View Full Version : Guys only question on LOVE (..but women can read)

11th June 2010, 17:52
Be honest .... ya bunch of lovey doves :D

11th June 2010, 18:22
Kind of thought it before we met, but held back as I didn't want to get my hopes up. When I met her for the first time I was a 100% sure ;)

11th June 2010, 19:32
I had no plans to fall in love, or go searching anywhere for a girlfriend, either on line or face to face. The last thing I expected was that I would have a Filipina g/f. I was planning on enjoying my new found single status for a bit longer. My marriage had had just broken up and I was in Singapore for a holiday with one of my friends who works out there. My friends idea of a good night out was a bit too rowdy and drunken for me and usually ended up in a seedy bar somewhere, so I escaped from him after 3 nights and was out for a quiet drink on my own, and ended up in a Chinese Karaoke bar for the local Singaporeans on the outskirts of town and noticed a very pretty asian girl singing. After she had finished her song I beckoned her over and got chatting to her. I discovered that she was half Chinese and half Filipina, but lived in the Philippines. I then spent the next 4 days and evenings with her, and realised I didn't want to leave her on my last night. She bombarded me with text messages while I was waiting for my connection in Dubai, and it was then that I decided I really wanted to keep in touch with her and would book a flight to Manila as soon as I got home.

11th June 2010, 19:33
We met by coincidence in Orchard Street in Singapore, after a first coffee and a chat, we met a few more times over my stay there, and I was hooked. :heartshape1:

11th June 2010, 19:41
Seems to be the 'main event' Singapore, that's where I met mine :xxaction-smiley-047

11th June 2010, 19:51
Lots of Filipina's in Singapore - especially in Orchard Towers (or so I have been told)

11th June 2010, 20:11
Well I was 100% committed to getting on that plane & I didn't have any doubts...Meeting in person is certainly different, but obviously better. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It all seemed natural, nothing false about it at all. :heartshape1:...Yes I'd definately fallen for her. :Jump:

11th June 2010, 20:16
I must be the only one to meet their missus in the phils then!
I think I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with here after we went away for a weekend whilst my ship was in port. Probably 4 weeks after we first met. Think we got married 2 years later.

11th June 2010, 20:18
well after talking to emmafor ages the more we talked the more we had in commen, i did not want to fall in love because of my divorce and hatred of women:icon_lol: but fool steve did not realize the charms of emma, its taken a time of growing and knowing each other that i do know i love emma, its the smile when greeting and the waves from her that i think how lucky i am :bigcry:sorry chaps for them tears but tears of joy there are

11th June 2010, 20:19
no subseastu, my emma is from the phils too, i was thinking of you today anyway , was delivering to marstons on shobnall road and smelling that there drink and you came in mind

11th June 2010, 20:25
no subseastu, my emma is from the phils too, i was thinking of you today anyway , was delivering to marstons on shobnall road and smelling that there drink and you came in mind

I like a pint of pedigree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2010, 20:35
just 1 does me in not a big drinker like a glass or 2 of wine though

11th June 2010, 20:39
Well I was 100% committed to getting on that plane & I didn't have any doubts...Meeting in person is certainly different, but obviously better. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It all seemed natural, nothing false about it at all. :heartshape1:...Yes I'd definately fallen for her. :Jump:

I was the same, I loved her before we met in real.
I dare say I will get ridiculed for that:NoNo:

I knew when I was on a good thing, I wasn't going to let her go, not that she wanted to go anyway:icon_lol:

11th June 2010, 20:42
no subseastu, my emma is from the phils too, i was thinking of you today anyway , was delivering to marstons on shobnall road and smelling that there drink and you came in mind

Must admit its not often a grown man has admitted to thinking of me:yikes:. Easy sailor!!!! A week to go and I'll be back home in the land of hops and ale. MY dads dad was quality controller at Bass after the war. But these days its getting difficult to find a good pint of that, so pedi is the more popular down my way. The first pint is always the best, but I like to follow it up with a few others......just to make sure obviously! Though the wife never seems overly impressed that its the first thing I do after 5 weeks away.

"Hi honey I'm home", quick kiss, slap on the ****, open fridge!

11th June 2010, 20:42
Me too Steve, I would prefer a nice glass of Merlot, Shiraz, Chateau Neuf de Pap, Zinfandel or Cabernet Sauvignon to a beer. I can't drink white wine though.

Although I have been know to down the odd bottle of Red Horse or San Mig Light when I've been in the Phil's:D

11th June 2010, 20:45
I like a pint of pedigree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Theres nowt like a bit of pedi belly the following morning. My missus makes me stand in the garden alot! Can't think why?!

11th June 2010, 20:47
I dare say I will get ridiculed for that:NoNo

I doubt it...We're all here for a common reason & it's interesting to know, but at the end of the day it's personal. :)

11th June 2010, 20:48
Me too Steve, I would prefer a nice glass of Merlot, Shiraz, Chateau Neuf de Pap, Zinfandel or Cabernet Sauvignon to a beer. I can't drink white wine though.

Although I have been know to down the odd bottle of Red Horse or San Mig Light when I've been in the Phil's:D

Do like a good bit of red wine myself as well. Can't drink cheap white though as I find it very acidic. Strangely if the bottle of white is over about 6 or 7 quid a bottle its not too bad on the ol guts. THe more expensive the better!!!

11th June 2010, 20:52
but all this wine is ment to be shared

11th June 2010, 20:53
I doubt it...We're all here for a common reason & it's interesting to know, but at the end of the day it's personal. :)

THats true. EVery situation is different and I think most would admit that they never expected to fall in love when they did. I certainly didn't, I was enjoying being a young, free, single sailor about town. THen bam there she was. At the end of the day its all about getting to know your partner and if thats face to face or using modern technology then so be it. No shame either way.

11th June 2010, 20:54
I doubt it...We're all here for a common reason & it's interesting to know, but at the end of the day it's personal. :)

Cheers Sim..you are a good poster..I like you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2010, 20:56
depends i have tasted some expensive ones and depends on the mood i think and who you are with and the pedi belly i should think so standing in the garden and gwapito truth be known we all felt that same feeling but was to afraid to show it, arnt we all lucky on here

11th June 2010, 20:57
Theres nowt like a bit of pedi belly the following morning. My missus makes me stand in the garden alot! Can't think why?!

Drunk many a pint of it, but these days I don't drink much at all...Did have a can of Bass earlier :)

11th June 2010, 20:59
Cheers Sim..you are a good poster..I like you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We wanted to throttle each other the other day. :icon_lol: :Hellooo:

11th June 2010, 21:00
So once you'd fallen for your lady, how many visits and how long was it before you decided to propose and eventually get married?

11th June 2010, 21:05
well me and emma has only meet once had a 4 week visit, time and money was my problem but if all goes well and we get the visa we shall be married this year over here if no visa be married over there this xmas

11th June 2010, 22:13
So once you'd fallen for your lady, how many visits and how long was it before you decided to propose and eventually get married?
Third meeting, proposal. Maybe next year we may be hitched, but lots of saving and planning first.

11th June 2010, 22:34
I've put 'before we met' but the truth is I was in love with Vimvie BEFORE I'd even heard of her! BEFORE I'd even seen or heard her! I dreamed and had a strong desire for a girl like Vimvie..She was on my mind before and I therefore attracted her into my life! Vimvie herself must have dreamed of coming to Britain! The thoughts come first...the attraction follows! It's fact as far as I'm concerned!:)

11th June 2010, 22:37
Great thread Boss....i admit to being very apprehensive on arrival at NAIA to meet Arlene for the 1st time.
Id flown her up to Manila from Bohol early that day and she'd checked in to the Hotel.Didnt she fall asleep and keep me waiting an hour and a half!!!
Shows how keen she was to meet me huh....
Like a lot i guess i wasnt looking for a relationship and before we met i had suspicions that i would fall in love!
This was easily confirmed before the end of our 1st 3 weeks together.
I feel so lucky to have found happiness and fulfilment and a 2nd chance!
We are now together almost 2 years.Finalised her annulment in January and about to apply for her tourist visa before the end of June.

Im curious to know how many of us here have survived a disastrous relationship/mid life crisis and looking forward to spending long lazy evenings with our Mahal?

As Steve rightly says "saving n planning"

Rgds to all

11th June 2010, 23:29
i had just come out of a couple of bad thai relationships when a friend of mine suggested i come over to the PI. i got there a day before i met up with him as he was due to fly in 24 hours later. i got talking to this girl and talked and talked- i was never looking for anything at all but that night i only had eyes for her.

from my point of view i guess it was love at first sight- i wasnt overawed by the beauty of asian girls- i had just survived 2 of them :yikes: and lived ( just ) to tell the tale after spending a few years living in thailand.

alli can say is i was smitten but cautious- i think myrna waa cautious more than smitten:doh but over a lot of yahoo chats and texts we found we had a lot in common in what we wanted

the rest is history- and 4 trips later here we are married with a visa in hand- and in a few weeks she will be coming here to start our new life together

12th June 2010, 02:04
I've put 'before we met' but the truth is I was in love with Vimvie BEFORE I'd even heard of her! BEFORE I'd even seen or heard her! I dreamed and had a strong desire for a girl like Vimvie..She was on my mind before and I therefore attracted her into my life! Vimvie herself must have dreamed of coming to Britain! The thoughts come first...the attraction follows! It's fact as far as I'm concerned!:)

Same here, been thinking of mine my whole life....so how did I attract so many negative women before her :Erm:

12th June 2010, 07:28
i think there must be loads on here that are like me and you i think, the divorce/ midlift crisis or what, mine was a divorce and both to blame, i thought our marriage was good yes hard work and seeing each other not as often as we should because of shifts and we grew apart, plus i did not listen to her and i did not understand her new friends and why cant i understand her wanting to go away at weekends for work related things, we men are all daft buggers all we want is love , well after 2 failed mariages and at the age where there is now need to impress anyone take me as i am sort of thing , i am a happy bloke found someone that loves me for who i am, we have good days and bad days but after explaining we are soon back on track

12th June 2010, 12:31
im not sure what to say? :Erm:

it must of been after seeing her for the first time, when i first saw her i knew she was for me :D

Same here, been thinking of mine my whole life....so how did I attract so many negative women before her :Erm:

C'mon i know what women you was really thinking of :rolleyes:

12th June 2010, 19:32
i had just come out of a couple of bad thai relationships when a friend of mine suggested i come over to the PI. i got there a day before i met up with him as he was due to fly in 24 hours later. i got talking to this girl and talked and talked- i was never looking for anything at all but that night i only had eyes for her.

from my point of view i guess it was love at first sight- i wasnt overawed by the beauty of asian girls- i had just survived 2 of them :yikes: and lived ( just ) to tell the tale after spending a few years living in thailand.

alli can say is i was smitten but cautious- i think myrna waa cautious more than smitten:doh but over a lot of yahoo chats and texts we found we had a lot in common in what we wanted

the rest is history- and 4 trips later here we are married with a visa in hand- and in a few weeks she will be coming here to start our new life together

Guess i have a lot to answer for !!!

12th June 2010, 23:49
Guess i have a lot to answer for !!!

about 10k so far:omg::omg::D:D

14th June 2010, 21:31
Same here, been thinking of mine my whole life....so how did I attract so many negative women before her :Erm:I think it's a cycletic nature of our minds! You get women who seem to date more and more men who are violent!:yikes: In her mind she is thinking 'I always end up with violent men!' this smacks of 'always with violent men!' and so that will be her lifestyle until she changes her thinking:doh..I'm convinced it works like that!:)

14th June 2010, 22:37
skype videocall has a lot to answer for

14th June 2010, 22:37
Same here, been thinking of mine my whole life....so how did I attract so many negative women before her :Erm:

ahh that explains a lot

14th June 2010, 23:04
Like some, the Philippines wasnt on my radar, all i "knew" was the old corny jokes of getting married to a Filipino when I was 95 and she was 22 etc.
Then a good friend disappeared for 6 weeks, didnt tell anyone anything. Literally, we called police, hospitals etc. Then he resurfaced and announced he was engaged to a Filipino.
A long photo show later, I was interested the the paradise island(s) I had just seen and the beautiful girls etc. After learning from my friend he had found his love from www.asiankisses.de I joined. First girl was a disaster - asked for money straight away. Second girl was/is my fiance and the rest, as they say is history. I hoped for love before we met, had constant lust when we met and total respect because she made it clear she wasnt a good time girl and it was marriage or nothing.

Were getting married 7th August!!:Hellooo: