

The annoying part is - UKBA say one thing, HMRC say another. Joined up Governement hey! My feeling is I can probably claim, but cannot due to inconsistencies in the information provided from both agencies - better to play safe. Also, just thinking of the fact I must prove I can support them without recourse to public funds.

It's annoying - I have never claimed any benefits before, and there's a girl (19 years old at most) in our street with 3 kids, never worked, has a house, and get's everything she wants. It seems I get nothing because my wife is from overseas??? But, I continue to pay taxes to keep this girl in her 50" plasmas and 2 weeks in Benidorm every year.

i think ukba dont know :censored:,


did you make the claim for child benefit in your name ADY ?

The most common exceptions are listed below.
a) I’m a member of the family of an EEA
national - am I eligible for any benefits?
If you are living with another family member
who is an EEA national – for example, your
child or your partner – you may be eligible for
the following benefits:
• Child benefit
• A social fund payment
• Attendance allowance
• Severe disablement allowance
• Carer’s allowance
• Disability living allowance

from http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/residency/publicfunds.pdf

5th August 2010, 13:28
UPDATE:: Received a letter again from HMR, they've set an interview appointment for my National Insurance Number on Sept 3 for them to process my Health in Pregnancy Grant...the problem is my 40th week of pregnancy is on Sept 5..i think it's too risky for me to travel for an hour just to attend the interview,now i don't understand if these people are really thinking!!!! ..tried to rebook the appointment earlier but they told me that there's no available slot anymore but after sept 8. grrrrr!!!! really annoying now:cwm23:..i dont know what to do, if i will just rebook the schedule a month after i gave birth rather than taking the risk of my pregnancy...and still not sure if after getting this NI, will they give me the grant already?? ::sigh:::rolleyes:

5th August 2010, 13:33
boils are skin infection and they must be cured as early as possible .during pregnancy if boils occur the pregnant mother must consult the doctor and take proper medicine and healthy diet with juice.
warm wash cloth should be frequently applied on the boils to reduce the boils slowly. extra care with hygine should be provided to the mother.

:yikes: what planet are you on :Cuckoo:
the only boil here is you :doh

dom can you ban them, i've got to go and work :cwm24:

5th August 2010, 16:26
My wife received her grant this week :xxgrinning--00xx3:
She is still too soon to apply for her ILR.

5th August 2010, 17:06
:yikes: what planet are you on :Cuckoo:
the only boil here is you :doh

dom can you ban them, i've got to go and work :cwm24:

Not posh enough for you, or what..???:Erm:

6th August 2010, 17:51
Really?? congrats...does your wife have National insurance number already??
what documents did they ask from your wife??

6th August 2010, 18:44
Not posh enough for you, or what..???:Erm:

:cwm24: sorry i didnt have time dom, had to go that min :woohoo:

6th August 2010, 18:48
:cwm24: sorry i didnt have time dom, had to go that min :woohoo:

It is ok, don't worry...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3 extra hands on deck, and still doing overtime...:doh

6th August 2010, 19:05
no overtime for me dom :NoNo:, but my misses is doing 13hr shift today :D, she left the house 7am,
started work at 8am, she finishes 9pm, and home for 10pm :icon_sorry:

6th August 2010, 19:13
no overtime for me dom :NoNo:, but my misses is doing 13hr shift today :D, she left the house 7am,
started work at 8am, she finishes 9pm, and home for 10pm :icon_sorry:

Just think and smile.... :D

That 50" plasma screen you always dreamt of, is slowly becoming more of a reality....:laugher:

6th August 2010, 19:16
yes dom the box should be big enough for us all to live in :icon_lol:

6th August 2010, 19:20
yes dom the box should be big enough for us all to live in :icon_lol:

Sounds as if....:doh

13th August 2010, 11:06
we are still waiting for their decision - our son was born 3 days ago! They will probably now tell me that we are not entitled to it as she is not pregnant! complete joke.

13th August 2010, 13:05
we are still waiting for their decision - our son was born 3 days ago! They will probably now tell me that we are not entitled to it as she is not pregnant! complete joke.

it's even more of a joke if your in Belfast, becuase you should be entitled to it as a british citizen and also becuase your a EU citizen (i take it you've an Irish and british passport?) :doh

26th August 2010, 12:52
it's even more of a joke if your in Belfast, becuase you should be entitled to it as a british citizen and also becuase your a EU citizen (i take it you've an Irish and british passport?) :doh

Havent the Irish Passport yet, but am seriously thinking of getting one and see if I can get anywhere! - good suggestion, cheers

6th September 2010, 08:06
19 weeks after applying : Just received letter requesting interview for wife to get a national insurance numberin order for her to get the grant. (this requirement could have been made obvious a long long time ago). - She will need a NI number sooner or later I suppose.

6th September 2010, 10:50
yes she will :xxgrinning--00xx3:
well its looking good you'll finally get the grant :rolleyes: and its good you've not just given in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i dont know whay your income is:Erm:, but have you checked if you qualifiy for tax creds ?

6th September 2010, 13:34
yes - thats on the list once we get a child benefit number. Also would be beneficial with a NI number also. Hopefully the back dating of the payments will make the wait worthwhile (and pay for our child's first birthday party!!:Jump:

7th September 2010, 23:18
Update: Just got my HIPG today...at last!
What i did was...called up HMRC and told them that i've got my NI already then asked them what will be the next step.They told me to wait again as they will process...but when i checked my account they deposited the money already.
Littlefingers im sure you'll get it also.

8th September 2010, 08:12
Update: Just got my HIPG today...at last!
What i did was...called up HMRC and told them that i've got my NI already then asked them what will be the next step.They told me to wait again as they will process...but when i checked my account they deposited the money already.
Littlefingers im sure you'll get it also.

good news at last :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th September 2010, 13:10
nice one!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2010, 22:34
21 weeks after applying, and 7 weeks after my son was born - we received the grant! every little helps!